Movie – Aquaman

Movies Nov 23, 2019


Surprisingly this movie takes a turn for the best and hopefully sets a new precedent of DC going back to what I still find to be a great movie all around which is The Dark Knight. We are finally getting the origin story of Aquaman who I will be referring to as Seaman throughout this review. (used to call him Seaman as a joke but now it has sort of stuck lol) Instead of the usual story of following the character from birth up they take a slightly different approach to telling his origin story. We start out by seeing his dad and how he met da queen and had a child together with how she got taken away back to Atlantis. Them meeting was an anomaly after all. After she is taken away we are thrown into more present day with Seaman and his daily life where in this instance he is saving a submarine and its crew. Within the submarine we are introduced to the main villain and shown a reason for why he wants to hunt down and kill Seaman.

After the villain and his motives are established we are shown about the great war and the trident to unite them all which is where the journey to acquire it has begun. Seaman was reluctant the entire time to obtain the trident and go to Atlantis but due to the events that were unfolding in front of him his hand was forced to act to avoid casualties he was aiming to prevent. Mera takes a key role in convincing him to peruse the trident and become the rightful king of Atlantis. Post main villain shown and the inevitable king of Atlantis plan set into motion he goes to Atlantis with Mera to not become king on his own accord but rather prevent what was to come and changing the plans order up a tad doing it in reverse because why not.

As we progressed and the climax point of finally figuring out where the trident is we encounter the main villain once again but this time a true fight between them unfolds spanning throughout an entire town. After the fight the journey for the trident continues with a revelation that helped clear Seamans mind up on some information he was told years in the past that have weighed heavily on him since. The trident was finally in reach with one final trial ahead that needed to be conquered. Seaman perused through and passed the trial to obtain the trident and immediately following we jump over to the situation that the journey was in the process of stopping. We are greeted with a large-scale battle between Seaman and his rival (using the term rival very loosely as to not spoil). As the battle went on and the fighting continued, Seaman pushed harder finally prevailing in his battle to take what was always supposed to be his, the rightful thrown as King of Atlantis.

Last piece to note is as the story progressed and was shown there were several flashbacks to his childhood that assisted in giving background information to Seaman giving the audience a better understanding of him and his past.


Both the music and visuals were good. With CGI upon release will almost always look good enough but as years pass becomes more apparent of the quality difference and appear worse then was once thought to be. Music matched the scenes and was appropriate given the time and place shown. No complaints from either except for one explosion they showed with the new gen Atlantian equipment being shot at a rock to test its power. The explosion just made me laugh and I found its placement of how they used CGI very poor and could have been animated better but other than that nothing noteworthy or standout that would deter people from being immersed within the movie.

Final Thoughts:

By the end of the movie I felt satisfied with how the movie was presented and executed. I do wish they would have made the movie a bit longer since as a whole the movie felt a bit fast passed due to the amount of content they were pushing together into a given timeframe. If more DC movies are to continue and build off what this movies quality sets, then this will be quite a good thing for them. Past couple movies I have seen of theirs have been lacking and just nearing the bad side of a rating scale where one thinks “why am I using my time to watch this”. It’s a satisfying movie and will hopefully get a sequel that improves in its pacing and character development areas that will better flesh out and give the audience a meaning to truly care about them. I would recommend others watch it but just be aware of its flaws.

Overall rating N/A



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.