Anime – Kimetsu no Yaiba [TV]

Anime Nov 22, 2019


Throughout the 26 episodes, Tanjirou learns about demons and becomes a demon slayer. First episode puts the world into perspective and gives Tanjirou a reason to fight the demons while also showing the internal conflicts he goes through when it comes to hurting others. Be that a person, demon or anything, he is a caring person.

To become a demon slayer he is required to go through various training regimens and requirements that were set upon him. Once completed he is able to take the test to officially be recognized.

Near immediately after, the show hits us with some MJ but without the slick moves… or so we think at the moment. He probably hiding them for the final battle, he hiding some mad skills with an appearance like that.

Shortly after is when we are introduced to annoying cunt and a brute. These characters are the ones who will follow along in Tanjirou’s journey from then on. Once they are all together the world throws at them what I consider the true first arc of the spiders. In this arc it is when things really start to happen when it comes to story progression as we get some info and insight for how the main villains’ underlings [?] will be from here out when it comes to personalities and mentalities they have towards their master and how they treat others. These are not the normal demons and are clearly in different leagues than any other fodder ones that they had been up against in the past.

Post spider arc it is more of wrapping up and training since there was a clear showing of how far they need to go before they will be capable of dealing with any true enemies that will inevitably come at them.


Visuals were very good, its from Ufotable so it isn’t much of a surprise though. Instead of going over the positives might as well say the few negatives that I believe are going to be more subjective than usual. The white in most characters eyes can be out of place and doesn’t seem that refined to me. Do not know if this was how the manga drew it, if it is than this is void. Main other one is when they did special attacks. Not necessarily a negative in the traditional sense but whenever it happens it feels more out of place than anything to me. I do believe they are hand drawn and the animation itself with their fluidity and movement Is great, its more of the stylistic point of view. From the attacks style to the background art and everything else its just out of place in comparison. If the rest of the show went for more of that art style, then it would meld together better and feel more in place. Character movements outside of battle can seen a bit off but eh, its not a problem either lol.

Music is nothing too noteworthy, it is good and above average but nothing special or standout. Its not that memorable but there are moments that are. OST’s are used properly and keeps the viewer immersed every ep with the viewer engaged along with the moments currently happening. Silence is used and none feels out of place and keeps the pacing feeling nice.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, I do recommended people to the anime, but it isn’t anything too standout imo. For people just getting into anime this would definitely be a highly recommended as its perfect for those people.

Kimetsu is a good series but to me falls short in the suspense department. It doesn’t get that hype train going of I need to watch the next ep or know what happens next. It gets to a certain level and then stays at it, its predictable with its outcome and doesn’t have many shocks of unexpectacality moments.

It has been overhyped a fair amount which can lead to some pretty big disappointment. Should keep in mind that it is good but not great. It is different than most shounen but traditional shounen has changed in comparison to when the big 3 were top dogs. The industry itself has had a major shift in tone and market over the years since it is adjusting with the times. ~~not fair to have it come out and air the same season as snk 3-2, its basically cheating, when having it up against that tier it isn’t a fair fight. 2019 has released some great anime so far~~

When it comes to memorable moments, there aren’t any truly memorable ones unless one considers a character that has power when he is knocked but when awake can only moan groan and whine making one irritated counts as memorable… but memorable for a good reason and bad reason are different lol.

Can almost guarantee that the most that claim it to be among the best across anime, when rewatching later on after true greats have been watched, will look back and see the faults. :ok_hand: animation shouldn’t be the driving factor in how good an anime is… ngl nezuko is :gasm: though, any form, any day :mrclean: .

Characters (main) – 4/5
Characters (sub) – 3.5/5
Enjoyment – 3/5
Visuals – 4.5/5
Music – 3.5/5
Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 71%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.