Movie – Parasite

Movies Mar 15, 2020


This is quite a different film than what most are that are being pumped out in merka. Plot is quite simple, it’s a parasitic poor family infecting a rich household to make life better for themselves. Begins with a family friend giving a recommendation to our main man *Kevin*. Kevin realizes that there is an opportunity to better his family’s life so does just that and devices intricate plans to slowly work to be close with the family and bring his family in.

Around 2/3rds of the way through the film there is a plot twist that shifts the entire tone of the film all the way up until the end where the tension that has been building up from start to finish of the film finally comes to its conclusion.

With the way the film ended, it is something that was not too expected. More from the aspect that the way it ended up getting to that point was not expected with the twists that happened even to the point of the last 5 minutes.


Visuals throughout were great, the way they portrayed the characters, how the shots were done to add more suspense and even the color pallet used. All was done very well without any complaints for how it was done. There are several points where one could rewatch and find more details or little things here and there that were missed upon first viewing.

Music achieved what it should in making the viewer more immersed and involved in the film with each scene. They had more of an eerie type of vibe that was at times giving a similar feeling to hereditary. Where you believe something will happen but then thinking about it you know nothing will… for the most part :D lol

Final Thoughts:

This is a great film. Have watched it 3 times at this point… for various reasons. Its good enough to keep coming back to so would highly recommend it to anybody wanting a good film that will be time well spent. There is some blood and scenes that are along those lines. Its not something that is major throughout but more of something to be aware of. The scenes with blood do not last long and are something that need to be watched through otherwise a major story point will be missed.

Even though the film is very simple and a topic that generally is hard to pull off as something interesting the movie did a good job at taking its own twist.

There are some points that are left unknown in the end which is a shame but for the most part all points and things that were shown throughout the film conclude properly. Its not much left unanswered and isn’t necessary to have answered but would be nice to know given how the ending was.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.