Movie – Frozen

Movies Nov 21, 2019


2 sisters left to fend for themselves, one barricading herself away for fear of the other and the other left out in the dark trying to be playful and enjoy the youthful days that will come to pass shortly. A confrontation happens that starts the true plot of the movie. Some could see it as a bit forced but it was a conflict that was built off years of neglection and secrets in hopes to keep the other safe.

There is a message about love, like other Disney movies but like the others each have their own twist on it. Lots of songs spread throughout, at times duel songs, not duets lol. Deception is another thing the movie shows in the form of a plot twist that is to be expected but not something that was completely predictable. Was more predictable due to the trope itself rather than the way it was done which was good to see.


Animation was done well and keeps the high standard up that Disney usually provides with its animated movies. They have a softer animation style than others but meld it well with highly detailed and dynamic scenes and location they showcase the characters in. In here it is varied from summer to freezing cold with both being detailed and looking real good.

The songs throughout the movie are memorable and enjoyable to listen to. Even after hearing them overplayed to no end over the years since the movie initially debuted, they were not annoying to listen to. Says a fair amount to the quality of the songs imo. Sound effects and music is used properly throughout, no complaints from either. The ost’s blend in and fit with a given scene… if they aren’t already singing lol.

Final Thoughts:

It’s a fun movie and quite enjoyable throughout. Weren’t any dull moments that made it feel like it dragged on, the pacing was solid. It is a movie that is meant for all ages with jokes and scenes that match any age group. Highly recommend the movie to others who have not seen it yet.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.