Movie – Ralph Breaks the Internet

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Ralph loves to break things, he breaks buildings, stones, rocks women, preferably small and loosely considered royalty… but let’s not go into this darker past or hobbies. Afterall this movie was to help him cope and grow as a character.

A new *game* was brought into the arcade and due to Ralph wanting to get little jimmy some action that night caused Fit It In Fuckboi to have 15 new children and somehow his wife went along and agreed to it. Ralphs charm is honestly something else to behold.

Due to this mishap, Ralph and his fetish had to go into the new game brought in, in order to fix the problem that was derived from his lust. Not saying it is his fault… but can anybody blame him [?], oddly enough yes. With him sunken into regret, his journey into the unknown begins.

Along this journey, he encounters several things such as con men, dark hidden places, strange people with growths in unexpected spots, gangs, con artists and more. How he was capable of surviving is beyond me but all I can say is the Ralphs charm is something else, had me falling for him by the end.


Throughout the entirety of the movie, all the animation is enjoyable to look at and watch. From the little twitter birds to the all of the easter egg characters in the background. At nearly any point in the film, pausing during a scene will hold several appearances of random characters that are in some way connected to Disney which is quite the nice touch. Colors are vibrant and clean, and in comparison, to the first film `Wreck It Ralph` it only improved.

Music is good throughout, there were some songs the characters sang, and all of the background music helped with immersion to make the film feel shorter than it actually was. In total it is a 2-hour film which for a kids-oriented film is on the longer side since those generally range from 1 hour to ~ hour and a half.

Sound affects were appearing to be appropriate given the scene or action at the time… Wilhelm scream confirmed and spotted making it all the better.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, I found the film to be enjoyable and packed with jokes throughout. I did feel it was stronger at the beginning in comparison to the second half the film but as the film progressed it focused more on the character development of Ralph. Fixing his obsessive personality and tendencies.

At times throughout the film Ralph did get annoying but it was for reasons in the plot that make sense by the end since the film is oriented around fixing the boi after all lol.

I would recommend the film to anybody wanting to pass the time and have a lighthearted good time. Luckily the film didn’t have any slow or pacing issues that made the film feel longer than it is. The 2 hours went by pretty quick.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.