Movie – Midsommar

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Midsommar is in the same verse as `Hereditary` . Unlike the first film, it leans more towards plain fucked up, what is happening type of genre… if you can call it that. The entire time, just like Hereditary, you’ll question what is going on. Not because the plot doesn’t make sense but it poses questions in your mind that simple come down to – Why… why are they doing this - .

There is an eerie feeling throughout the entire film, capturing the creepy vibe you are wanting from a different take on the horror genre.

The way that horror is done is not through jump scares, all the details and what is expected happens while unexpected long pans of certain scenes and unique camera techniques are used to add to the feeling of disbelief that will inevitably happen throughout.

Not much of the plot can be stated without spoiling due to the way the film is crafted together. A very brief overview is that one of the main characters is in a relationship and has experienced traumas showcased in the first few minutes of the film. Her mental state is then deteriorated to its breaking point of no return by the end at which point the expression on her face is that the film ends on. There are a few *friends* that tag along for this oversea trip. There will be questions left lingering like the first one by the end. It is safe to say this one leaves more loose ends, at least on initial watch. More than likely looking closer at the background details will reveal more answers that are not first recognized.


The way the filming was done throughout the film was great, there was a wide mix of wide-angle shots, close ups and intricate camera work that is rarely if ever used In films or any form of media that I have watched in the past. From beginning to end there is no point that they drop the film techniques and go more simplistic.

Music throughout is something that was not used to fill space or time as needed but rather served a purpose to evoke certain emotions in the person given the scene being played. Throughout the movie there is a large amount of silence and no music at all which only further adds to the eeriness of the film and I find that to be great.

Final Thoughts:

I find the movie to be quite enjoyable throughout the entire 2 and a half hoursish. It is slower paced, but the slow pace is to add to the feeling the director is wanting the people to feel as they watch through. Even with its slow pace, it was not hard or uncomfortable to sit through and flowed well.

For an R rated film, I am surprised at how graphic some of the parts of the film were. Boundaries were pushed and teetering on becoming an NC-17 film. Hard to imagine if they went all out and didn’t care if it was NC-17. Would have been a lot more graphic but don’t think that would have added anything meaningful to the viewing experience.

Would only recommend the movie to those who are into the horror genre and can handle graphic scenes, it is not a movie for the lighthearted. One scene has a blood eagle… if you don’t know what it is don’t look it up as it is very graphic, for those who do know that’s how far they pushed the film with showing it in its entirety. Jump scares are basically nonexistent except for one instance that could be considered jump scare but was completely expected.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.