Movie – Bad Trip

Movies Jun 29, 2021


Our boi Eric Andre just trynna get some long-awaited ass but everything seems to try to be preventing him from doing so. Luckily the homeboi Bud got him though. Eric meets Maria Li, somebody that he knew in the past, she is now an artist and well to put it simply it’s a fateful match made in heaven. Or so Eric thinks. His friend Bud knowing it’s a bad idea to help goes through with it. He has a sister that is straight out of jail and when she finds out the way Bud is helping Eric is by *borrowing* her car. She just has enough and decides its time for some justice.

Entire movie is similar to Jack Ass and Bad Grandpa type filming where its all improv in a sense. Everything is recorded raw with these poor unexpected people put into situations straight from It’s a Prank Bro era.

The mission to see her at the art gallery takes them over a few days to drive with lots of shenanigans occurring along the way. From bar scenes, hotel scenes, man v gorilla, stolen cop cars ect. Its all over the board.

When they finally meet Maria, things only escalate from there with more craziness and its pretty fun to watch through with some friends laughing along with the things going on.


Visuals are very bad. Entire film is grainy and low budget. Even random youtubers filming pranks have better sound quality and visuals which is quite surprising. Oddly enough the poor quality just builds with the rest of the film. [it may have been the source I grabbed from but tried 2 others with same result]

Music throughout is very forgettable if any was played given the scene. Film didn’t need much in the way of music though. There was some singing and it also matches well with the rest of the films quality.

Final Thoughts:

Erics movies are a special kind, its either a person will enjoy and want to watch more of what he has to offer or avoid entirely. I don’t really see a balance of converting a person over if they don’t like the way it is filmed. I enjoy his films, more so when with friends as that’s when the most enjoyment will be there. When watching alone they don’t hit the same. They are purposefully filmed in a prank bro style and if into those types of vids then would recommend, if not then avoid.

Not a lot to say regarding the plot as its very straightforward, go to meet *mah love* friends sister is mad, things never go as expected along the way. Go in with a lighthearted and fun mindset and the film will be more enjoyable. If going in with a serious vibe then it just wont be compatible.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.