Movie – Stuber

Movies Mar 2, 2020


A surprisingly short movie at only an hour and a half… including credits. Very simple plot and focuses on a more comedic aspect. Cop that is going blind becomes not so blind but in the transition period is at the cusp of solving a case. Jokes throughout of how he is blind.

Bautista is the cop and hires and uber with some slight complications. The uber driver hired is actor Kumail Nanjiani, both together wouldn’t expect to be the best of combos but they do a good job and pull off a entertaining film.

The Uber driver Stu, Nanjiani, is having a hard life and in a bit of depression with not understanding why his life is the way it is and the only thing he is looking forward to throughout the film is getting a nice lil piece of ass… sadly that lil bit of ass keeps getting delayed and pushed later and later due to Vic, Bautista, eh lets go with Big B. Big B don’t care about Stu getting some ass for the most part and is solely focused on his job and wont let Stu leave until the job is finished.

Little bit of deceit and plot twist that isn’t too shocking or anything near the end with an ending that gives a bit of a laugh.


Visuals are good throughout with everything being clear/easy to see. Not a lot of buffer scenic shots, throughout the film its more plot and done.

Music throughout is pretty weak but it wasn’t really anything that needed to be strong. It does what its supposed to and cant really ask for more in that aspect.

Final Thoughts:

For anybody wanting to pass some time and have a few laughs here and there I recommend giving it a watch.

Its not the best of movies but not the worst either, went in with no expectations of how it will be and think that’s for the best.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.