Movie – John Wick 3

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Slight social awkwardness mixed with a finite amount of ammo, action and death is what this movie is packed with. Continuing immediately from the second one and his actions putting a big boi in Low Table, the hunt is on for this hunter due to breaking one of the main rules.

The bounty on his head reached the top of the charts from the get-go and with such a high bounty brought about all the bounty collectors. The action from start to finish doesn’t end. A few scenes of cooldown but they are minor taking only a few minutes total.

Everything is based around him being on the run and how he goes about being hunted, oddly enough ninjas make an appearance and with them, everything one would expect happens. Lots of swordplay and interesting [?] ways of death occur due to it. Dual mini boss with respectful foes testing their skills against John. The fight which was built up immediately follows with the ending of the movie taking a turn I was not anticipating. The ending leads to a setup for John Wick 4 and more than likely a 5th to end his saga from the looks of it. At most it might be 6 movies but that would be pushing it unless they throw us another curve ball.


In terms of visuals, the fights and having every reload of John’s guns is great. Not enough movies show that there is no such thing as unlimited ammo in real life. As he is shooting you can count the shots and for the times I was paying close enough attention they all added up to the right amount helping with the immersion. Some of the physical fighting scenes were decent on the other hand. At times you look and go `That punch wasn’t even a punch, yet he jolted excessively`. It is funny at first but a tad annoying and something that probably could have been done better as other movies have shown to do better hand to hand punches. It is still well above average but falls short of great. Same could be said when they are kicking a person into glass, I remember fondly one scene where the glass held up strong until he got shoved into it and then the glass shattered which didn’t make much sense. Both are a bit nitpicky though and do not take away from the enjoyment.

In terms of the music, it blends and keeps the immersion going throughout. Never felt there was an out of place moment or misplaced track. When it comes to the sound effects, the people doing them got a bit out of hand. It was probably to help people feel a fights intensity… which for some in the theater it more than did that as one old guy next to me started pumping his fist and talking with a loud whisper as Wick was going ham on some people. For me I found they used too many effects, or maybe just not the right tone or pitch that made them feel out of place at times.

Final Thoughts:

I recommend anybody that is needing a action movie with an interesting story about a over ruling organization that organizes crime yet has strict rules to abide by. The world of John Wick is a fun one and is something anybody into lots of action with a side of story will like. It delivers what was promised which was good immersive fights with interesting and unique ways a person can die… no matter how that sounds lol

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.