Movie – Cars 3

Movies Dec 25, 2020


Lightning is faced with a bit of a midlife crisis where he is coming to terms with his generation is coming to pass by the younger more youthful and newer rookies. At first he has a bit of a hard time accepting that he needs to pass on the torch. Being forced to change, a small journey where he meets Docs mentor. There is another who tags along that he deems in the way but sees potential in as stated early on in the film. From their *training* travels Lightning teaches her the ropes and acts as her mentor. By the time they reach the main race lightning has grown a bit in that he has nearly come to terms about what needs to be done.


Visuals throughout are up to snuff for any pixar film. There is plenty of detail and attention to the smaller things from the tire tread to background signs. The lighting and reflections have gotten even better than the prior films. Pixar doesn’t disappoint in any animation aspect which is to be expected.

Music was good enough where the placement helps with immersion while also being pleasing to listen. The soundtracks throughout helps and do what they are meant to accomplish.

Final Thoughts:

Everybody’s favorite, Mator, well he doesn’t have a huge role like the second film but its probably for the best. He gets more sprinkled in when needed and adds the right amount of contrast alongside the new characters being implemented.

It is a well done film and enjoyable. As with the past 2, there isn’t anything spectacular but there is no reason it should be either. It’s a solid film that works and does comedy to the right amount without being forced ~~marvel films~~ … lol. While also having a decent paced story that doesn’t feel too fast or slow.

New characters that were shown had a good enough depth to them to make a person understand and like them. These new characters feel different enough from the rest of the cast, albeit a bit shallow but is also to be expected I think considering what the film was trying to get across in its story. It doesn’t try to overstretch and keeps it simple and to the point.

I recommend the film to anybody who would have either seen the previous films and liked them or even as a standalone since they give enough details and background to make it stand on its own without a person getting lost. If a person had started with Cars 3 they would be able to follow along and enjoy It without too many questions.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.