Game – Sokouku no Arterial [Arterial of Origin]

Games Aug 4, 2023

NOTICE: SnA is a lewd SRPG game. If not of age, do not play.

Time to 100% – [True 100% with completed information page]
Playthrough 1: 68:03 [hr:min]
Playthrough 2: 40:48
Playthrough 3: 31:52
Playthrough 4: 27:30
Playthrough 5: 15:02
Playthrough 6: 12:57
Playthrough 7: 10:10
Playthrough 8: 7:41
Playthrough 9: 3:10
Playthrough 10: 10:26
Playthrough afb 1: 20:55
Playthrough afb 2: 2:17
Playthrough afb 3: 2:44
Total Time: 253.58 Hours

Common Route –

Well well well, another Eushully game down. This time decided to go for a full 100%. As in completed CG and index/information page… a mistake or a accomplishment, still not entirely sure. It was a long haul that’s for sure though. Will leave out plenty of details in the overview sections to not spoil the experience for those who do decide to play.

Anyways, lets start off with the common route. This is the first 4 chapters that will be the same regardless of ending route chosen. There are 3 ending routes total. Angel, Devil and Human. Common route goes right up to the branch point that locks in the remainder of the game.

Starting out with a vision of some characters that are not going to be seen for quite some time into the game. It shows that there is some sort of war going on. Wouldn’t be a Eushully game without some action after all. Shuuya appears soon after with a memory of their past, just before waking up and getting ready for school. Learning that he is alone without parents living with his sister in a town called Tengyou City. Tengyou City is home and headquarters to the worlds most technologically advanced company, MHI. MHI has stunned the world with its revolutions in tech by bring a stronger, lighter and cheaper building material called Mithril Steel, Modern Medical Care to cure once uncurable diseases and medical issues, true AI alongside another product called Renewoil. Renewoil is an alternative to the fossil fuels used in the once modern society of old. With both these products having implementations across a multitude of fields with the wide range of capabilities they have, MHI was able to ground itself as one of the top corporations of the world. With a direct competitor of theirs being Mitaka Ceramics. Both companies being revolutionary for the time, bringing the world into a new era.

In the city of dreams for most, Shuuya is able to live and go to school. Currently in 2nd school as a second year. As he heads to school, taking public transit, another one of MHI’s great accomplishments is seen. This time an airship that is of MHI’s complete state of the art machine. It is a airship that MHI donated to the Japanese government to help bolster their status and hold in more political prowess. It is a ship capable of bringing any place to its knees in a matter of minutes from its sheer strength and firepower. Both Shuuya and his friend Kaito are in awe at the sight of it flying overhead. Kaito, who is Shuuya’s best friend more enthralled with it than him.

Making it to the school they head to class and nothing out of the ordinary happens. For now it is life as they know it. Only difference is Kaito and Shuuya decide to go shopping together and the other best friend Akari. Akari, who met up with them late to class due to her Gymnastics club practice running up the clock to school starting time. All happy rays and sunshine though for now. There is a clock counting down to what is to come though, unbeknownst to them.

In the middle of shopping they are met with another friend of theirs in trouble. Madoka is in trouble and the trio jumps in to save her. After the fight all four are now headed to the local clinic to do a checkup on the injuries to make sure they are alright after what they got hung up into. Luckily nothing had happened and they leave promptly after arrival, however a strange event takes place that effects all 3 of them after Madoka parts ways. Next thing they know they are waking up from a strange dream and met with an unfamiliar surrounding.

All three of them being separated now, Shuuya is confused and worried as he makes his way out of the room he awoke in that is all too familiar yet very distant feeling. Kaito is the first he finds and they group together to search for Akari. Only to hear a scream coming from another floor, it has to be her, given the sound of it. They both rush down to see what is going on only to be met with a locked door. Upon finding the key and opening it, there is a strange monster attacking Akari that they must fend off to save her.

After saving Akari, the three seek to find a way out. Hearing a voice that is familiar to them but not realized at the time they heed its advice and go through a mysterious portal. The portal shoots them back to their homeworld out and away from danger that they were surrounded by only moments ago. All confused and lost feeling, they wrap up their thoughts to one another and head home for a well needed rest, ending the prologue.

Chapter 1 officially starts with a bright new morning with Mirai, his little sister, greeting us once again. Shortly after with us heading to school as if nothing happened… sort of. Of course when the three amigos meet up again they cant help but discuss and plan out a day after school for what they will do.

With the school day coming to a close, the three of them head back in the direction they came out of the portal the night before. Kaito splits and preps stuff for the night run into the portal. So in the meantime, Akari and Shuuya get to spend some time together. Visiting Shuuyas old caretaker Masoho and a small interaction with Madoka again today. Masoho being a MHI employee that works directly under the top scientist Miyahara Gonzou. Masoho was saved by the tech of MHI by splitting her from her sisters body as they were split in the whom at birth, fused twins. Her twin Maki has the original body while Masoho was put inside of MHI special mechanical body, mind intact. Truly illustrating how powerful MHI tech is.

After the small interactions, Shuuya and Akari split to go home for their own preparations. Time flies by and the time to meet up with Kaito is now. After the three are together, they all head into the portal to this other world once again, this time by choice though. With the sole purpose of learning more about the world and discovering its secrets the adventure starts. Peeking around the town, there are sights that are all too familiar, places they have seemingly been before, yet shouldn’t have been due to the nature of their arrival. A monster is spotted and they quickly realize the danger of it so heed off to explore elsewhere for now.

After discovering a entrance into the GO-I-S-Building. More trouble happens as they are put into a situation where Kaito makes the brave decision to distract the monsters for Shuuya and Akari to have enough time to get away. Kaito awakens his otherworldly power and finds a place to make a stand after hiding away for safety. Shortly after things settle down and they are all able to reunite once again, they make their way home for a well deserved rest. However curiosity killed the cat and they feel a need to go back again. They must defeat that monster they found in the middle of the road, its dangerous to be chillin there like a frog on a cold days night.

The next visit they do has them ready to fight the monster. When they do and are able to defeat it, something happens though, it is as if the world they are in is falling apart. With such frantic emotions running high, they aim to have an immediate need to stop or at least halt what is going on. They come to the conclusion of using the particle cubes they were coming into contact with that sparked their powers to awaken. Luckily, collection enough of these quells the world tremors and feelings of self destruction. Again, earning them a night of rest to calm down from the events that had been unfolding in front of them in this undefined world they find themselves able to enter into.

Chapter 2, starts with a back to normal kind of day of heading to school. This time , them three are called into the school presidents office. Narumi is wanting to see them and has something to discuss with them. None understanding exactly why she would want to, since they are leagues apart. Her being a third year, older than them and being the daughter of Mitaka Ciramics, who is a competitor to MHI. Narumi slyly insinuates that she knows what is going on and what they are doing. More confirmed by the fact she is visiting the unfamiliar world with them, to show them something. She confirms and answers some questions along with confidently informing them of what will happen next there. The world they are visiting is one that their home world is being dragged into and the next portion to be dragged in will be on Sunday. She tells them to be ready for what is to come and help her reduce the fatalities where possible. Preparations are set in motion for the anticipation of the next piece of the world to fall into there on Sunday.
Sunday is here, exactly as Narumi states, the piece of the city she said would fall into this world is happening. This time however there are devils and angels all around, its an all out war going on. Each side, devils and angels, wanting to claim this land as their own territory for their own war that has been happening in this world for supposedly hundreds of years. In the middle of all the chaos, Shuuyas sister, Mirai’s bag is found. Showing that she did not listen to her brother by staying away from that portion of the city today. With how bad this is seemingly becoming, they immediately set off to find and rescue Mirai and any along the way to get to her. Luckily they are able to find her just outside of the portion of the city that got taken away. She is however in the middle of a battle and is saved by a classmate, Atori. Atori flees the scene and without too much thought about it, Shuuya and others have the one tract mind of getting out of here, going back to home and returning safe before any further questions are put forth. Mirais safety came first and foremost. All up until the portal is gone, with no way back to their world just as another event unfolded, their school was being pulled into the world as well. This is much quicker than Narumi has predicted, which has everybody up in shambles as to what is going on. One thing is for sure though, they must go there and help save any who might be hurt and all those who are definitely confused as to what is happening.

Chapter 3, the final common route chapter leads right off into the fray of getting to the school with Mirai not feeling well. Her not feeling well putting even more pressure on the group to get things solved as quick as possible. Once the long trek to the school is complete, they finally get some time to rest.

As quickly as the events are unfolding, the chapter nears its end where the devils are raiding the school. With the fight to fend off the devils being the end of the common route. Either lose to the devils and submit or game over, complete the invasion, and join their side by choice of options, deny the devils and accept the angels offer of savior or deny the angels and devils both to follow a solo route alone in this unfamiliar world. Each of these 3 paths leading to a locked out sub heroine ending choices too.

Routes & New game+ Content –


With the denial of both the devils and angels offers, there Is only one thing left to do. Decide how to best fend for ourselves in this new and ruthless world of creators, devils and angels all while trying to figure out if there is still a possibility of getting home one way or another. Alongside protecting the students and others who are now trapped in this world.

First course of action is to take a gander at what the other territories are up to. Bit of espionage to help gather as much information as possible before making any bold moves. After some sneaky snek quickies, its time to gather resources such as food from the surrounding buildings to help collect a surplus so it hopefully wont become an issue before it is too late.

After securing some supplies, it is noted that there are students that are in potential trouble and need rescuing. They are located at a place called Hoyou Logistics Center. Once there, there are several creators that are surrounding the students. Many of the students being scattered around the place where each needs to be rescued before the creators engage in battle with them and turn them into a creator. It is a dangerous mission that must be done. Shuuya and others quickly rescue them and take them back to the school to join with the rest of people that have decided to stick with Shuuya/Narumi’s group.

Once back, the perspective changes to Sayane. She is with her butler and infiltrates the devils to show off a feat of strength in hopes they submit or at least follow along with her plans. This is where a lot of her backstory are learned and how her relationship with her father is, how her and her butler are bundled together, while also learning more of the secrets MHI has. She is fighting and making any that stand in her way to the destination at hand kneel before her.

With the devil fort subdued and under her control now, Gilizel pops out of seemingly nowhere and instead of putting up a fight, he heads what Sayane says and just goes `sure thing mah queen.` Gil gives Sayane a fair amount of information regarding what is going on in this world with its political standings and happenings. Informing that Shuuya went against her assumption and has gone solo instead of taking coverage under the angels. Now knowing this, she flips to a completely different plan of action. Wanting to go with the students as well and fight alongside, but will need to stop by MHI first to do a bit of a side quest…. A side quest that, well may not end as she anticipated. She is able to break in and find out what that there Miyahara is up to in regards to the creators. Pushing further in to attempt to take over MHI’s Hachio, the same one mentioned and witnessed earlier in the beginning of the story. Miyahara is one step ahead of Sayane though and all this was simply a trap. He does monolog and describe how part of his plan is to keep using the creators in such a way that proceeds to illude to both the angels and devils that the human faction, Shuuya/Narumi, are the ones behind knowing how to control creators. In doing so will insight a ensured conflict of both the angels and devils attacking the human faction since those two sides, while they hate each other will refuse to let that happen. In their view, letting the humans take control would be ensured defeat for both of them. Mutually assured destruction type situation, they are not working together yet working towards the same goal of stopping the human faction before continuing their war. Anyways, before long in this revealing conversation between Sayane and Miyahara is concluded it gets put to an end in the favor of Miyahara, left on a more on that later note.

Back to Shuuya’a perspective at the school. Unaware that they are being framed and part of a grand scheme for the angels and devils to attack them down… they are having to come up with a plan and fast for how to react to the events unfolding in front of their eyes. Everybody at the school is quickly aware that there is going to be a large scale attack brought down on them by the devils and angels. Not necessarily for certain an attack is imminent but rather that the enemy forces are increasing, so its easy to follow a logical path that they will be attacked which is where the mass panic and worry is spreading out from.

Narumi is worried not just about the forces and school but something bigger on her mind is the state of her brother. The depot visited was one that her brother was overseeing, and while they were there… he was not seen or heard whatsoever. With how many creators were there, it makes the worry in her heart quell to a higher state, raising anxiety and worry. She tries to brush it aside and has another reason for going back to the depot. The depot is suitable for finding weapons and being able to arm the school to better protect them from what is soon to be an upcoming battle.

Once back at the depot, collecting weapons and supplies, her brother is found. He has been converted into a creator though. He has seemingly lost all consciousness and her fears came to fruition. Not only this but the exposition of creators being tested on. With Narumis brother in charge, it is clear that Mitaka and the creators were closely linked in some way. Narumi’s brother being one of the creators that had burst out of one of the experimental tanks. He must be stricken down now. When he is felled, he quickly recovers and vanishes at the same pace his recovery speed is. As he escapes Narumi confirms and expands on information regarding the facility, Mitaka ceramics and her brothers involvement with it all here.

Her brother must be fought and taken care of, but that is an issue for another time since the original purpose was the get supplies for an impeding conflict that is about to arise, involving the entire school. So with that, supplies are taken back to base and the war begins shortly thereafter.

With the war at hand, it is mainly the devils and angels fighting it out on their own with creators tossed in here and there. The first phase/area is where Rufadiel and Shehira are fighting one another. With the regular generals underneath being Ernst and Gilizel of the devil factions and Mehisha of the angel faction. There is a choice to stop each of the generals or leave them be as they fight and close in on the human factions area of the school, needing to prevent them from overwhelming us and taking us down.

Gil in this instance trying to offer yet another deal where we join his side. This time he would exchange information about the creators. Not knowing that he knows Sayane and a fair amount of information regarding them. A quick response of too bad we reject will do and he just backs down. Ernst involvement in this part of the war is minimal and she is more interested in checking whats going on, after all she is only interested in the angel Ragutas, her mortal rival. She does inform Shuuya that he is very similar to Ryuuji and bids Shuuya a farewell till next time.

This is not the end of the war though as the fighting is still at large and if anything bigger than where they currently were, and be it at the front of the school area too. Rushing over it is shown that this is in fact true. The main battle participants here being Ragutas of the angels and Quinolraza and Vaza of the devils. With mainly Vaza and Rafutas heading to the school, similar to before with Mehisha and Gil. With Quinolraza being the one in Ernst position. He is less interested in this fight. Vaza and Ragutas are to be stopped before entering schoolgrounds. They both must be fended off before it is too late.

In the middle of this battle going on, Hachiyo makes an appearance. It demonstrates a small portion of its firepower by carpetbombing the battlefield. Killing many in the process. And with this power shown, the battle is almost immediately stopped as there is now a bigger threat than could have been imagined prior. Both sides withdraw as rapidly as they can to come up with a plan of action. Shuuya included, he heads back to regroup at the school to decide what the next course of action is going to be.

Hachiyo lands and surprisingly it is Sayane who steps out of it. She is inviting all at the school to join her in returning back to MHI headquarters. Narumi is against this and senses something is off. Not just that it is MHI or Sayane is involved. They may not get along but there is something bigger at play she feels. Sayane doesn’t back down and states that it should be up to the individual to decide rather than a sole person. Shuuya pushes more questions towards Sayane with a great feeling of something being wrong with the picture being drawn out in front of him. Gil also appears and sort of forces himself into the group, stating that he is all alone, nobody to turn to ect ect type sob story lol. Could say he is granted pardons but not acceptance at this point in time. Some talk among students, gil and kaito happens that helps add more questions and some clarity to the situation at hand.

Before long though, while the decision is being made to either go with or not to go with, a notice is posted to the school board claiming that Mitaka and therein Narumi is behind the entire situation they are in currently. With this notice posted, Narumi obviously gets frustrated but doesn’t let that stop her judgement. She decides to call everybody to the auditorium to discuss and explain her point of view and information regarding the claim being made. Discloses that Mitaka did discover the world and has been researching it but MHI is to be feared. Not disclosing too mch information in regards to how or why. This doesn’t instill the most confidence with every student. Sayane cuts her off from explaining further and only excited the situation further. Narumi cant have much more to say on the subject at the time and is at peak frustration. There is then a forced vote that occurs and the mass majority of nearly every person there votes to leave with Sayane instead of listening and heading the warnings of Narumi. Narumi heads to the rooftop to cool off and catch her composure from the events that had just happened. Shuuya joins her and talks a bit with her.

A few brief moments later we head off into Hachiyo. However, something occurs not long after the flight takes off. Consciousness is lost and all who went are now captured by MHI. It was a trap just as Narumi was fearing.

Shuuya wakes up to an even more unexpected happening. He is in forced intercourse with Sayane. During which he can hear her inner conscious voice communicating with him. He learns that she is being controlled by Miyahara and was captured by a trap he had set and planned out while she tried to take over Hachiyo. With a bit of extra effort :mrclean: Shuuya is able to break her free from the control that Miyahara has on her.

Narumi is in the same room as them as this is happening, however was still unconscious during the whole ordeal. She wakes up shortly after the events unloaded. Shuuya then fills her in on what is going on and all three of them head to save Dojiro, Sayane’s butler. After saving him Sayane is planning to take control of the ship. As she is the only one able to since she is the daughter of the director, she is able to control the ship.

In the process of saving Dojiro, it is clear that he has also been brainwashed by Miyahara. This time however he is cleared back to normal by different means, no snu snu of old man, thank god for that. With him fixed up, Chihiro then walks in and we are left at that as Mirais perspective kicks in.

Mirai is woken up by her dad Ryuuji. They are then trying to make their way to reunite with Shuuya. Once together the story about why the parents had to leave is explained. It was a deal made with MHI about having them offer their medical prowess to cure their children in exchange for them helping MHI. They became test subject slaves in a sense to MHI for using their assistance. They couldn’t say no as it was to save their childrens life, even knowing that they might never see their children again, the fact that they would be saved was enough for them to accept such a hard choice. MHI abandoned them though in this world once their *use* was up. Leaving them to fend for themselves. Both parents deciding that the best way for survival and higher hopes of seeing their children again would be to split up. One on each faction, the devil and angel. So that no matter who came out on top one would survive.

Miyahara shows up but not in person, in a gesture of expressing answers to Shuuyas questions. It is obviously part of his plan, not that it mattered though. Shuuya asks questions and we get the answers about the world we had most wanted to know. Followed by the real question of what HE is planning in this world. Miyahara responds with a quote of not understanding why humans are in the position they are given the potential, and shall be the one to help unleash that potential to its fullest. Almost in response Masoho is on the coms stating that the prep work is completed and the plan shall now proceed to the next phase.

Miyahara then proceeds to offer all of the gathered devils, angels, creators and humans to an entity called Ganoel, who is an angel of wisdom, a second rank angel, Cherub. Upon this offering the angels body manifests into this world. Taking form of where MHI headquarters once were. Miyaharas core plan is taking shape. A capability to rule over creation through the power of a Cherub. To be able to revive the 42 Pillars of Solomon.

With this all happening the final chapter and battle are now in full motion. Everybody remaining rushes into Hachiyo as the Cherub is absorbing the world into itself. As quickly as they are fleeing the scene they are coming up with a plan. Both parents propose working with their factions and using their assistance to put an end to all of what is happening. With a new plant to attempt to enlist the help of both factions freshly made, its off to the angels territory. Once there it is a complete warzone at the time. Creators and devils are hitting them hard. Hachiyo makes a bit of a bombing pass before entering the frey for finishing off the remainders, rescuing the angels along the way to Rufadiel. Chihiro there attempts to convince her to allow help taking down Ganoel. With promising results, we are granted permission to see Nolfaza. Nolfaza quickly comes to an understanding and allows for his assistance when the time is needed in the coming battle against Miyahara.

Quickly over the devils territory a similar fight is happening. This time with only creators raiding them in full force. Ryuji is needing to meet up with Shehira to reason with her to allow us to meet with the devil leader. Fighting to get to her we are met with Vaza and Quinolraza in the way before making contact with her. She is understanding like Rufadiel and we are onto meeting Selberg. Selberg like Nolfaza agrees and accepts to assist in the coming war too. Although his reason for lending his assistance is not only because of what was said but for personal reasons of feeling betrayed. There is a revelation and Shuuya has to hold his tongue for the acceptance of a greater cause.

With both sides in agreement to lend their assistance, a brief downtime before heading out is made. It allows for finishing up some leftovers and minor tasks. With the short downtime over, and the war now at hand. Both Selberg and Nolfaza work together to bring down Cherubs barrier while sayane piolets Hachiyo into a controlled crash right into it lol. A fight through all of Miyaharas forces and controlled creators is a required means to getting to the end and finally stopping his plans from fully occurring. However just before the final battle Masoho comes to greet us one last time. She confesses to a few things and has come as an apology for standing in their way while expressing that it was something she had to do. With emotions at their high its finally time for the big man. Mitahara is at the top and is finally in sight now. He flexes a bit in showing that his power of creation is nigh. With fusing an angel and devil right in front of them then poses a question and offer to Shuuya. Shuuya halts himself before answering with a pass. Knowing that this way of forcing the merge of both angels and devils is something he has already accomplished, yet not through force, they are both helping and working together to end this entire situation currently happening. More of course was discussed and happening, however the end result is a clash or core ideals, in which the only way out was to have both Shuuya and Miyaharas ideals clash together and the victor becoming justice in a sense. The winner is the right, the loser is the wrong.

With this hard pressed battle finally over the entire Cherub fortress is collapsing in on itself. Shuuya being the winner of ideals. Everybody is to rush to escape, forcing their way to Hachiyo as fast as they are able to. Creators are rushing and slowing down the escape and as they near the end, the allies gained, be it devil or angel are falling one by one. Fighting together for the ability to allow Shuuya and the humans to escape while they sacrifice themselves.

As this is happening, it cuts back to Miyahara where Atori has somehow made her way to him. Informing him that his way of pursuit was not wrong. That choosing to pursue ones life goals and set purpose. As she dies, leaving these lasts words to resonate within him, Miyahara turns to Masoho, who is also standing by him at this time. He asks if she is going to leave him, with her response being different than one might expect. Evading the question directly and rather saying she is happy to have been able to see Shuuya and Mirai one last time. In response Miyahara tells Masoho to leave him and Atori alone for their last moments.

As she leaves an unknown voice makes contact with her. She is not surprised by this happening and a quick dialog takes place that is further explained in subsequent playthroughs EX content.

Back to Shuuya escaping, he is able to make it to Hachiyo. Albeit that a few have lost their lives in hopes for him to reach this point. He and the remaining others are able to escape. Once landed, the students that were once thought to be dead but claimed to be safe by Miyahara are just that, safe and sound. They all slowly awaken one after another. Proceeding quickly after with the remaining able to finally go home to the world of inevitable fusion which has already begun.


After the school defense and choosing to side with the angels, it is time to break away from the school itself. Plans to march right down the block to where the angels are holding up have begun. There is an attempt to save as many students as possible with a 3 system defense where Madoka is leading from further away/scouting, Shuuya is the main leader pushing forward through the creators to get to the angels territory and Narumi assists where able. With reasons as to why she is not the one taking full charge of pushing forward.

With the battle to get to the angels territory finally over, several others and Masoho’s sister, Maki, is found consoling and pretty much preaching the words of thyne lord and savior. Being an assistant to those around to help quell fears and worries, a much needed event for most of the people that are now trapped in this unfamiliar world.

While settling in and talking with Mirai there is a all too familiar face that appears in the distance. Doubt and clouded judgement make for feelings of `it cant be true`. Shuuya catches up to her and the thought comes to reality, it is their mother. Their mother who had left them at a young age after their MHI treatment. With conflicting emotions of resentment and joy swelling together, Mehisha breaks the mood without any consideration to it at all. Only stating that Rufadiel would like to see him, Rufadiel one of the leaders of the angels.

With the meeting of Rufadiel a must at this point, Shuuya follows along and doesn’t have negative impressions of her in the same way that Mehisha has been coming off to him since their first encounter. Rufadiel quickly gets to the meat of the convo though and expresses how she may know a way to get everybody back to their world. They would need to infiltrate and explore into MHI Headquarters. However, getting into the place would be no easy task given the location is inside devils territory. It would be a fight to get in and a fight to figure out the details of confirming her hypothesis that the place holds a key for how to get home. Before leaving Chihiro adds in, stating that their dad is here too, but working alongside the other side as a choice they were forced to make in hopes of survival after being forced into this world by MHI and their deal with them.

Shuuya ignored what she was trying to say for the most part and heads off to Narumi to discuss the plan of action for how to go about infiltrating MHI. Once finished and talking to Rufadiel once again the search is on and into the fray the squad goes. Mehisha and Chihiro are working with them to assist in showing the way to MHI headquarters.

There are some interactions between Chihiro and the others but Shuuya is stubborn in his resentment not letting it get past the mental barrier he had set up. Hard pressed to accept her back into his life after what he viewed as her abandoning him when he was young. Narumi had even made a first step to talking with Chihiro, expressing how she is sorry that the reason they were trapped here, at the core, is likely a direct result of Mitaka Ceramics. Mitaka enabled MHI with forbidden knowledge that they misused in getting them trapped their for their own research purposes. Through the openness Shuuya finally starts to open up to her as MHI comes into sight and they are able to slip through the defenses into the facility through one of the devils fortresses. By the end of sneaking through and fighting their way to the gates/doors of the facility, Chihiro becomes more aggressive in wanting Shuuya to open up and talk with her. Telling him that the deal struck with MHI and her was only made so that they could be saved. They sacrificed their life for them in a sense. She was trying to not explicitly state this for personal reasons but ends up doing so as a way of making amends and not hiding anything from him to gain trust back.

Oddly as they open the doors to MHI and find their way inside… something is just off, there is seemingly nobody here. Its nearly empty, not filled with creators or devils. The place is up and running still but it just isn’t right. So they take the time to explore around, fighting the few creators that appear in hopes to find some way to progress further in through the locked doors.

A short while later, fighting the seemingly too plotted out and placed creators, a access card is found that conveniently lets them progress further into the facility. Not much thought is taken as one way or another this is a must to finding the answers they came here for. Kaito is able to use his ability to sift through computer data with the most valuable entries locked behind tiered access that the console viewing from does not have permission to view. As they head back to find where the access card picked up can unlock, the place is seemingly filled with creators now. Although, without much dismay they make quick work of them as they seek out the next area they are able to access.

In the middle of exploring more of the facility they hear a distressing call for help and rush to see what is going on. It ends up being one of MHI’s special service members of MSC ie Soldier. Once the events are concluded and a unwelcoming ending statement by the person is felled to the casts ears, another card is found that she happened to drop. It happens to be the card needed to access the next zone of the facility. Things are seeming to be too coincidental but again, these thoughts and worries cannot be dwelled on too much as the answers sought for are not yet found.

With the higher security clearance given, Kaito is able to view more classified information and along with it a heavy revealing fact that all the creators here are truly MHI experiments. Not just that, they are what they are claiming will be for human evolution and all of MHI’s breakthroughs are fundamentally founded and based on creators. Meaning their medical advancements, renewoil, mithril steel ect, its all because of this world that they came to be. With the end of the logs reached and a short exploration later, the MSC member is found yet again but this time with a friend. Of course they are swiftly dealt with yet oddly enough happen to drop another card with higher clearance than the last as they make their escape.

Making their way to where clearance and more progression can be made a familiar face appears with a deal to them. Atori, right in front of them informs that if Shuuya and Mirai are to come along nicely, everybody else will be allowed to go back to their world. Obviously they deny it, so she fights and in doing so learns that it is a message she was there to relay. With denial and her losing the fight, she lets them proceed further however, letting them know Miyahara and Masoho are both awaiting here and awaiting them sooner than later.

As they proceed to continue onward Atori tells the leader of MCI to ensure their capture. With it the leader makes his way to intercept and fight to attempt to capture them. He is accompanied by the two others that had already been fought and beaten up to this point. This time all three of them gang up to no avail. Before the fight ends, one of them finds a way to get under Shuuyas skin and make him act spontaneously, leaving him wide open for an attack. Madoka jumps in front to save him and in the process has the worst happen. She is not dead but Erwin would surely understand her situation at this point. Forced to retreat back and hide, Shannelle assists in trying to heal her the best she can with the given time they are able to procure.

With a more steeled mind in place, a rush to the top floor is now imminent. Answers must be found and things are quite serious at this point. Rushing through the next set of doors uncovers an all too familiar face though. Masoho is standing there, awaiting his arrival. Everything has been planned out too particularly from the start of their arrival it would seem. She lets Shuuya know that Soldier has been ordered to stand down and it is safe… for whatever that is worth.

Shuuya is confused by this gesture, but doesn’t let It show as he demands a metting with Miyahara to get to the bottom of what is going on right now. She allows for the meeting to happen and off to Miyahara. Miyahara is now right in front of him, without hesitating, Shuuya gets down to business wanting to know how they could get back home. Miyahara simply looks and proceeds to display Chihiro in a device, letting him know that this is how they get home, through the use of using both Mirai and him, the place they are in right now is how they get home. Shuuya does not like how this is all unfolding and proceeds to gather information on how and why that is the case since a man of his stature would surely know of another way to get home or could figure one out. Miyahara of course does know of another way home then brings up Selberg, the lord od devils. In the midst of this Mehisha loses temper a bit and needs to know how a human like him could possibly know of the existence and details regarding Selberg, let along how he knows Selberg has a gate back home.

So it is clear the only ways to get home now are fight through to Selberg and take use of his gate, or let Chihiro be the core of Miyaharas gate with the swap of Shuuya and Mirai being the only others that could take Chihiros place in order for the gate to work. The answer to the end is clear and they all are forced to make their way back out to regroup and calibrate all the information together that has been learned by this expedition. Heading back to also gain the views of Rufadiel for support of the angel forces in the next phase of plans that are going into motion sooner than later.

A entity that has been hiding steps out the moment the group leaves the facility and without hesitation cuts down Miyahara, with Masoho left alone. Her being there that will likely help this person weather she would want to or not, given who they are.

Back at the encampment with Rufadiel, discussing everything discovered for better clarity on what to do next, Rufadiel answers in an expected way with similar views on how to act next. With the downtime between preparation, Shuuya decides to take a peek on Masoho one more time at MHI. Once there, he is able to discuss with her and learns that she could assist Madoka by helping her so we do just that. Going back to the encampment, talking with Madoka and getting her to go back to MHI with us this time. Right as they are leaving, information about Atori is given and an emergency event begins. She is injured and must be saved, so before helping Madoka, Atori is saved and brought under the safety of angels territory. Shortly after she is saved, Madoka can then officially be helped by Masoho at MHI. Once those things are all settled and back to the new normal, Rufadiel is ready to make the next move in striking against Tardarum Fortress.

Tardarum fortress being a place that is guarded and under control by Quinolraza, one of the highest ranking devil generals. The fight with him is prolonged by Shegira destroying the bridge that leads directly to the fortress. Meaning that thre is a longer fight to get inside to be able to take him down. This does not slow Shuuya down as he rushes around and straight into the fortress. Once inside the fortress it is a very straightforward fight through the place finding Quinolraza, defeating him then quickly leaving to the safety of the angels territory.

During the celebration of a monumental victory over the devils, Mehisha reveals something surprising. She is appointed as his guardian angel. They express themselves and Shuuya accepts her as guardian angel. In doing so conduct the contract for officiality.

More in the background, the angels have finished clearing out the entire MHI base and is now converted over officially to the angels territory. It will from here on out act as the primary base of actions to launch attacks out towards the devils as well, given its positioning, it makes the most sense.

Quickly on the tails of the last battle comes the next general though to keep the momentum going. This time it is straight into the mare layer led by Shehira. As the battle through mare layer is at its high, memories and visions flash through Shuuyas mind. Mot swayed, he pushes onwards with the assistance of Rufadiel to destroy a magical beacon that is amplifying and assisting in hindering their progress to finding Shehira. It is all a trap though and without realizing in time Shuuya and Rufadiel are caught in it. Luckily a contract was formed with Mehisha though as with it they are not lost just merely afk until she is able to rescue them… hopefully sooner than later. But this is a perfect excuse for both of them to have some idle chat and learn more about each others views and preferences. Eith the delayed savior of Mehisha showing up and reuniting everybody, the final phase of this raid can finally occur. Taking down Shehira and in her last moments everything Is interrupted by explosions.

Hachiyo is bombing the place open, and steals Shehira away before the official end happens. Confusion runs amuck as to what is happening but one thing is certain, having Shehira taken away in this manor can only mean more trouble to come. Quickly realizing the place that Hachiyo is flying off to is where the other battle between Ragutas and Ernst is happening only adds to the frantic reality that they are targeting the generals for some unknown reason.

In an attempt to save them, Shuuya rushes to save or assist Ragutas. Shockingly on the way he sees his father Ryuuji. He is stopping them from proceeding further as he is here for Ernst. After the battle with him, Ryuuji finally decides to let us pass through. With Ernst gone in pursuit of Hachiyo and Ragutas still here injured, conversations are made quick. Heading after Ernst they find her in a similar state to Ragutas. Both of them decide to fight it out one last time, this time without interruptions though. Ragutas wins and Ernst accepts him killing her. As this happens Ragutas looks to Rufadiel to finish what has been started in the war currently, and as that statement is being made Hachiyo is on the way back for another bombing run. This time harder to defend than the last, but somehow Shuuya and company manage to do so with the help of the angel leader Nolfaza appearing out of seemingly nowhere. With the last bombing run completed Sayane and Hachiyo fly off further into the devils territory, leaving the rest with air to breath and make it back to safety.

Now finally able to recover, the final push is clear, its is nearly time to charge against Selberg and finalize/complete the plan of taking his gate to return home with. A family reuinion of the Senzakis concludes as preparations are complete and the plan is solidified. The time to charge in and take out Selberg is finally upon us.

At the gates of Selbergs castle, Hachiyo is there too, and for the first things first, taking over Hachiyo is a must. With the help of Rufadiel, the voarding process if relatively simple as everybody is transported inside of it. Once inside though it is a constant battle with Soldier and creators until it is finally captured and taken under control. Multiple blockades and hardships of who to fight through do take place but none of it is able to stop the mission.

With Hachiyo under control after all the troubles to do so, Masoho has her hologram there and assists with the limited control she has over the vessel. Letting Shuuya know that the battle Nolfaza is engaged in with Selberg will hold no fruit as the body he is attacking is not his real one. His real body is hidden away in a subspace dimension that they are going to need to break into in order to truly put an end to the devils. Literal seconds after describing the situation to him Masoho finishes crashing Hachiyo into the place.

With that unexpected entry into Selbergs place, it’s a rush to find him. Fighting powerful devils all the way to his location that is protected by a large erected barrier that prevents further progress. The barrier is quickly taken down by defeating 3 specific devils but that is not the end of the troubles. As they are rushing in past the barrier something hits them on a mental level. Shuuya is frozen there, stuck in a dream life state up until Mehisha is able to burst him free from it. Both Mehisha and Shuuya are assaulted by Selberg and manage to hold out long enough for Nolfaza to break into their location, freeing all under the mental grasp that Selberg had over them.

With all that has happened, Selberg admits that Shuuya is worthy of taking him on with his true form, hopefully the final one too lol. Working further into the depths of Selbergs pocket dimension and his true form is now in front of them. The final battle begins and ends shortly later  with Shuuya emerging victorious. As selberg existence fades, he grants Shuuya the necessary power to control the gate by imprinting it into his mind directly.

Heading back to Hachiyo reveals another sad piece of information, that Masoho used herself in place of Chihiro to enable the gate to work. Saving his mother but sacrificing herself in the process, being fused together with the gate acting as its core die functionality.

Back at MHI with Chihiro now safe, a wholesome moment between their reunion occurs and everybody is safely able to return home through the gates no under their control. Credits and end scenes roll with concluding events and a satisfactory credits that ties everything up nicely before the official credits screen starts to play.


Accepting Gils offer to join forces with him since he promises protection and answers, has everybody on edge. The devils are not known to be nice and it clearly shows in how they act, yet they are keeping to their word as of now so its not all that bad.

Time progresses and still Gil hasn’t fulfilled his end of the bargain where he I supposed t explain in more details the world they are currently in, what their powers are and the intricacies surrounding them. Gil does however deiced to disclose that a US military base has been taken into this world. Due to it being a US base, it should be packed full of high end weaponry and equipment that would assist in the upcoming battles.

With a short goal and need in sight, Shuuya and others set off to investigate and obtain a defensive/offensive advantage before the angels and other devils find out about the place and raid it, taking all the goodies.

Unsurprisingly the plan is simply not working or going as expected. The devil that was supposed to be guarding over the place is gone and the place is in utter destruction. Pushing further inside the base has us finding Sayane and her company slaughtering devils, creators and practically anything that moves. Disclosing some key information about why she is at the base and MHI’s involvement/discoveries about the world they are trapped in. Her words meaning that Shuuya and Mirai are simply test subject and not really patients they saved out of their good will. There was a ulterior motive going on.

As Shuuya and Sayane are talking, the devil Vaza’s forces rush in and capture her, taking her hostage and wanting to kill her for all the damage she has done to his forces. Shuuya of course wont let that slide so follows and listens to Gils advice on the shortcut to get to Vaza quick. Once there, Vaza and Sayane are going back and forth with Gil interrupting and putting forth a compromise that would allow Sayane to be saved. It is the devil route and so Shuuya mates her simple as that… then they make their way with Sayane in arms out of the base and back to the school with the rest of the companions.

Once at the school Sayane discloses that Miyahara and Selberg are the two key factors in how to get back to the real world. Gil interludes with a statement about how he is able to arrange an audience with Selberg. As shocking as this was, everybody sort of accepts it and pushes forward with this plan to get an audience with selberg. Gil leaves out the details that Selberg was looking to obtain some of the test subjects that MHI had created, such as Shuuya, Mirai and the other humans with special powers that awakened in this world. Luckily nothing bad happens except a `wtf man` towards Gil.

Not a lot happens after until they get back to the school where everybody there is riled up about working with the devils and how uncomfortable they are about the entire situation. Tensions are high and nobody is happy. Sayane doesn’t help much in this regard as she is up to her games yet again, this time with the sisterz. Telling them that in order to help shuuya properly they need to dedicate their bodies to him… so they do just that and Shuuya mates his sister and her two best friends heh.

After all the lust settles from the air, Narumi comes in and has found a spot she thinks will allow access to see what the angels are up to by means of investigating the humans that went with the angels. They are all huddled in poor conditions of a encampment outside the city hall with the angels *protecting* them but not to the extent that they assumed they would. Some more information regarding the angels is had and before they realize Rufadiel is in front of them readying an attack. Due to this being in angel territory there is no other option but to run or cooperate with their demands. Of course they will not convert over to the angels side after learning what they do now. The odds are seemingly better with the devils. Gil creates a distraction just large enough for them to make an escape without losses.

Rufadiel is not wanting to let them go and with her resolve, the fight with her ensues. Oddly she is misguided in her strength and with her misguided judgement for how to take them down is her self taken down instead. She then gets taken as a prisoner of war back to the school basement.

With the capture of Rufadiel, Selberg immediately makes a summons of all the devil generals and invites Shuuya along as well as a gesture of acknowledgement for his achievement to capture Rufadiel. Ernst and Shehira during this meeting let Shuuya know that he is welcome to stop by their fortresses later for further conversations. Gil is given a territory to rule over and further plans of action to go after another angel leader will be soon to keep the pressure on them and force more shifting power balance in favor of the devils.

Once the discussions are all over, Shuuya heads back to base then over to Ersnt and Shehira to discover what they wanted to show and talk with him about. Oh and Rufadiel in the school basement is being *interrogated* by the meat shepters of many with no signs of breaking and disclosing vital info for them. Ersnt tells him about his father and how he is working with them and Shehira, being a mare of course informs him about sexual empowerment rituals hehe.

In the middle of his return and talking things over with Gil, Atori pops out of nowhere, sent over by Miyahara. Atpri is only wanting to meet with Shuuya, as per Miyahara demands her to do. Atori lets Shuuya know that Masoho is here with Miyahara working together. They will not be able to meet quite yet though due to the increased activity of angels and danger that it would cost to meet at this very moment.

With Ragutas takedown plan moving steadily along, the time has finally come to make a move. It would be one step closer to being able to meet with Miyahara and solving the problems of how to get home. Having the cooperation of Miyahara as a side gig means that there is a fallback for how to get home. The devils are a primary way but if need be, Miyahara is also an option. Either path tentatively open at this point.

With he battle of Ragutas taking full bore now, Shuuyas job is to maintain control over City hall. The battle going on in close proximity to Shuuya is off, with Sayane confirming that Ernst is in trouble, things are not going quite as planned. So Shuuya leaves his position to help Ernst.

He is able to save her in time but Ernst is in a large amount of distress about leaving and insists that she has to go back and help her companions… the ones that are all dead from the battle. Gil intervenes with a comment about the only help she needs is this dick, so Shuuya and him do a vit of a tag team on her. She comes back to her senses and Shehira wasn’t lying, the power of sexual increase is in fact real. Ernst now, better [?], joins with to take on Ragutas. Fighting all the way to him and felling this beast, Ernst is neutral on the entire situation and pleased enough to have an offer for Shuuya to become one of her subordinates.

The battle against Ragutas was a great one with many losses, Vaza, as pitiful of a creature he is was wiped clean by lowly creators, Quinolraza had his forces decimated to near nothing and Ernst on the weak side in a similar position to Quinolraza. Shuuya and his group are really the only force that was not heavily impacted by the war taking down Ragutas surprisingly. With such losses and Ragutas felled, both sides tactically retreat for regrouping and further discussion of what happens next.

Once regrouped at the school, Kaito is infuriated on how Gil somehow lost Rufadiel. When she was clearly locked up and then disappears as soon as the battle starts. Tensions are high and suspicions of a spy and how MHI is not as friendly as they let on to be are in the air. With the suspicions around MHI they will have to be confronted about what is going on, since if they are not truly with the devils than they are not truly with our forces either. Something is definitely off and not feeling right at this point.

Lot of drama ensues at the school and even worse situations occurring on the angels side with how poorly the humans that took refuge there are seeming to be. Everything seems to be going downhill. Anyways, it’s MHI time and the group heads off to get some answers from Miyahara himself. And once they arrive, they find that Quinolraza is there causing trouble, tearing through Soldier forces and being a menace. Miyahara and Masoho know that Shuuya has arrived and put out some tests for him to handle since they feeling a bit frisky. All factions seemingly are here and fighting in one form or another. It is pure chaos. With a clear goal in mind though, its time to break through to get to Miyahara for our long overdue meeting for some answers.

Fighting through Soldier, creators and many different types of other enemies, scanning terminals along the way using Kaitos ability to learn more secrets about MHI themselves. It is apparent that what Miyahara has planned is not quite in line with what the company itself is wanting, at least that is the interpretation Sayane gathers with the findings.

Quinolraza still being a menace is the first major fight that ensues, he has been hlding back going off on us since the first meeting. With him and his amped up self from performing *rituals* with the angels at the place and simply destroying everything he could, he is much stronger than he was prior. Albeit stronger, not strong enough to fell the main man Shuuya though. Miyahara has plans for his near corpse like state and grants his final wish, taking him away to probably be seen again sooner than later.

Nolfaza is here, the leader of the angels and has a short conversation with us before realizing words do not good and fights. With his monstrous strength, it is a losing battle and a retreat is necessary, somehow making it out alive to safety, away from his reach. Retreating into a generator room, and working our way out from here, Masoho makes an appearance. She doesn’t say much except that its time for the long awaited meeting with Miyahara.

Miyahara has since fused with a creator and does not want to spend much time idle chit chatting with Shuuya. However he does humor him and answers his questions, however few they may have been. Expressing that Selberg is no threat to him and that he is the one in control of how tides of war shift, he is the reason that humans can push forward in evolution through fusion rather than natural selection as it is a logical step to take for the next stage, and that since the worlds have started to fuse, there is no stopping it, what is started cannot be stopped.

Miyahara is up to no good during this conversation and is only put to a halt when Nolfaza breaks in and says its time to stop. Faltering Miyahara for long enough to enable an opening to take him down. Nolfaza stands there without much to say except a congrats to being able to take down Miyahara like this.

Unsurprising to Nolfaza but surprising to the rest of us… The energy released through the death of Miyahara is funneled directly into Mehisha. With all the power that she is taking into herself, a new form is made, she is becoming a Goddess.

Mehisha in her new goddess form simply utters words that dismay everyone there in how she is going to put a end to the devils. She leaves and transfers the humans along the way back to their homeworld.

She head straight for Selbergs layer and subdimension he has been hiding in. Mehisha makes short work of finding his true form, killing him in only a single swipe, letting all know the war is over. The devils have lost while the angels are the victors.

With all the events that rapidly happened, Shuuya knows that Mehisha is not going to spare the lives of those humans who chose to side with the devils. It was clear to him that the battle was not over, at least for them. Heading back to the school to check on everybody there and the situation is as bad as expected. Emotions are at an all time high and near the tipping point of no return. Somehow Shuya is able to temporarily quell it all down, but it cant last for much longer.

Heading back to see Masoho and get a battle plan in motion, Masoho informs Shuuya that she does have a plan to engage Mehisha. The plan boiled down to fight her, beat her, mate her, take the gate back and become the victor. Sounds simple enough but Nolfaza and the remaining angelic forces stand between current progress and end goal.

Once prepared and ready the strike on the angel fortress begins. It’s the final battle to decide the end. Eushing through the fortress, Nolfaza makes an appearance. He tries to stop us from proceeding further into where Mehisha is. He, although very powerful, is not strong enough to stop us and is defeated.

Now with Mehisha in sight, Shuuya asks her one last request, to let them all go home, but MEhisha while accepting has a condition to abide by. She states they need to let go of all the powers they gained from this world. Of course Shuuya says no, not only for uncertainty that she will hold up her bargain but the fact that the powers hold meaning to them and so the battle is on.

With her taken down, Shuuya gains the power of the gate and becomes a higher being himself. He is now able to teleport any and all pieces of this world back to their world, people included. Things seem to be great, it’s the good end right?... well sort of. Shuuya makes things right and normal again, with all the people and places put back to how they were prior to the event. Things seems to be perfectly normal, except that when he is in the real world he is an upstanding citizen, the best of the best, classy type of guy… but on the inside, er, warped world, he himself is a warped one. He is wont stop at the power he has obtained and wants more, well that and along with his sex dungeon lol. He strives for a greater test of his powers. Leaving the real world alone for the time being and conquering other worlds he is able to visit through his special powers that are on par with a god. One world simply enough for the man lol.


Dreamland is the answers to questions posed during human route ending where Masoho was talked to by some unknown entity. Atori is where she can have her route done here. Although it isn’t a true route, while at the same time is the real route since dreamland takes place outside of time and space. So technically this might be considered the real route yet its not the real route due to being out of space and time. It is temperamental for them both to come back to reality. 4th+ dimensional type stuff that goes down in this one. Ganoel and Haagenti are the two introduced here. Ganoel being the second rank angel, Cherub. Haagenti being one of the 72 Pillars of Solomon. Their powers are relative to eachother.

To keep it brief, there are 3 stages to dreamland, each ending at set points. Once entered, it ends there and can only access it again once a certain story point/chapter has been reached. Completing dreamland unlocks 2 control leader with leader crafting/selection.

Ganoel is under control by Haagenti and by the end it is fighting against him while learning more about Atori and Masoho. Freeing Ganoel from Haagenti and fighting him and not accepting his options to end it and conclude things once and for all. Dreamland is involved in a separate space outside of all the timelines that adds to how every possible route taken with each of the companions is possible.


AFB is Kaito’s game that he lends to Shuuya to test out about a hero beating a demon king. It is append content and not included in the base game. It is like a traditional jrpg with the card battle system applied on top of it. There is a new leader card given and can potentially be the first 2 control leader accessible by the second playthrough. It is very hard but doable since I did it right after first playthrough lol. There are 2 different endings, one is the true end by collecting all companions that will grant access to being able to use shuuya 2 control leader card while not collecting all of them is a standard ending. either option will lead to different cg, similar end result.

It starts out with Shuuya meeting Mehisha in a town with rumors of a legendary sword. Heading to a cave to find it. They head back to the village then to a port town. Meeting potential companion. The sword she tells them is on another continent to the east. However, to get there they need to find the captain of a boat. The captain being another companion that can be gained. She is in a bandit den currently. So heading there to save her, some shenanigans happen and quickly after things resolve the boat is unlocked and possible to go eastern continent.

Once through the port, its onto Mt. Fuen. At the top another potential companion is met and we are told about the sword being locked away in a sky temple. Yet to get there is not a simple walk there. To get there we must meet yet another companion. A companion that we are not told about until we head back to the first port town to ask the all knowing lady. She knows but wont give information until we do something for her. So we are off to complete her task and bring bac the item requested. With the item in hand, she is more than willing to tell us about a legendary craftsmen that we are now seeking out… back on the eastern continent.

The craftsmen informs that she is able to do what we need if we are able to bring her four different angel feathers. Feathers that can be found around the Mt Fuen region. Once all the feathers are found, she helps and we can finally get into the sky temple. However before leaving might want to take on the 2 dangerous species monsters that are only accessible through AFB playthrough. These bosses are likely a 4th playthrough onward though so save prior to engaging. They are extremely difficult battles.

Once in the sky temple, its very straightforward of find how to unlock the door and once we are through the sword is right in front of is. Grab it and head to the demon kings land. Push through his land and fight through his castle where the [Sisterz] are found to be the 3 main fights leading up to the demon king. Beating the demon king ends the afb campaign, and if all companions gathered, then one more battle and more scenes are unlocked. Content is all transferred to the next playthrough a player chooses to do.

EX Content –

There are 2 different EX content storylines. First being Bathhouse and second one that brings old Eushully game characters for a fun school festival story.

Bathhouse story is as it sounds where once its unlocked, Kaito will come along every now and then throughout the main story, no matter the route and let us know its time for another round at the bathhouse. Once in the bathhouse… got to do a bit of snekery to a certain location marked on the map. If able to make it there, its all viewable, every last bit of the grill that he has intel is visiting the place that round lol. Each entry progressively *harder* than the last without any of them really providing difficulty. Its more of a quick and fun event with a nice enjoyable finish. Dojiro will be on his ass quick and has a wide vision to catch him too. Got to be careful and swift but its for a righteous cause of completion so it will be accomplished. Just make sure to save prior. Similar to arena tourney, if failed once that’s it for the playthrough, unless saving right before attempt to load back into for another try.

With the outsiders EX content, one must beat a certain someone in the arcade during chapter 1. Once she is beaten it will allow access to orcville and the rest of outsider optional content. It is very easy to miss since the beginning is day limited pretty hard. Will have to do several events during lunch and after school and eventually the next stage of content will pop. Eventually a cultural festival event will happen and things will lead up to it. If the orcville and other special lunch events are viewed then the rumors of ghosts will happens and we are off to find the core to the rumors… leading to a unexpected cameo from the eushully meister game that got most into this genre from the looks of it lol.

The cultural festival officially begins with all the fluff prior being completed. It must be beaten, so save prior to fully complete. There are a lot of fun moments and lines throughout this append content which are best experienced. Its all 2ndplaythrough optional onwards. Well worth the investment to unlock since its pretty easy to trigger. Just make sure to follow up with these cameo characters before the initial battle with gil’s forces begins so that all 3 will be collected into companion page alongside several cards added to the deck pool.

Sub-Routes [Heroines] –

To not spoil too much of the details of each heroin experience, lets start and go in the order I chose to get each.

Arisa is one that acts crazy, one of the hardest to unlock due to the amount of quests needed to be done and active searching to accomplish said quests. She is crazy and never stick dick in crazy they said. Her story is one of my favorites and although she is crazy she can be wifey. Imagine memories forced to forget and knowing the fact that it has to be lived with. As in not enough *memory* to store enough of the good times ☹

Mehisha is stern and stronk, rules are rules, humans are a hassle but Shuuya makes an exception breaking her perceptions. Learns that angels eat but don’t need to eat and are true whamen where they don’t use bathroom, what goes in is 100% efficient and will not be gone lol. Wholesome one and worthwhile, default and the true end for angel route.

Sayane true end for devil route. She prestigious, cant express true feelings and is a complete bitch at times. But I can fix her, oh I can fix her right? Well she likes it rough so one thing is going to give by the end at least lol. She a fun one.

Madoka just teases constantly and got dem child bearing hips hehe. Erwin from SnK and her have a lot in common, if only they could left hand wave to eachother. Couldn’t be right hand since that would mean they were right [?] hmm, should probably stop there lol. Anyway she is cute, and like to push boundary tease, has emotional damage and feelings of loneliness and separation from those around her directly from the events that constantly happen to her friends she gets close to around her. She is probably very relatable to a great many people compared to a lot of other selections. Cant fix what is already repaired :mrclean:

Shanelle, big tiddy loli, best friend of sister. Ph there is a lot that can be done there, a lot that has already been done too lol. She is the most gentle passive aggressive out of them all. Probably into some heavy bdsm but not because she wants to ofc, its not her idea, its shuuyas… honestly one of my least favorite routes, not bad, just was not that interested in her as a character. Very traditional, can cook and not much bad in her, unless shuuya counts kek.

Akari is the childhood friend. She doesn’t want to vocally accept the feelings. Its your fault for not getting it, how could you not get it, oh my god nvm, I just, ah, lets talk about this some other time type of girl. Outgoing and faithful though, very typical girly type lol. Nothing too aggressive, passionate and soft :bluzh:

Mirai… well well well, whats wrong with my sister? She is perfect, gentle, kind and honest with feelings. So what if we bathe together at the fresh age of nearly hs grad? Its sexual, er sensual, ah, I mean passionate, wait wait wait, what im trying to say is its just family matters. Mom agrees so whats the problem. Dad just looks and acts in forced acceptance of the disappointed dad look but im the dad now hehe. Heres to the disabled chiled. Mirai is honestly precious though and has some of the best written scenes :eyes:. Cute, small precious and fits a lot of kinks knowhamean. Keep it in the family for best results /shrug lol

Narumi is true human route end. She is the best at trying her best, she may not be the best but doesn’t need to be. Better to be imperfect to always have something to strive for than perfect and stagnate, very smart and has the right kind of intelligence inversely related to how clumsy she can be on a personal level. All in spite of her stoic appearance. She constantly tries for more and improvement. Wholesome, friendly and wants whats best. Albeit clumsy a good wifey for a fun enjoyable time together. Cant go wrong with her, especially since theres a curve heres a curve and that’s a curve I like hehe.

Last but not least we got Atori. She doesn’t have a official ending route and instead has a transcended route by being part of dreamlands outer dimensional space. So technically she is above the rest just because she transcends time and space [?]. If Atori could have a regular ending she would have been on par with my favorite. Her personality is great, looks are just right and I guess it’s a theme but also has some pretty heavy daddy issues. Its an ending that is explained that simply cannot happen through normal means. It helps add to the emotional context behind her as a character, further adding to her character, even though the ending is temperamental to the main story she is in a way the true heroine from the perspective of no matter the choice selected she is chosen on a outerversal level… even if its temperamental. Even if all stars aligned a real ending just couldn’t be.

Gameplay/Quests –

Well after all the story comes the gameplay and quests lol. At the core it is not that hard of a game in most normal combat. There are definitely a fair amount of hard and challenging battles. Even in the far end game having multiple that really put to the test the deck building skills.

It is all card based combat. A max deck of 30 cards. Starting combat will have 6 cards drawn from the top of the deck. The deck is rng shuffled based on the cards of selected deck built. Each card will have a control value and cost associated. The leader card is the card used for winning or defeat. If the leaders card health reaches 0, then it is game over. Game over with the option to either retry or go to the title screen to load back a previous save.

The leader card starts in the front line middle of the field. Enemy always has first turn of laying cards and positioning first. They cannot attack on their first turn. However, on our first turn we can attack the enemy. With the leader car in position the connecting squares are charged up with a control value. The control value is directly what allows cards to be summoned. The card in hand has to either be equal or less than the control value on the board. Each summoned card has its own control value and increases the overlapping spaces values. The higher the overlapped values is how stronger and very high cost cards can be summoned to the field. Some of the summoned cards will have various actions that can be done depending on the card placed. Some actions will use the turns actions of that card skipping its battle phase for the action while other cards can use an action and still attack. There re also field passive active abilities that can be at play when a card is placed. One such ability would be that all FLW or front line warriors are debuffed in their control value, cost value, attack or heath ect. There are effects that sometimes can be applied by use of action, AA or attacking said card. Lots of variations and possibilities at play here to add a wide amount of diversity into the cardplay.

Once cards are placed, abilities are applied or used, the attack phase can be initiated. Simply dragging a card onto an adjacent enemy card is all it takes. The enemy or player being attacked will be forced to defend or block if able. Blocking can be initiated by defending an adjacent attack where it overlaps the card next to it. That card can either defend or choose to not defend. If the attack overlaps a leader card, the leader cannot defend for a FLW. Sometimes there are abilities that mix this up where a rearguard, or backrow card, can defend the front, or there are also abilities that force no defense possible even though it’s a side adjacent attack happening. It all factors into the strategy part of building and crafting offensive and defensive decks.

FA or finish arts is something that us an ability which changes based on the partner selected before battle. The leader and partner selected can be the same character. The FA is the special ability that can be used once the gauge reaches 100%. Many different abilities can be had and used. Each unique with some being more useful than others. Some battles do not allow for them to happen though and these are set under conditions. Each battle will have conditions and requirements to play under. Most having none, some having turn limits and other conditions being along the lines of no use of X types of cards or items.

Items are as one would expect with healing items, control item boost, cost modification items, cure effects inflicted ect. Most with variations of healing more per use or less ect. Its simple and very straightforward.

A player can undo the actions made during the current turn, at a cost of performance points. A partner passive can disable that though. Same goes with escaping battle. When clicking escape, if able to escape the player loses 30 performance points if a certain party or leader isn’t selected to have a passive on that reduces the amount down. Once attacking, placing cards and using abilities is done, clicking the end turn button moves onto the enemy phase where they do the same sequence of events. Up to a max of 99 turns unless conditions otherwise state restrictions.

Onto how to get cards, they can be crafted, bought, earned through quests or most commonly copied by using a shuuya card to kill a enemy unit. Although not all cards can be copied and there are restrictions based on the current level skill shuuya has that allows up to X tier card to be copied ~~with restrictions~~. Once cards are earned they can be placed into decks. Mix and matched with a max of 4 copies of a card per different card. There are options to sort the cards by cost, number life points or attack points, along with category separation of leader cards, inorganic, human, creature, angel, devil, demon and hero races/categories. Each card will have a level that can increase to sometimes only level 1, or up to level 9. Each level slowly boosting the cards capabilities. There are item slots that are slowly unlocked on some cards while others come with a pre-unlocked amount.

Items are earned in crafting, found on the field, quests or purchased. Every card can have at most 1 item equipped to it, each item having a different item slot requirement. So if a card has 2 item slots but the item requires 3, then it cannot be equipped, however a 1 item slot requirement on a 3 item slot card and it can be equipped at the sacrifice of not being able to use the other 2 item slots on that card since there can only be 1 item equipped at a time. Some items have requirements besides item slots. Being that it might need to have a certain race, card name or some other requirement before equip is allowable.

On the main fields that can be traversed around, there are cards and money that can be picked up. Alongside there being plenty of enemies to encounter and fight. There are certain spaces that require abilities such as flight or excavation to gain access to. These are gained by certain companions being in the party that have said ability to match with it. Dangerous enemies are scattered throughout the maps and are very powerful enemies to take down. Most of which are too hard for the first playthrough without the use of items or severe crafting and farming. There are also hidden items that require a certain crafted or bought items, one called SR glasses. Each route has different field accessible and allowed to be accessed. Some are missable, most are not.

There are turns that pass by with each movement costing action and time points that count up the turns. Most of the time the turns do not matter. There are however events that happen where turns are limited. Just depends on whats going on at the time. Hovering over the bottom left enemy profile cards and clicking them if they are visible in leaders range allows for a drop and deck table to be viewed. Good for farming reasons or knowing what fights to avoid. Friend info in the top right that takes straight to the quest page, saves a few clicks.

The turn order and enemy cards at the bottom left show how long until the enemy turn is current. Most enemies will move and if within their visible range will proceed to try and engage the player… most of the time. Sometimes they are programmed to not move so the player has to choose to engage rather than the enemy hunting down the player. Visible range is a modifiable stat based on the partner and leader combo selected. 2 different ranges. First range being what is completely seen and second search range shows unknowns. Greater secondary range is better for less wasted turns while further initial visible range allows knowledge of if its an enemy or item pickup. Both can be modified and changed depending on playstyle.

There are 3 different shops that unlock by means of one only on 2 of the 3 routes. 2 of the shops are always available no matter the route selected. In the shop as stated above items, battle cards or materials for crafting can be purchased, or even sold here. Sometimes even key items are available in certain shops that can be purchased for special events to happen or progress towards. The third one makes sense from a story perspective why its not on one of the rotes. Each shop has different goods to offer, and more stuff is unlocked in the shop depending on achievements made that playthrough. Mainly achievements through the arena.

Speaking of the arena, this is the place to test skill against various battles. A mock battle to test decks out in, even though id recommend real fights on maps as they give rewards and are generally better than using this option. Standard battles which are a list of battles that can be fought in any order the player chooses. Losing these battles doesn’t affect anything, can continuously try again until its won. Same goes for knockout battles, however these must be fought in a predetermined order. Then there are tournaments, only one per arena though. These are one time go at its with the winner gaining a big prize. Lose the tourney and better to reload a save and try again otherwise its missing out on further arena content. Win normal arena unlocks backstage arena, which beating that unlocks shop materials that can be bought as well as some of the most challenging battles in the game to be accessible. In that it will require a minimum of 3rd playthrough onward before thinking about challenging them… given the cheese Sayane deck hasn’t been crafted. But even then some of the conditions will null that deck lol.

After the route selection happens, very shortly after will have a world map hub that allows for fast travel to most locations. One being crafting, err, training location. Side note of 3 routes is how arena can be found if the proper key item is obtained. In training camp where crafting/alchemy is performed, this is where all the big boi cards can be had. At the cost of way too many materials and likely will require playthrough 2 or 3 onward to really start delving into for time and ease sake lol. It is similar to the shop in that battle cards, equipment materials ect can be made instead of bought. This is the only place leader cards can be crafted or had, be it that dreamland is completed first. Dreamland being a place that is either accessed on second or third playthrough and having crafted a item called hourglass. Most will likely encounter and do this on 4thplaythrough though unless there is prior knowledge of what to plan out on the initial go at it.

Last but not least is the information page. On there is as one would expect with current quests displayed, previous quests as completed or failed, and tabs for index that display every card or name referenced along with details regarding it available.

Quests themselves are very simple. They are the main driving force of what to do next in the events of the story and then there are friends quests. Event quests are mandatory… 99% of the time while friends events are optional.. 99% of the time. Quests will display a requirement, be it collecting C items, cards or do a certain task for completion. Most will have time limits that are based on current chapter while some persist one playthrough to another and provide assistance with the rewards they give each subsequent playthrough. Most friendship quests being directly related to getting the heroine route selected, those are all time limited. Each heroine with their dialog choice option to be yes or no with them. Top choice is no, bottom yes, go further.

Battle points are the currency to purchase stuff and performance is a small amount of points given to the player each battle. Higher performance will result in a higher party rank. Each party rank up to a certain point unlocks more goodies and content.

With each character on the companion list, everybody will have a max rank of level 9 on first playthrough. Then on subsequent playthroughs all the way up to level Z, or lvl 26 for a total of 35 levels. Cp gets progressively higher per level up to a max of 9 999 per level. It will take a while to get everybody max and shouldn’t be a top priority. They will get there sooner than later and well before all the farming is done for crafting all items. That about covers everything gameplay related lol.

Sound and Visuals –

Sounds are on par with other vns of eushully where they are good enough and more than get the hob done. None are out of place or feel wrong. Many many of the sound effects overlap from one game to the next. Not a bad thing to do and it adds a lot of familiarity by doing so. Prime example of if it aint broke don’t fix it. Wouldn’t want them changed for the sake of being changed.

Where it really shines and is fresh is the OST’s. Wow, simply put would be the one descriptive word. It is an outstanding soundtrack that they made. From the intense moments to the sad and hardcore ones. There is a track that will match. None of them are tiring and after all 250+ hours in the game, easily could go another multiple hundred hours with these tracks as background music and not be tired of them. There were even times id just open the game and have the title screen piano track play in the background. Only to realize hours later that its still on. Only praise for whoever took the task of creating and implementing it. Only downside is that some tracks are too far between with how good they were. Namely the final boss OST, however with it being so sparse, it adds a higher level of fidelity to it. I may want more of it, but at the same time appreciate that it is not overused to become like the rest of them which are played in normal combat. When certain tracks kick on like that one… the moment it starts its meaning things just got real and better sit up for it if its the first round through.

No male voice acting yet, that comes in later Eushully titles. The voices they have for all the grills in here are clear and crisp. Rufadiel being one of my favorites since she is part snake and they even added in a little lisp to the pronunciation to better represent her character. Another small attention to detail that helps show the devs truly do care.

Visuals are like any other top tier eroge game. Art direction is on point with well designed CG and scenes to correlate back to. Plenty of scenes and variations of each cg artwork piece. Although there would be one complaint of consistency between the cg of how the sizing and looks of one might be a fair bit different than another. Not that the character is unrecognizable, that is not the case. Each character is clear and understood at barely even a glance which is as expected, moreso that it is clear when different artists drew each piece. The stylings could have been better and more closely represented between them. Although this is a relatively minor complaint in the grand scheme of things and more CG the better, regardless if some may have different proportions than the other. That is also to an extent though, should be pretty clear balance line of what works best.

Overall and Final Thoughts –

Oh this is a huge overview and review lol. Most being story related lol. A massive amount of content to go over. With most of the routes leaving out a large portion of details. Plenty of discovery, twists and more to be had if wanting to play through it all.

I would highly highly recommend the game to others, it is very fun, very time consuming and simply enjoyable to play. It would easily be up in top games list I have. Do not think ill be replaying it any time soon, mainly due to the sheer size though.

I would say my thoughts are probably expressed well throughout the entirety of here, only positives with very little critiques here and there. Main gripe would be there needs to be better organization and filtering for crafting, enemy locations, enemy drops and objectives ect. Its bearable and for the most part good enough, yet there is still a lot of room for improvement on that part.

There are a couple tidbits regarding CG and a items, once sr glasses are had, go through every route, every location and every event again for a certain premium and regular figure that will likely be missed. In devil route, do Ernst optional event but do not save them and on devil route complete all of Narumi events for a special cg ending there too. Also ensure that ap3 video side stories are completed to unlock the arena special content. It will be needed to unlock the rest of crafting. There is one double star item that can be made in the first playthrough, make use of that while farming and finishing out the collect 45 double stars lol. Shouldn’t need to farm too many of them by the last playthrough, at most should be up to about 20 if not collecting stuff and fighting copy per playthrough.

Taking on AFB after first playthrough is a complete pain, probably best to hold off until third or fourth time through. Not necessary to wait but will save many many hours. Given that the amount of time it takes will save a great many of hours later, its easy to sway one way or the other. Mehisha ability would greatly reduce the time it takes to finish it out to unlock 2 control leader in there. However that means angel route first time through so it is even remotely feasible heh.

Most other stuff like quests just take time and shouldn’t be a primary focus. If playing all heroine routes, they will either be completed or near completion by the last route. Have the stuff on back of mind and even make a checklist of things to knock off by the end of the playthrough, updating it along the way. Made one starting the 4th playthrough and helped a lot for finishing things out and keeping pace with it all. Haagenti is a leader that once dreamland is completed should be powered through to craft, he is very powerful and my favorite to use. They are all situational though and vary depending on the battle for what leader is best.

Eushully simply put knows how to make a great game.

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment - 5/5

Gameplay – 5/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 5/5

Story – 5/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 5/5 Raw: 91%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.