Movie – John Wick

Movies Nov 22, 2019


The OG John Wick film, somehow, I missed this one when it released but did catch the third one so thought it best to piece together the rest lol. Its not really an origin story of the boi oddly enough. Its about him coming out of retirement unwillingly to take down a Russian Mafia that in his prime days, he built up. John is quite the character, he thrives and lives for these challenges with the guise that he is a simple man. He has been seen through, he is the man behind the curtain. Raising these organizations to the point that they might post a challenge to him. He is too strong for any prebuilt institute to take him on so he intricately crafts something that might stand a micro chance of stopping his madness.

Anyways, John went into retirement to live his life out with his wife. Due to unfortunate events with health times changed relatively fast. He was now faced with the parting gift, a dog. The dog was the last thing he had to clutch onto, keeping him sane and out of severe depression. Shortly after receiving the dog a certain Russian decided to take something from John and does so without first looking into who John is.

With the Russian taking what he held onto dearly, he left unknowing about what was to come. John of course was not happy so to break even with them took on the entire organization which is the arc this film covers.


Visuals are what one would expect from a action movie with a filter applied on top of it to give it a darker appearance and action vibe from every shot. All the visuals fit with the style of film and look good, accomplishing what it set out to do.

The music throughout the films, most of the time didn’t realize it was there which is a good thing. It helped keep immersion without the viewer noticing when it wasn’t there. Ending credits music and songs they placed throughout given the scene were good and matched with the what one would expect. Just like the visuals there are no complaints and its solid.

Onto the sound effects, it’s a strange thing to compare it to a later film but since the third was the first I watched it’s all I have to compare it to. The sound effects at time can feel a bit out of place but the action sequences are spot on. No complaints with the music and visuals and the sound effects is a marginal one, more of a thing to note than anything.

Final Thoughts:

With the film only a tad over an hour and a half it is surprising how long the movie felt but it goes to show how much content they were able to shove into the small timeframe. It is quick paced but not rushed.

I recommended the film highly to anybody wanting to watch a good and solid action movie. You’ll get a satisfied feeling by the end which is exactly what one would want from such movie.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.