Movie – Avengers - Endgame

Movies Nov 22, 2019


Parts that can be considered spoilers will be in spoiler brackets, which will be most of this review. For those who do not want to know anything about the movie until seen for themselves, do not click the spoiler brackets. Endgame continues off the last Avengers movie `Infinity War`. There are 3 different parts to the movie, first being how to fix the problem, fixing the problem and lastly cleaning up the unexpected problem.

For the first part, they are needing to find Thanos to reclaim the stones used to wipe half the universe away. A bit of plot convenience happens where a character just knows where he will be… This is not a problem as the person was *close* to him so it is understandable she would have some knowledge about the location of the new-found farmer. After confrontation they realize they need a proper plan to get the stones and the conclusion is time travel, oh why did they have to choose this route I will never know. This is all disclosed within the first ~20 min of the 3-hour long movie.

Onto the time travel itself, they split up into 3 different groups, each group divided into what they found to be most suitable for the situations/place they would be sent to. Have to say all the characters, even the ones that apparently live for thousands of years have weak mental fortitude. They look to much at the immediate future and dwell on the past even though they are apparently hundreds if not thousands of years old. All these people should have stronger mental fortitude after the amount of death and sorrow they have been through or encountered from past battles. They use their weak mental fortitude as an excuse for character growth though, so fine I’ll go with it.

Lastly is the infamous return of Farmer T. Farmer T being a simple man, he just wants to accomplish his lives passion since he knows the horrors of overpopulation. He wants to stop the Avengers from fixing his solution. Farmer T is a funny one though since cutting the worlds population in half would only delay the inevitable population growth over time. Given average population double times on earth, it would only be about 40 years until earth is back to where it was population wise, then other planets can assume the same or more but within a few hundred years everything is back to where it was. All that is just little details though, right :D . Avengers thwart him down saying `no, stop that shit`. After the farmer is dealt with he is seen sitting down contemplating life, it’s big sad at this point.


The visuals were as good as they were in Infinity war and the other recent Marvel movies. The CGI for its time looks good but as always given about a year or two there will be a clear visual disparity due to how quickly the industry moves. If looking at it purely from when it is released than it is on par if not better than the norm. All the characters look fine… except for Captain Marvel, oh why did they have to give her a fem-cut, but that’s a different topic altogether. Given her new comic appearance it matches spot on so can’t complain about it, I just find it sad and prefer the classic look.

Music is a strong point throughout the movie with it being done well and executed at the right times. Throughout the 3 hours there was not a point of `when will this be over` and the music helps with keeping the immersion.

Final Thoughts:

The entire time travel aspect they tried to pull off could have worked decent but nowhere near enough thought went into how time travel theories work. They stuck to one set of rules the entire movie but then at the end decided to throw it out the window as if it was never a thing…

They stated that taking the stones would not cause any problems for that timeline and then another character states it will branch off into another timeline… this should mean they are using alternative universe theory as both statements coincide with it *along with the banter they had going at the beginning as well). Sticking with alternative universe theory, simply put, can think of it like butterfly affect but instead of those changes rippling along the same timeline it diverges into a new one (timeline 0 has a branch that we call timeline 1). It is more complicated than this and highly encourage self-study to learn more if interested.

Timeline 0 is the original one they are from, timeline 1 is the first group, timeline 2 is group 2 and timeline 3 is group 3. All these timelines have their own stones but that doesn’t matter since the Avengers are only taking the stones from a location they know they will be at to eliminate the searching factor. The Avengers jump to these timelines and then after obtaining the stones come back to timeline 0, the original where they plan to fix the problem Farmer T caused. One of the timelines splits a couple times but that doesn’t matter since the focus is fixing the original and press F for the rest. Loki timeline

The stones are to be returned though at the exact point/place/time they were taken so the universal divergence factor basically becomes null as no contact or changes would have been severe enough for a full timeline change. The events would be close enough from post stone return that it can be considered the same timeline for convenience sake.

With butterfly effect stated that it cannot happen and only alternative universe theory in place. This is when things went south real fast and breaks the plot even more. When they return the stones, let’s call him, dingleberry, decided that he would stay there and live the life he has always wanted or some bs, great, good for him, enjoy. One would think `he is staying in that timeline and with the rules they have been playing with so far, he is just on another timeline now, so everything is fine since that could be considered Timeline 5. (number doesn’t matter)`… but no that is not the case at all.

Dingleberry was shown aged after the time jump sitting right next to them the entire time… `tf is this?` I said. All the rules about alternative theory they clearly screamed at us in the beginning of the movie are now void. He cannot be on this timeline if he jumped and changed the past by marrying the one he loved when she was clearly shown prior to be married to somebody else, let alone the fact he is on the same timeline he had jumped from. This would mean they are taking the basic butterfly affect and applying it and never used the alternative universe theory… but if that is the case there have been several paradoxes created due to dingleberry and his friends on first travel, especially his second travel, not even including Farmer T coming from the past to the future where that concludes the first movie is void as well...

The first movie would be void due to there only ever being a single timeline and them jumping from the past and dying/staying in the future. They jumped and skipped over the events of the first movie without going back to comply to those events, it’s a paradox. With alternative universe theory it can be explained but not with single timeline leaps where they now state as fact there is only a single timeline and not multipe.

The entire plot of this movie has glaring flaws and show a clear lack of understanding for time travel theories. Remember though, all these problems arise due to them choosing to have Farmer T destroy the stones instead of basing the plot around getting them back from him directly.

TLDR; Marvel don’t ever do time travel if you can’t execute it properly and follow your original rules and restrictions that had been clearly shown/stated.

Overlooking the entirety of the plot, it’s a good movie with a great ending… just don’t delve into the why or how otherwise problems start to arise and fast… such as Farmer T wanting to delete and reshape the universe with gems that are not universal tier. For those that know about universal scaling, there were multiple gems meaning they are not above universal and cannot fully accomplish his wish. Would have been funny to see the face of anguish after he removes everything from existence though.

Overall Ratings - Rec: N/A Raw: N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.