Movie – Charlie's Angels

Movies Nov 22, 2019


No beating around the bush… this is the worst movie I have seen. It is a movie that is bad but tries to be good, edgy and hip… a mix that doesn’t work, oh and throw heavy feminist message on top and that’s the cherry, wooh.

Is thee even a plot, ya but barely. The entire plot is about some new source of energy or something, that wasn’t described well or went into detail because why would you go into detail for something that the plot is centered around. Spoiler… not even going to bracket it due to how bad and predictable the film was The energy is sold, then taken and best character comes in and shocks everybody but ends a couple min later with a scoody doo `I would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you feminists`.

Femitch is supposed to be the comedy gold of the film and man is she a Kyle. Fuckin kyle I swear, there are a couple of them in this film and mah gahd are they all a pain to even watch. Such terrible acting with the forced jokes and having her ugly arse on sexual display but don’t look since that’s sexual appropriation… :poortom: could rant for hours about this film. Briefing over Donkey, she just generic token and then got Dumb Bitch Number 3 who is the smartest around in hacking… but claims its impossible to hack something… that dumb broad 69 comes in and shows that her statement is beyond invalid by hacking within 10 seconds of sitting at a comp. But remember Dumb Bitch Number 3 is apparently masta haka, okokok ill stop before I go too far.


Cgi was flat out bad, out of place and very easy to tell when it was used. Very cheaply done in that movies from even over 10 years ago had better fluidity from the cgi to scene its being worked into, its honestly sad. Fights were weak and then the deaths that happened were tried to be forced as a comedy act completely dishonoring the fights. Fights were not enjoyable, they were simplistic and fem power overwhelms all in here, most didn’t even make sense since they were forced in just to have action.

OST’s in the background were too prominent and not helping immerse the viewer. Near every scene it was either too intense, not fitting or improperly used. There is the occasional moment where it might work good but that’s it, it only has those moments of music that is good, the rest is far below that high bar. Hard to reach a level where the best music of the movie is only on a level of good, most movies will have a low end of good but eh, ya just eh, nothing else to expand on. Eh summarizes a majority of the movie.

Final Thoughts:

Honestly was so close to walking out of the movie early several times but stuck it out somehow. There was some credit bs but nah I couldn’t take it anymore and left since it was already the end of the film and the minor detail stuff at the end I couldn’t care less for.

it’s a movie that will be forgotten by the time you wake up the next day. Completely forgettable cast, characters and plot mixed with a heavy feminist power movement.

Would I recommend this movie to anybody :hahaha: nah this movie aint even worth the time reading this review tbh, if you see it anywhere… burn it, shoot it but dont dig a grave since that doing it a service but please do shit on its ashes since that’s the only way to properly honor this film as it’s the ranking it deserves.

```Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A```



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.