Movie – Penguin Highway

Movies Aug 27, 2020


Lil boi with young grill in a soon to be intimate relationship? I think so, flags set and posted, he aint hit puberty yet and she knows it. Means they safeguarded from needing to spend on the rubber… hopefully… lol

Entire premise is having the boi Aoyama solve a mystery that surrounds his dentist lehdeh. Only using the term mystery may not sound appropriate or vague, but iah it is a perfect way of describing it. There are mysteries that he is wanting to solve and so does experiments throughout the film to gather and gain information regarding them. Aoyama is a 4th grader by looks and age but mentally around late high school college. There is another student in his class that, somehow is on par with mental level where first shot of her she be learning and researching into the theory of relativity, but again they are only in 4th grade lol. It’s a fun contrast to most other films that attempt a younger cast. Throughout the time the experiments are being conducted the cast doesn’t grow much which is for the best, it keeps in the small amount to people to tell the story through.

In the Aoyamas class there is the generic bully… but this generic bully is one that is shown to be getting wisdom teeth pulled, at the ripe age of 10ish, like damn school must have been hard on him or something. Aoyama realizing this of course trolled a bit.

The name of the film is a bit strange but is directly linked and named early on. Penguins are prominent and shown to have their own twist that adds to the enjoyment.


Visuals are simply gorgeous. From the dew on the grass to the skyscapes they crafted. Everything has a high fidelity to detail. Movements and animation keep up from the smaller effects to the larger and more complex movements of some of the stuff shown. Won’t get too much into detail as it’ll speak for itself. It is up there with some of the best and highly recommend watching a direct stream of bd or purchasing it to watch as regular streams will compress and tarnish the quality that is there.

As for the OST’s, I mean they do their job with silence used appropriately and playing certain tracks to enhance immersion which is exactly what they are there to do. No complaints to them but at the same time nothing grand or special about them, the visuals heavily overshadow and compensate.

Final Thoughts:

Surprisingly this film was one that I went in with some low expectations of not knowing what to expect. Pleasantly was surprised that by the end I was quite immersed and engaged with the film. Has its comedy placed appropriately and smooth as it should be in everyday convos with others. It felt natural.

Penguins as per the name of the film are shown throughout and what can be said about them is that they stay true to being one of, if not the best animal. Especially for how they are shown lol. They fly, swim walk act and well are things of unimaginable origin :D

I do recommend the film to those wanting an enjoyable movie to watch and pass the time with a more wholesome type message that gets across [?] /shrug its nice and enjoyable lol.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.