Movie – Pitch Perfect 2

Movies Feb 19, 2021


Bellas are performing for US President and have a mishap of flashing everybody. *Comedy gold* of the movie is supposed to be a shock comedy moment where its `something unexpectedly expected, haha funny gunny` type of moment. Like most of the film, it was forced comedy that plagues way too many American shows and movies. It is the type of comedy that is most prominent for getting people to talk about something and gain a quick short interest that will get another person to check out what it is about. Basically its like when you hear a person talking about something too far out there where you have to ask tf they talking about... which in turn gets more viewers and revenue, but not the memorability factor. Nothing is memorable throughout the film and is more of a B class movie than anything. It feels like the guy everybody has in a class that is trying way too hard. Enjoyable in the sense that it isn’t a waste of time and is nice to sit through and joke towards the film with friends and others instead of one that is enjoyable alone and with others. It isn’t memorable and quite forgettable but treads that line and accomplishes it well enough with the topic they are setting out to accomplish.

Anyways, after the incident they are forced to either make it or break it. In that they either win the upcoming competition or that’s it. There is a new member who has quite a forced relationship put upon her and was bleh. Hard to watch the scenes where they force her and the other person to be together. Was easy to tell directors motive from the beginning. Seemed like they needed to have some *unexpected romance* scenes, which she happened to fit the mold of, or didn’t but well had to lol. Predictable plot and scenes with a build of drama, climax and resolution that had no question or doubt about how it would go. Pretty much a very basic plot that was in between B movie and Halmark, that alone is a feat to have pull off.


Good enough camera work considering the type of film it was. It matched with what should be. Only thing that felt a bit off was in the 3rdquarter where they had the single person cams in slides. Felt a bit out of place in comparison to the rest but eh, it isn’t anything to really complain about.

Music due to being an acapella film was on point as expected. Sort of an overlap with visuals is their lip-sync at times was a bit :yikes: ~~Greenbay Packers, looking at you kek~~. Again, is a small complaint and is something that is very hard to perfect and with the time itd take to obtain better sync just not worth. The songs they played matched with the scenes mood and was done well with good production and attention to detail throughout. Not a musician by any stretch, to me it seemed good but not sure how good lol. Have not heard of producers criticizing or saying their production per songs is bad so if its good enough for no mainstream complaints than no reason I could see it as anything less than good enough imo /shrug.

Final Thoughts:

Yes was a bit harsher on this movie than others but in reality they are not anything that would prevent me from stating this is a film that id recommend to most types of people. It has a special appeal that touches the right places for wide variety of people to derive enjoyment out of. Variety of characters and people in the film is something that helps… even though that is intentionally this way and can be perceived as forced but that’s also Hollywood for you in our day and age. Several jokes throughout that will go over peoples head if they don’t doubletake on it or think about the line they said which is a nice touch. Makes watching again more enjoyable. Definitely is a film meant to be watched with another or several others and not looked at too intently. Its fun and lighthearted with a shoehorned message in there that iah felt out of place when put in perspective of the rest of the film. Regardless, still doesn’t change anything. ~~im just really not a fan of the forced romance and cringe `leave a silence spot that is supposed to indicate you are supposed to be laughing like how older shows played laughing tracks` :nyuck:~~

It is honestly nice how they didn’t just try to copy paste what made the first movie what it is. Felt different enough to be just that, different but connected and worthy of being a sequel instead of just a cash grab ~~starwars 7-9 enters chat~~. Too bad they didn’t leave out more of the in the times memes talk and jokes as those never age well and make this type of film harder to watch even a couple years after release. Would have been better if they scripted alternative jokes that aren’t as dependent on current time of release. Especially since these scripts and jokes are also already out of date due to film making process.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.