Movie – White Boy Rick

Movies Jan 2, 2022


White boy rick is one of those movies a person tosses on more than likely without many expectations. It starts out happy and cheery at the start of film and progresses into a saddened state of realization for how it is going to end.

Rick is the child of a legally licensed arms dealer. His dad lost his wife and has been living on the edge without much money and having a hard time keeping his family together. He lost his wife while Rick was still young. The entire family lives in Detroit with Rick constantly asking why and what the reasoning is for still living there. He doesn’t like living there but makes the best out of what he can with what he has available. Rick and his dad get involved with the feds for selling and distributing silencers when his license didn’t allow for it. Rick saw the only way out was to cooperate with the feds so that his father wasn’t going to be jailed or prisoned.

At a certain point Rick finally has enough and stops cooperating with the feds in fear of his own safety. Sadly, even after stopping contact with them there is a moment that forces him to be a bit drastic and get back into the business the feds were forcing his hand into. This time without their protection from the repercussions of his actions. Was shown that they could mitigate and nullify certain situations should they arise as it was in the feds best interest to keep him safe. Without the protection of the cops though it was only a matter of time before something was going to happen again. Everything kept going up, or at least appeared to be, until it was suddenly cut short. The feds met with both Rick and his dad again but this time with a false sense of `we will save you from this all`. When in reality, the viewer knows the outcome but what else could they have done, was better to try something than nothing. The court date comes up and a sentence is trialed against him, all based on his true story.


Visuals were done well and kept with the low income and heavy side of Detroit. Would say its not the lowest part of Detroit though, there are worse, but his location is bad… well so is all of Detroit though lol, its not known to be the best of places. Cars, people’s attire was all matched to the time. There is a nice filter overtop that sets the mood quite well with good camerawork for most scenes.

Music is good enough for what the film is. Nothing too grand or special but is there when needed and helps to keep up immersion which is all a nice touch. No complaints or out of place music that wouldn’t fit well.

Final Thoughts:

Would recommend to those wanting a well-directed story that has good flow and is simply put a nice film to watch. Honestly, was not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised in what was given. They portray and showcase the story of White Boy Rick so that it is understandable and easy to follow along. Helping people see his perspective of everything going on and how a life sentence is definitely too harsh given the circumstances.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.