Movie – Holes

Movies Jul 31, 2021


As one of the more early Disney movies prior to becoming the behemoth they are today, Holes is quite an enjoyable movie. Both when first viewing or after a few times. It’s a well put together story about Stanley Yelnats put into an unfortunate situation guided by fate of his past relative. OG Stanley was to follow through with assisting this hag in the words truest of sense up a hill to fulfill the fortune otherwise be *blessed* with black cats luck. Due to unfortunate circumstances he of course didn’t follow through which leads to the story that generations later MC Stanley is put into.

Stanley is caught in a false theft and sentenced to either go to jail or a camp where they dig holes. Sounds pretty simple and on the surface it’s a camp that is here to send young men to that have done delinquent acts and force them to dig 1 hole a day to eventually straighten them out by the end of their service.

As the movie progresses we are flashing between past and present to clear up the missing points of what is going on and how each plot point is part of a predetermined destiny. All their apparent bad luck was all leading to the climax of the film and a satisfactory finish. It is pleasing to see how everything concludes and ends with a ending that wraps up most of everything without too many unanswered questions.


Given the movie is nearly 20 years old, easily have to say the visuals throughout are on point even for todays standards. Things are clean and clear with good camera work throughout. Not a lot that could be improved. Main downside is the CGI, oh it is dated but oddly enough not as dated as I was expecting. There are still some films coming out that have on par or worse CGI which was quite a pleasant surprise.

There are several songs by various artists throughout the film which probably equates to about a third of the film being OST’d by actual songs instead of traditional OST’s. All of the songs are well placed and work in accordance to the movie and help supplement a traditional OST from being in its place. It helps to add a certain type of charm to the film as a whole. Makes it more enjoyable to watch through, simply makes the film more relacing and fun. Disney was on point with the directing.

Final Thoughts:

Holes is a movie that I saw in childhood and heavily enjoyed with the progression, characters and plot. Watching it many years later and I firmly believe it still holds true, it isn’t a film that would be looked back with nostalgia that isn’t as good as one would remember. If anything watching it later and it is better than I recall, not many films are able to do that.

Would highly recommend others check this film out if they have not already. It is enjoyable and you get what you come in for, good story with an enjoyable plot throughout. Disney hit it gold you could say, it’s a bit of a timelss movie that could be released at any point in time and with minor changes hold strong… given they don’t shoehorn sjw/feminist bs that current politics loves shoving into peoples faces. Guess that might be the only thing that doesn’t hold up the best but they have a diverse cast kek so any complaints easily offended people have could be easily countered… except for gender bs. Ah a shame movies cant just be themselves like they used to be in merka.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.