Movie – Frozen 2

Movies Dec 12, 2019


Frozen 2 continues off from where the first movie ended with a bit of a time skip. Instead of an eternal winter the adventure to find out where a voice is coming from begins. Elsa is the only one that can hear the voice. Finding out what the voice is and uncovering more details about Elsa and her powers is given.

Olaf… he is coming of age and a bit of a horndoggo. Some of the comments he was throwing out there really rustled my jimmies heh. He has come to the age of maturity but when really getting down to it, he doesn’t feel good Mr. Stark.

Story moves along steadily and is over before you know it. There is more happening than the first movie with the tone and characters feeling the same but with a slightly more serious vibe than prior.


All the visuals are great, from the water to the snow and smaller affects. It is blended well and only improves from Frozen 1’s visuals. Characters are more detailed and polished along with the world. Didn’t see any downsides only improvements and no complaints.

Music like other Disney movies is very prominent. Singing takes up a large portion of the film and similar to the first film, the songs are nice to listen to and wouldn’t mind them on repeat due to their quality. Background OST’s are used properly with silence used where appropriate given it immerses the viewer more. No complaints about the usage of it or its sounds affects, another refined section of the film.

Final Thoughts:

Not a lot to say about the film except it is very well done and imo only improves from where the first one left off. The character interactions are meant for both younger and older audience with jokes and situations that appeal to all ages. The film doesn’t feel long or slow even though it is a film that spans near 2 hours.

The film does take a more serious tone than the first but in a way that doesn’t feel out of place or ruin the feeling the original gave off. Have watched the original twice and similar to that one I feel each time rewatching will make the movie more enjoyable with the minor details and situations that were missed the first viewing.

The ending of the movie is something that gives a satisfying feeling and allows for potentially a third film but unlikely since a lot of the questions that were left unanswered from the first are now concluded.

Easily one of the best parts of the movie is Olaf retelling the entirety of Frozen 1. The way it is reenacted and the way it is described had me laughing pretty good. There were several times throughout the film that were real funny for one reason or another and that only adds to the enjoyability. I would highly recommended the film to others and will probably be rewatching/downloading upon BD release.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.