Movie – Avengers - Endgame
Parts that can be considered spoilers will be in spoiler brackets, which will be most of this review. For those who do not want to know anything about the movie until seen for themselves, do not click the spoiler brackets. Endgame continues off the last Avengers movie `Infinity War`. There are 3 different parts to the movie, first being how to fix the problem, fixing the problem and lastly cleaning up the unexpected problem.
The visuals were as good as they were in Infinity war and the other recent Marvel movies. The CGI for its time looks good but as always given about a year or two there will be a clear visual disparity due to how quickly the industry moves. If looking at it purely from when it is released than it is on par if not better than the norm. All the characters look fine… except for Captain Marvel, oh why did they have to give her a fem-cut, but that’s a different topic altogether. Given her new comic appearance it matches spot on so can’t complain about it, I just find it sad and prefer the classic look.
Music is a strong point throughout the movie with it being done well and executed at the right times. Throughout the 3 hours there was not a point of `when will this be over` and the music helps with keeping the immersion.
Final Thoughts:
Overlooking the entirety of the plot, it’s a good movie with a great ending… just don’t delve into the why or how otherwise problems start to arise and fast… such as Farmer T wanting to delete and reshape the universe with gems that are not universal tier. For those that know about universal scaling, there were multiple gems meaning they are not above universal and cannot fully accomplish his wish. Would have been funny to see the face of anguish after he removes everything from existence though.
Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A