Movie – Richard Jewell

Movies Jan 10, 2020


Jewell was raised and aspired to upkeep and uphold the law. In every way of his life he would directly link how he was acting and comparing it to the how the law would react. He was bounced from one job to another mainly due to going outside the bounds that the job entitled. One of the jobs he was relieved from was where he would intentionally pull over people on the freeway and physically press people when he was only security instead of full-fledged cop. His reasoning makes sense but it’s a bit much to say the least. His actions are not bad, but they are too much even if his reasoning was sound and stable.

During the Summer Olympics of 1996 in Atlanta he was doing a security job there. Partway through he spots and finds what he thinks is a bomb and insists on following protocol. Others doubted him and didn’t take it serious but eventually the real officers caved and went through with following proper protocol. Turns out that he was correct in his assumptions but during the investigation due to his past and how he acts with his mentality towards upholding the law no matter what, he is now a suspect for being the one that planted the bomb.

The rest of the film showcases how the law he was trying so hard to upkeep turned on him and was only against him. He was guilty until proven innocent. Both his life and his moms [he lived with her] for a couple months were complete hell. As the film progressed you see how what he once viewed as something to aspire to shifted to something that was not entirely what he believed.


The visuals throughout the film are clean and clear. There are no problems with how it is shot, the visual affects for the bomb were good enough and lighting matches what one would expect.

Music throughout is on par with visuals in that there is silence used at appropriate times along with OSTs that match the mood to help immersion.

Final Thoughts:

It’s a movie that going into it I had little to no expectations but came out very satisfied. It is directed by Clint Eastwood and have to say the films he has been directing lately are well done. Its starting to reach a point where if you see he is the director can expect it to be at the bare minimum to come out feeling satisfied.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.