Movie – Gran Turismo [23]

Movies Sep 28, 2023


Well well here we are again, another racing game for the kids… although it is not quite a racing game, it’s a sim dad. Hmm, racing sim does appear to better suit it rather than game. Albeit both are interchangeable depending on the use case of it lol.

Jann is a youngin seeking the thrill of driving. Yet the only way he has done so is through games. Going as far to buy a full racing setup for himself to enjoy. Until one day his friend lets him know that there is a message on the display saying he has been chosen to be one of the few selected to participate in a special offer. Sounds like a scam, although it is real. The offer being, if he is able to compete and complete a race with the other selected few around the world, he has the chance to work with a real race team.

Of course, he wins it, a close call to keep suspense high. Something this movie has done a great job of keeping tensions high even during what would normally be the down or low points. At the camp, the others are introduced. Some cocky and others simply bursting full of excitement at the opportunity to potentially have their dream become a reality through playing a game.

Throughout the training camp there are other participants dropping left and right until its down to the final few that are to race to achieve a victory. The winner being the one chosen to move on to the real races. Races that all other participants are laughing at how a *gamer* could possibly endure long enough to even complete a lap. Without fail, Jann surprises them all by completing the race. Albeit, not at a good position.

With his low ranking, the other teams have a certainty that their beliefs are a reality. A reality that he stands no chance with them in this ring. There are six more to go though and by the end Jann makes it. Just barely inching his way into obtaining his license. Allowing him to participate in a circuit. Nurburgring to be precise.

Before that though, since he is in Tokyo, a place he mentioned was a location he was always envisioning going to, he couldn’t help but hit up his special som’n som’n and enjoy the remaining time he had there before his first big time real race.

Things were looking great. Even as the race started, Jann led a strong positioning, taking others positioning left and right until an incident and fluke occurrence happened. Leaving him hospitalized with a spectator in the most unfortunate circumstance. Janns mentor was not about to let this stop Jann in his tracks though. He pushed Jann through so that the same fate didn’t have to afflict Jann as it did him. As his mentor and team leader expressed what happened to him 15 years in the past. Which ultimately led him to were he is now, with a regret that cant be fixed. Passing on his experience to Jann, Jann is able to make the right choice and move forward instead of stopping, standing still from then on.

Making matters worse though, several others teams are only trying to use this instance of what happened on the Nurburgring circuit as reason that no virtual drivers that learned to drive through simulation should be allowed to even touch a real track. Wanting the team shut down and any further from being able to have a similar opportunity. Even though the incident was anything but the fault of the driver.

To make all the others realize how wrong they are and to strengthen the financial backers confidence, the team decides to take on Le Mans Race. Not only participate, place and stand on the podium, regardless of the ranking they receive in the end. Needing two other drivers, the team brings in two of the other racers from the training camp. Helping them get ready and pushing them to take on the greatest and hardest race in the world. Each needing to be at their peak for the entire 24 hour long race, mid day, through the night and morning until the full day has elapsed.

Many familiar faces appear at the Le Mans. Each with their own history from the previous races that spark a fuel inside to prove to them that it is possible to be a real racer through the perseverance and hard work of topping their trade. Jann, partway through shows them why he was the right choice and with a few happenings and main events that occur, the race ends with a well deserved placement. Immediately followed by a quick conclusion and more showcasing of how Gran Torismo the game is taken care of. Taken care of from how they scan vehicles and sounds ect from real life into the game. Tagged with information regarding Jann and his over 200 races to date.


Visuals were done very well. They kept true to it being a video game movie first while blending it into reality. Several shots of a cars breakdown or lap lines, positioning placement above the car, and even the cars camera angles and timings. Inner workings of pistons, cranks and other components of the engine are shown in action with a blown out breakdown mid races. It was very nice to see how it was integrated in a way that did not affect immersion and really blended well with the rest of the movies presentation.

Music was also a strong point. From the car sounds, to the emotions that were conveyed through the voices. Background music melded just right to not stand out while not being too soft to lose any of the tension that was built up. It was able to ensure the viewer was able to keep engaged at every point with the smooth ramp down to cooldowns before the next big moment flowing nicely from one point to the next.

Final Thoughts:

Somehow a video game movie that is done right and very well at that. Went in with lower than normal expectations. Especially after some previous films seen in the past few weeks. It helps a lot that it is based on a true story though. They didn’t shove the game into the viewers face to make it feel forced. It was story first, with the game promotion being second. Nothing very standout that would or even should be changed. It did well for what it was and I would highly recommend others watch it. Quite the story of gamer to motorsport champion. The racer doesn’t need to be the best to tell a good story, with this film proving just that.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.