Movie – Spider-Man: Far From Home

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Another Spiderman or should say boi in this one given his age, minor details though. Call it the blip and he is 21 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Anyways, it’s a quick and simple movie where we have this time around. They tried to make a call towards multiverse and luckily they didn’t follow up with it since that would probably mean another endgame situation and :mahgahd: don’t want to type another one of those reviews lol.

Mysterio is the main person that Spiderman is up against, but he is and isn’t a villain. Mysterio is more after recognition for his actions and we are given backstory about who and why his group even exists. Spiderman in this instance just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time leading to the events of this movie.

There are 2 after credit scenes for this movie, one being a troll moment for Spiderman and the second being a scene that shows a nod to the next Captain Marvel movie from the looks of it… she and the character itself is a meme in my eyes, only so much disappointment a man can handle :feelstacoman:


The visuals were something else and not in a good way. The budget from scene to scene was all over the board from looking very good at times and other parts making you think `this is a multi mil budget film?`. When it came to Mysterio’s power at the end of the movie the CGI used was great but then most of the rest was on par of an amateur using after effect. Was very strange but prominent to point out. Most CGI looks bad a year or two later but, in this instance, it already was bad for the most part with only some parts melding into the film the way it should.

Music was decent and good enough. Wouldn’t say it added to the immersion but was there when needed. Only a couple times did the sound affects sound truly out of place and knowing Marvel, don’t know if it was on purpose or not lol.

Final Thoughts:

If a person is into Marvel movies, then this will satisfy. It is a good movie and you get your Spidy fix. Sadly, the portrayal of Spiderman in comparison to how the comics and original persona of him has a different feel than I believe he should. Most prominent change to his personality I did not like was Mysterio’s death and Spiderman dgaf, but Spiderman has never been portrayed to be emotionless even for a villain’s death.

The cringe comedy that I detest is finally on its downfall… for now from the looks of it. Nothing but praise there, there is some but for the most part its bearable and not shoved down your ears every other line.

The movie is enjoyable and the action throughout was alright but the pairing between Spiderman and the enemies was not ideal. At least the execution of how he was fighting them was weak. No variation or thought put into the fights making them feel dull, explosions, jump shots and a few other camera techniques were used to make the fights feel more intense than they were.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.