Anime – Shinsekai Yori [BD]

Anime Jan 4, 2021


Humanity has changed and the world turned into a different type of place with the only ones known to be left with an ability called Cantus. Saki is confused about the society and the rules they have imposed on the society they live in. She and her friends are left to find the answers about why and how it has become and needs to stay this way. On a school trip they find out a bit of a revelation.

Several time skips happen following her path of enlightenment with each easy to follow. As the show progresses the darker tone that is set early on follow through even after the initial questions are answered. If anything, it slowly got more depressing as it went on due to the changed that was happening. The reasoning behind said change can be interpreted as a direct comparison to todays society and how people grow up with a heavier feeling of loss as time goes on depending on the mindset one is looking through.

There really isn’t any main villain throughout but more of two different sides that are pushing for survival. Each has their own reasoning for why they choose the path and actions they execute. The final eps concluding lines are probably some of the most impactful as it only confirms what people had been thinking throughout but not wanting to fully accept as truth. A fight of survival with the conviction to survive, not wanting to submit under the rule of another. Both sides fearing the same fate that will inevitably be bestowed upon them. One of the most memorable quotes from midseason is “Isn't it a mistake to judge queerats through the lens of human ethics?” which captures the opposing views quite well, especially with the final eps ending statements.


Visuals were done very well to a point. There were a few scenes that seem to have missed a polish treatment in final BD release which is a shame. Some of the outlines were just missing from the characters that made it look quite meh. Only a few scenes had this happen and was very apparent which is a shame to an otherwise gorgeous looking anime, especially considering the time it was released in. Animation and quality hold up even near 10 years later and even still tops some.

Oddly enough there is no opening sequence except for episode 16… sort of. The opening isn’t really a traditional one. They have an opening song playing but the visuals are still content but was done in a type of hybrid style which was strange but fit well enough with what was happening at the time. Both ending themes are pretty standout and enjoyable to listen through while mating well with the feel of the show. Background ost’s and sound effects could have been done a bit better. In that the ones used were not as powerful as it could have been to further evoke certain emotions at given times. They do the job and keep the viewer immersed without thinking about them much which is good enough though.

Final Thoughts:

Not much to say except id highly recommend to others that are wanting a darker themed show that concludes a post-apocalyptic world in a unique way. It puts forth rules and regulations but as the character grows shows exactly why things are the way they are without holding back. The viewer will understand and accept even if they believe it is wrong, know that it is necessary given what would happen if intensive measures are not taken.

Seeing the subtlety throughout the world of what has been lost and what is left. Barred away places that have been marked and basically forgotten. It was a showing that no matter what happens there is only demise but is simply being prolonged. Cities lost to time and buried away in hopes that, that past would be forgotten so the ones that left will not react. It’s a very depressing world that is shown and left. A world full of covering up and blind eyes that slowly lead to a fate they are desperately trying to avoid. Taking actions to avoid and believing it a solution for how to prevent, without taking actions that further the cause. It becomes more of a delayed countdown and we are dropped into the world near its ending point before it is truly over.

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 3.5/5

Story – 4/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 78%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.