Game – Kamidori

Games Nov 22, 2019

NOTICE: Kamidori is a lewd SRPG game. If not of age, do not play.

Time to 100%* (CG completion not true 100%) –
Playthrough 1: 76:05 [hr:min]
Playthrough 2: 78:20
Playthrough 3: 20:50
Playthrough 4: 5:15
Total Time: 180:30

Quick statement about the playthrough time… That is only the total from active and saved gameplay. Several times, mainly in post-game dungeons I tried to take them on when not prepared or ready which probably totals about 5-6 hours. Regular lost gameplay due to failure to save for prolonged periods of time equates to about 10 hours. True game time total is ~200 hours give or take.

The Main Game:

Ever heard the saying `In America you find them but in Russia they find you` it is similar with our communistic buddy Wil and the collection of human, elf, dirt and wtf is that women… Nearly any character that could be Ted’d did get Ted’d and I believe it is for the best :mrclean: . That includes the underage loli that is completely legal to have lewded. Most of the post-game characters don’t have scenes which is a shame but luckily that’s why booru’s exist to fill in the gaps the devs somehow missed kek.

The main game difficulty wise is pretty easy throughout. Occasionally if you do not keep track of the objective, might fail and have to load an old save up. The real challenge is post first playthrough. When in new game+ there is a massive amount of content unlocked. Roughly half the game is only available from the second playthrough onward. From characters to locations, everything is expanded upon. To fully utilize all characters capable of being played as it takes you into the third playthrough where they are unlocked from then onward.

There is a lot of strategy that can be incorporated if the player chooses to do so. Mixing elemental effects against what matches best for a select enemy or how to utilize characters for specific combos to eliminate certain enemies first. If a person doesn’t want to use strategy there is a path called brute force and it does works Mylen 9 square radius ranged attack 99% cant counter.

Crafting and workshop management is fun and interesting mechanic this game has thrown in. You need to balance the crafting to outgoing requirements to continue to keep the shop open. Spend too many days and go broke, got one chance then afterwards is immediate game over. This is something that is not hard to balance out and becomes negligible late game onward as there are ways to earn money quick to counter any demands.

Lots of crafting is available. More than likely it will take until the second playthrough to have the right shop items to be able to unlock everything. Not just that but character levels and prerequisites are there to further lock stuff away so there is more to earn even after 100+ hours in.

The post-game dungeons are where the challenge is at. If you go into one without properly being prepared… expect to spend hours only to inevitably fail, again, and again. The ability probably hate the most is `charm`. Through the main game it was annoying but tolerable. However, in a certain postgame dungeon when every enemy can cross map you, so you can’t retal on top of charm locks them, skipping their next turn to no end, its not fun to say the least. Gets very frustrating especially as the enemies only continue to spawn and further lock your party until death/gameover. Making it worse that once they die a single enemy will move into the area negating any form of progress that was achieved and the battle starts over again.

Even with characters level 99, the enemies are still going to be very op. Especially when the level cap removal option is selected when starting a newgame+. It’s a good option for those wanting to torture yourself.

Story Questlines:

There are 3 different routes a player can choose from. The route selection is very straightforward. If a person skips most of the side quests and misses what could be a key character for a route, then they will default into Emelita route. Same goes with neglecting to choose the direct prompt that states `do you want to pursue further with this character for their route – yes/no` . When the prompts appear, it is obvious where they will end up.

Each route has its own story that will focus on the path chosen. For Yuela, her route focuses on her origins and facing the past she has been entangled with. She is indebted to her past and is wanting to have herself feel, even, so to speak. I liked her path the best and consider Yuela best girl so have a direct bias towards her route though lol.

Servalwi is focused on the present and what will happen to the future with the actions Wil chooses to peruse. In her route It is the weakest of the 3 but has a good message about looking forward about what your actions can cause.

Emelita’s is about the past family connections of hers she is trying to escape from. She is forced to confront them and grow as a result after she learns to accept and move forward instead of pondering and being stuck in the past. It is the neutral. It is good but nothing special.

As for the rest of the quests, some quests are locked to a select route you choose to go onto. Sadly, are not able to fill the entire quest book out in a single playthrough. Every new playthrough wipes the entries meaning that at no time will all entries be visible. It is a slight annoyance but not a big deal. I personally just like to see a quest book filled out to its entirety.

All available quests are straightforward. Some fetch ones… that lead to quite a pleasing ending on one of them, kill X enemy, or craft X ect. There is a decent variety to them and none felt too long.

Sound and Visuals:

All the sound effects were neutral sounding. They fit and accomplished what they were meant to do. None felt out of place. They all accomplished what they were set out to be.

The visuals I found to be great. From the ability of having a world map to tens of tens of dungeon areas by the end of the game with the themes being varied and of course repeated backgrounds, it kept everything fresh. It’s a simplistic designed game and does not strive to be a very detailed and complex environment so can’t judge it harshly for not including details where they are not meant to be.

As for the scenes and CG, they all are top tier. Mainly vanilla content with only a couple deviating from that. Most notably is one foot fetish scene but it isn’t overpowering, for those who like feet all the more power, but there isn’t a focus on fetish type content. The lighting and perspective had a lot of effort put into them, every CG pic looks great, lewd or non-lewd.

Overall and Final Thoughts:

Is this a long game? Put simply, yes… It is one of the longest single player games I have played, but so is the fate with seeking to play JRPG style games.

After reaching 170 hours, decided that just going for 100% cg was enough. If I chose to do a full 100% in unlocking and crafting characters to max stats with max weapons ect, it would have easily doubled the time. If a person wants a game with a lot of content and good gameplay, then this is the game to play as it will keep you occupied for a very long time.

The lewds in this game are not handed to you. The main heroines, a couple of them are but for the rest it’s a time-consuming task to obtain which is a good thing imo. Got to put in the effort to obtain.

The entire game is well optimized, and controls are crisp/responsive. Never had any crashing or strange issues throughout the entire time playing which speaks volumes for the quality of devs that built the game.

Characters (main) – 4/5
Characters (sub) – 3/5
Enjoyment - 5/5
Gameplay – 4/5
Visuals – 4/5
Music – 3/5
Story – 3/5 [3 routes averaged]

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 74%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.