Game – Succubus Connect

Games Aug 20, 2021

Completion Time:

Base Game 11:44

100% - 11:44

The Main Game:

As per usual… its another lewd game so any under proper age shouldn’t play.

Starts out with our girl Yuina waking up in a unfamiliar world. One that is unlike the one she is from. Quickly she realizes that the world she has been sent into is the world of Succubus. She is desperate to get home due to the strong feelings she has about her brother.

Entire game could be summed up into *training* herself to properly *be there* for her brother when she is finally able to confess to him. And before those types of people complain they aren’t blood related, as if it would matter lol. Think of it along the lines of the 300 year old loli, sure she looks the part and probably acts it as well but the number is saying otherwise so we all good.

Game takes us to several different locations with a central town that is the hub for pretty much all quests and experience points to level up. Leveling up isn’t done in the traditional way of fight monsters and win, kill certain amount then you get stronger with a higher level number. Well sort of, there is xp and levels in the traditional sense, and you will be awarded a stat bonus alongside a skill point every level… just that the only way you get this xp is through your training. There are different level people around town that you challenge and if you win a quick lil event with one of your special moves takes place and then you are rewarded appropriately. Some of these characters have side quests that are needed to finish em off or even start the fun.

There is a shop and cauldron that is used to buy several different types of items in. With the cauldron you craft upgraded equipment and items that will help along the way. In both there are a few core attacl/def/health and skill point upgrades that can be made or purchased. I wouldn’t say they are completely necessary since the game is very easy throughout and is more fun to play through than anything.

In battles it is like many other jrpg games where it is turn based. In here there is a certain amount of mp you have and this mp allows recharges back to full every turn unless debuffed nerfing your total. Everything is card based with your skills that is the main thing I highly enjoyed. Each card has a varied amount of cost from either 0mp all the way up to 4 or cards that take X amount of mp to deal X amount of attacks. The cards are pretty varied. There are no healing cards however, all healing is to be done with items in battle, outside of battle or the green crystals that are found. Easiest one and most common one to use would be the central towns as its right in front. Items used in battle… well never had to use any, hardly used any outside of battle as well. With decent usage of cards, probably about halfway through game youll have a fair amount, things become quite fun. The secret is, equip equipment that boosts your card limit, draw on entry of battle ect. More cards the better since once you unlock a certain card that null all cost for cards in hand… can easily win every battle with a single turn or just a couple. More cards in hand prior to using will mean poof enemy ded. There is a bit of strategy that goes into play, for any that have played card games in the past, this will be a very simplified version of them and will be able to master it within minutes.

Skill points can be reset but honestly I don’t see the reason to do so, if you are smart with your card usage in battle it really doesn’t matter about sp allocation. For some I guess it might be hard at times, but look over the cards and read them and figure out how to best use them in what order to maximize their effect. Sounds complicated I guess but itll become second nature very fast.

Side Quests:

Side quests are scattered throughout what one could call acts or checkpoints in the game. There being 4 checkpoints, at levels 0-5 things are the most restrictive but once level 5 is reached and checkpoint is pushed things are very free up until level 15 when it becomes end game. Once level 15 only a location or 2 left in the game and it goes by pretty fast depending on how time was allocated.

Main reason it could take longer is that you must complete all side quests to reach level 20. Side quests are varied from becoming prego at one point [makes more sense once you get to that point], going to jail and escaping, finding certain items by completing a select area ect. All straightforward and not complicated to complete. Every quest is part of the story and adds to it, there are quite a few funny lines throughout that keep the player entertained with how Yuinas reasoning is.

Sounds and OST’s:

OST;s throughout are one of the stronger points of this game. They are pretty good, the overworld music, suspenseful, end battle ect. All was done to really match with what the feeling was of the time to help keep a player immersed and wasn’t over the top or too much, they put just the right amount of effort into it.

As for sounds, well they are pretty much all RPGMaker sounds and effects so its nothing special, it matches with the style of game and is to be expected. If a person has played a couple RPGMaker games than they have probably heard most of the sound effects.

Overall and Final Thoughts:

I would recommend this game to others that are into these genres games. For those into lewd games and not into the incest aspect, its really not enforced and the incest part is there as more of a joke but serious type thing. They are not related and well as the game progresses a obvious twist occurs anyways that wont shock people since it’s a common trope throughout with these lovidovy type situations. ~~oh no im too shy and you are too shy but I thought that you thought that I thought blabla lol~~

It is a enjoyable game with decent characters and plot throughout. The scenes are done well enough, there is animation of characters int eh scene which is a pleasant surprise. Animation always… or at least should always enhance the game and in this case it did.

It’s a pass the time, have a few laughs type of game with a interactive combat sequence and story that is fun to ride along with until the end.

Characters (main) – 3/5
Characters (sub) – 3/5
Enjoyment – 4/5
Gameplay – 4/5
Visuals – 3/5
Music – 4/5
Story – 3/5

Overall Rating - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 68%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.