Anime – Vinland Saga [TV]

Anime Jan 1, 2020


Starts out and things pick up pretty quick. It follows mainly Thorfinn who is set on vengeance with the person that he wants to kill having his own goals. Both characters are followed throughout the season with an ending that is to be expected but the way it happens. Gives the viewer a `did that really just happen, bravo` feel lol.

Little over a quarter into the series we are introduced to a badass called Thorkell. Boi can just chuck logs like tennis ball. He is the third main person that is followed throughout the rest of the season. With the background battle for the crown happening and deceit tactics taking place, we are taken through political situations from the moment Thorkell is introduced up until even the last scene.

The final episode doesn’t wrap up much but does conclude in a nice way where if there is no second season it would be acceptable but acceptable is all. There is still a large amount of ways the show can branch out and continue, it concludes the vengeance arc but that is only one piece of a larger plot that is going on.


The visuals are top notch for the most part. They are clear, clean and crisp but the main problem is the water animation. Its not that the water is bad but due to the studio that has made it, the standard is set very high for them and when comparing other works to here it’s a bit lackluster. The water most of the time is meh and poorly done, standing out quite heavily from the rest of the animation. One thing to point out that isn’t bad but more funny is the way they choop the ice off the buildings. It’s a literal block and flop there it goes heh, it makes sense but funny to see and probably could have been done better so it doesn’t stand out so much.

The music is good and suits the mood and situations that are happening at the time. The soundtracks have a variety that matches with the different moods they have, and silence is used appropriately. Not much to say since it is well done and placed properly.

Final Thoughts:

The show is well done and quite enjoyable to watch through. Some parts of later episodes with the message being conveyed can hit pretty hard. Especially the snow village episodes ending with the lady walking through the snow. That was probably tied for favorite part, the way that scene was executed and how it was phrased was perf.

The series definitely did get better as it progressed and up until the end kept the standard where it was set.

I would highly recommend the show to those interested in Vikings and a well done series with a story that keeps you interested throughout. There are unexpected times and parts that are predictable but not the predictable that is annoying.

Characters (main) – 4.5/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 4.5/5

Music – 4/5

Story – 4/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 83%



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