Movie – Pitch Perfect 3

Movies Feb 19, 2021


Much better than second film. They dropped most of the forced comedy and unpredictable yet predictable moments. Not to say its unpredictable but rather it has a better plotline with better flow and doesn’t feel forced for the most part. Of course, *Comedy Gold* does have her part but luckily, she isn’t shoehorned in at every second to make every scene atrocious and annoying to sit through. She felt more in place with how she was in the first film. I guess she is compared to how people view Mater from cars. He was there and did his thing in the first, the second was shoved a bit much to the audience and third was toned back down. Similar thing happened here and for those that don’t like such a forced appearance and act, was nice to have such a change as it adds a lot to the enjoyability of the film.

Bellas have all graduated and are invited for a reunion… sort of. After arriving and coming to the realization that it wasn’t what they thought, they then had an idea of making one last go at it together to feel the old days again. DJ Khaled is having a few bands/performers perform to see what ones he likes the best to choose them.

Alongside this, *Comedy Hold* has her side story incorporated with her father which at times was really the only thing that felt forced. Due to how little it was shown and shoved throughout, was tolerable and somewhat matched with the theme they had going. Some small drama sprinkled in here and there but nothing too far, was the right amount.

As for the romance, thank god they scrapped and ended the forced relationships of past movies. Probably one of the best parts, the interactions and way they shoved it in our face was nasta. Luckily, it’s gone and started over. The relationships they sparked up this time around felt more natural [?]. Movie type natural at least. The people were expected to go together but all of it was more of a one-night stand situation except for probably one character. That one character not even confirmed but more hinted at and liked how they did that a lot more. However, this might be a setup for the 4th movies `reunite with past` bs. Pure speculation though, just feels likely to happen and can only hope it doesn’t.


Visuals throughout has some good camera angles if yknow what I mean :mrclean:. Camerawork was more traditional and didn’t try to do anything special. At the very end in the collage they had, was a few different ones such as the self cam down slide but was put where its best suited. All the people looked good and design for each stage and place they were on matched and worked well together.

Music is as good as prior films. They have for the most part, popular songs, but then throw in some not as well-known ones. Lip sync was better than the last one but still some parts that make you double take on it. Nothing too bad though, and same goes for lip sync in that its good enough and not worth the time and effort to perfect it. All the Acapella moments are well done and add their own flair to either match the scene or suit the song better for how its being performed.

Final Thoughts:

Very similar vibes to the first Pitch Perfect film. Very nice that they aimed to make the movie good instead of forgettable with all the cringe shit the second was forcing in. Was a nice balance and would recommend to those who liked the first film. Those who were not as enthusiastic about the second should enjoy this one a lot more. This one is a lot more memorable and should hold up comparable to how the first one has. Doesn’t require a person to need to watch with others to make it an enjoyable experience. Really the only bad part was the beginning portion where they had to include explosion and the dreadful *this is why people will watch this* scene and plotline. If that was left out and converted to something that matched better the film would have been better but as is, its still good enough for what they are aiming for.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.