Movie – The Hitman's Bodyguard

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Kincaid is a hitman who was caught and imprisoned but has inside knowledge and proof of the actions Dukhovich has done. Dukhovich is the person who is on an international crime court trial. Kincaid is offered a deal to set his wife free if he were to show up and show the evidence he has. He immediately signs the contract that he will show up to the court hearing. Upon having this deal signed, trained, highly skilled peeps were tasked with delivering him on time to the hearing.

To no one’s surprise this ended in failure and that is where our other main character comes in, Bryce. Bryce and Kincaid have an interesting backstory, but Bryce was in no position to deny the job so goes through with confirming he will now be the one to deliver Kincaid to the court.

With the main 2 cast setup together, the journey begins for them to reach the court. For obvious reason they there was a rift between them, well a one sided one since Kincaid dgaf but Bryce does and for good reason that was explained. Kincaid’s character was done by Samuel L Jackson and to be honest, he was a perfect fit for the role. With his voice and way of acting that is more carefree do it my own way, it matched with the character he was supposed to be.

Throughout the entirety of the movie it will have comedy spread throughout whether by spoken lines or setups that are at times expected and others not so much. There are some serious moments mixed in as well as Bryce’s long-lost love… that he ruined for himself through his false assumptions. The movie is more focused on the character development of Bryce. Kincaid’s character didn’t have much to improve, he is a carefree do it his own way and not wait for anybody else kind of guy. By the end Bryce comes to terms about his false assumptions and changed how he shifted the blame of his problems to somebody else back to realizing that the blame was derived from his own actions instead.


There is a fair amount of blood and explicitly shown wounds that are inflicted onto the characters throughout the movie. There is no care to try to cover them up. I like how this was done since most movies, even ones that are R rated try to make it more pg with covering up violence by convenient cover ups, briefing over wounds so no detail is shown or just showing bloody spots where a wound should be. With the movie earning a NC-17 rating, there is no little restrictions or need to tone down what is being shown. If they covered up the wounds and only showed blood, probably would have been tagged a R movie, however that was luckily not the path chosen and I feel assists in immersion making it more believable. There are no sex or explicitly lewd type scenes and the NC-17 rating is strictly from the violence.

Camera shots had some pretty heavy shaky cam at times but it wasn’t terrible, it was not the best of choices but acceptable. For the most part the entire movie was filmed good with panning shots that are nice and visually appealing. No real complaints about how the movie was shot.

The audio was good with clear vocals throughout. All the music used had been enjoyable and helped with immersion or matched the scene as one would expect, also have no complaints on that part. Silence was used at times and music to help evoke more emotions to keep the viewer immersed at others.

Final Thoughts:

I would recommend the movie to people and believe it to be pretty solid throughout. Beginning was a setup for how the 2 main characters were going to be together on this journey so of course was a bit less intense than the rest of the movie but in no way should that affect the overall viewing experience. If anything, rewatching the beginning of the movie after finishing the film would be a good idea so you could solidify the entire plot… although the plot is very simple and easy to understand lol... guy needs to be taken to court to jail other person kek

There is a lot of blood and explicitly shown wounds so for those that cannot handle blood or stuff like that shown on screen, probably best to avoid the movie. What was shown is not extremely graphic by any means, its more realistic I guess you could say. None of this was put in to gross the viewer or give it more shock factor though.

There are no sex scenes or graphic nudity, couple shirtless guys here and there but that’s about the extent it goes, the movies NC-17 rating is not derived from those types of acts which I quite liked. A movie doesn’t need to have the main character rodding another for the movie to feel complete and good. nearly every one of those scenes in movies is just filler to pad the time out anyways If I wanted to watch a porno there are plenty of alternatives.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.