Movie – Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Hobbs and Shaw is a bit different than the previous Fast & Furious movies, but not in a bad way. The main crew we are used to seeing is not all present or even gets a cameo appearance which could be considered sad to some. With the death of one of the main cast, it was forced to change if it wanted to continue and survive as a ever-expanding franchise.

In this film we are greeted with the rock better known as Luke Hobbs in the series. Quite a few say he is a bad actor, or they hate him, but I guess he is a guilty pleasure of mine. Every movie I have seen with him in it I have enjoyed and found quite fun to watch through. I have always felt he does a good enough job in his roles and have seen most of the movies he stars in within the past few years. The other main character is Deckard Shaw [Jason Statham] who has a good spy look and feel every time I see him in films.

Both have a history from the previous films in the fast and furious verse. Both are to work together in order to stop a virus from spreading and going viral that will cause mass death. Obviously, neither wants to work together at first or even halfway through. Part of the comedy was showing how their relationship shifted more towards friends through battle and not friends through present interactions. Hobbs has an alternative reason for trying to bridge the gap but that is besides the point. The main villain is a soldier who is shown at the beginning of the film and appears to be enhanced in some way. This is expanded upon later and directly related back to the virus.


Visuals looked to have a filter on it that made it a bit darker than natural, but this is something seen on films quite often and I have always found it makes it look nicer. It goes well and matches the vibe they are going for. The camera shots were good and the cgi at times was noticeable and well I swear the location they went to later in the film looked green screened on. Don’t know if that was the case or not but it really did appear off lol. Maybe they will fix that for bd but highly doubt it, could have been the theater I went to, don’t really know. went to a new one this time around

Music throughout the film was good enough and didn’t feel out of place. The songs they went for matched what the feel of the movie goes for so no complaints, it accomplished what it set out to do. Sounds affects were also good and appeared to match well enough that no complaints can be had. Sadly, I didn’t hear a `Wilhelm scream` but would need to rewatch to confirm, they love to sneak that thing into movies discretely lately.

Final Thoughts:

Hobbs and Shaw, I found to be an enjoyable film although it had a different feel than the other Fast and Furious movies. However, this wasn’t a bad thing, change was necessary, and I think they did a good job changing it up a bit.

I would recommend people that want a good action comedy watch this film as it will be hard to be disappointed. Just keep expectations at knowing the film is not going to have the exact same vibe as the previous films in this series.

Based on the ending, there will be another Hobbs and Shaw combo on the rise to finish off the *enemy*. Have my guesses about who the main villain behind the scenes is going to be but I’ll keep that a secret until the next release to see if the prediction is correct or not.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.