Movie – Inception

Movies Mar 14, 2021


Inception is one of those films that can be viewed a couple different ways. Very surface level to quite in depth for how the world and everything they build operates. Contrasting reality from dream world and if any of the film was reality to begin with.

There is a dream world that a person crafts in the form of a maze to distract and add complexity, therefore prolonging the amount of time others can infiltrate the dream to gain what they want or need. The longer they stay or the more they change said dream, the conscious of the person they are invading becomes aware and as the movie states, will treat the invader like a virus and they are the white blood cells. The conscious will defend and try to eliminate the intruders as they are not meant to be there, so they want to cleanse their existence.

Inside the dream world, different layers can be formed which are shown to be dreams inside of dreams. Each layer of these dreams prolongs the time that can be spent inside. From simply minutes to hours to weeks and even years at times. The problem with the deeper levels is losing grip with reality due to the amount of time spent. Crafting and building worlds based on reality and memories are what further degrade one’s self sense of reality. Making it harder to cope once returned. Early in the film we are shown some who are thought to be escaping reality but promptly stated is that it’s the opposite, they are not escaping reality but joining back to their own which is inside the dream world. Their perceived reality is not the real world but rather the dream.

A method to help differentiate from the real world and dream state is to have a totem. This totem is something that only the user should know about the specifics of. One member has a loaded die. This die is rigged to a specific weight and when thrown will only ever come up one number and never anything else. The shape and other aspects of it are probably catered in a way that only he would recognize it. Another character has a chess pawn modified, a spinner and a wedding ring. Any item is feasible to use but the specifics of how it works can’t be known to another. Reason being, if another knows about the specifics, then they can and will be able to modify the dream worlds item that you have so that you believe the dream world is the real world. If this happens the person would not be able to properly differentiate between what is the true reality, believing the dream world is reality, thus being able to be manipulated in ways that otherwise would have failed given the person knew the difference.

With a *brief* overview of the workings of inceptions dream world… the plot itself goes along the same complexity. The man Cobb is hired to use inception on a person who is about to inherit a company. They want to implant an idea to break up the company in a way that would assist the one who is hiring him. Inception is as the word entails, it’s the beginning of something, the origin and original thought that a person has that is the beginning of creativity and motives. Achieving such a feat is something that is regarded as improbable due to the complexity and risks involved in doing it.

We are shown Cobb facing his internal struggles and grasp on reality throughout the film. He is struggling with something that has been eating away at him ever since the events unfolded. Due to the events of his past, he is not allowed back into the US on an account of the charges. Taking up this job is the only thing he has found thus far that would clear his name and allow him entry again. It is mainly only for a single reason that he wants to push so hard to go home that is shown throughout the film.


Visuals from start to finish, in dreamworld and reality are stunning, especially considering the age. They hold up very well and still trump a lot of modern films 10 years later. Everything is crafted and shot in a very articulated way. With nearly every scene being crafted to portray subtleties that assist in the understanding of where things are taking place. Be it that they are reality or dream. A major subtlety that is missed most first viewings is the wedding ring… to not spoil too bad. With the wedding ring being one of the ways to tell reality from dreamworld.

Music is one of my favorites from films. The grand orchestra that plays alongside everything that matches with the grand scale of the worlds they have built. It is great to say the least and very immersive. The way the sounds are done truly does capture and retain a persons attention throughout the entire two and a half hour long production.

Final Thoughts:

Inception is up there with the top movies for me. I highly recommend it to people that are looking for something enjoyable to watch and have a thought to. Its one of those films that is great to sit around with others discussing the complexities and intricacies of every scene and scenario that is put forth while also crafting and trying to expand within the set bounds in hopes to better understand what was shown.

Luckily, we are over 10 years from the inception of the film where on the 10th anniversary, an answer surrounding the ending was given in an interview. If Michael Caine is inside of the scene than it is a confirmed reality. Specifics as to why are not given but Nolan confirms this much which gives a clear answer to select scenes and especially the ending.

Inception is one of those movies that a person could go back and watch several times and still find smaller hidden details which is something that I highly enjoy about it. Watching it with others or alone offers comparable enjoyment with the most enjoyment coming from dissecting how and why the movie is. ~~just a shame about Ellen Page :pepehands: lol~~

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.