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Game – Kami no Rhapsody

Games Aug 13, 2024

NOTICE: KnR is a lewd SRPG game. If not of age, do not play.

Time to 100% – [True 100% with completed information page]
Playthrough 1: 83:00 [hr:min]
Playthrough 2: 27:52
Playthrough 3: 7:36
Playthrough 4: 3:08
Playthrough 5: 2:36
Playthrough 6: 2:04
Total Time: 126.26 Hours

Routes –

The big boi enters chat once again.. except this time is not all that big, just an average sized, but yknow not everybody so fortunate. Anyways, there are 2 main routes that the player is forced into. One being Lavirie and the other Mistoria.

Once one of the main routes are chosen, 2 of the potential 5 endings will be locked away. The routes are hardly different and are just a heroine swap rather than a different story Route A Route B type of storytelling. This simplifies a lot of stuff down and majorly factors into how little playtime is needed for completion. Well that and the fact that post game NG+ content is not heavy.

With either route chosen, youll learn a bit more about the selected heroine. Be locked into their lewd scenes and have the potential chance to see their specific endings. Yes, even choosing the route does not mean the player will see their respective ending. Its is pseudo bad ending.

By bad ending, the meaning for this game is the ending scene will simply have *worse* things happen as in not every character gets happy ending. To be eligible for one of these endings, the player must recruit a certain number of optional characters… or not. Not recruiting them will lead to the *bad* end, recruit one of them and get bad end, recruit 2 for bad end but with your girl in the end [regardless of what girl is selected] and recruit all 3 optional characters for *good* ending where everybody lives happily ever after, sort of.

With routes out of the way, the game starts out by something called the successor candidate. Elballad, also known as Eld, our main man takes the opportunity to take his shot at becoming the Divine Enforcer. The Divine Enforcer being the one who set up this entire ordeal to find somebody to become his successor. The Divine Enforcer is an exceptionally powered being that rules over a portion of land in Kvarner.

As the people gather, they are put through tests and they are slowly going to be whittled down until the last one is chosen to be the successor… ~~big surprise who that last man standing will be kek~~ . They are promised to have the opportunity to gain some of this divine power of the Divine Enforcer who can be expressed as stronger than some Solomon Pillars yet weaker than a god. Basically a second or third tier in the verse, excessively strong to say the least.

With Eld making the cut he is given a score of inheritance, his is an egg that will hatch into something. Bit of a cliché tbh. As the t4ests are going on, Eld fights with some of the other contesters like Gu-Landio. Eld takes victor and presses onwards but due to his weakness and power of companionship with those around, it intrigues many. They underestimate him and as such face the consequences of those around him that add to his overall power. Eld is a curious and learning type that others congregate around. Gu-Landio, strongly intrigued by this joins his party to see where it will take him.

Shortly later another candidate attacks and this person is a main villain that pokes his bog ole head multiple times back up at our boi. Luckily, the assault that Brahahrokka does towards him is repelled and just like the others, he is underestimating Eld. He wants him dead to proceed though. He hates the ideals and thinking that Eld has.

After repelling Braharokka, the egg hatches and here are introduced to… Nick, ah ya he got a plan. Well, a plan that can be ignored that is lol. Using Nick means giving up a valuable God Medal slot. And I never used him the first playthrough at all heh.

More tests occur and during one of them a girl is found. A girl that turns out to be dubbed the Divine Enforcers daughter. A person who has amnesia and cant remember anything about her past. Adding more mystery around the Divine Enforcer that is bundled with other questions that candidates have had such as why this situation is even happening, the situation of finding a successor.

The main villains are exposed and named the Guiding Dawn. Tldr of these two goofers is we got Shouta and bog ole biddie neesama who has a bit of a :mrclean: side to her. Saved that side for later near the end of the story though.

With Braharokkas actions of attacking another candidate though, he was put in the nogozone, basically jail. However, a mysterious man/force lets him out and he escapes. With that fiend finally gone, the main 2 grills finally can express their feelings to Eld... but he aint ready yet, that is tomorrow him problem and its today so that’s gon have to wait.

Another guiding Dawn attack is repelled, and this is when the tomorrows Eld decides he is ready and it is time to *settle* down and choose who to raise a hand to and who to show a hand towards. So after choosing one of them officially, they are the only main character lewds he will get, basically the other is left on cuck duty and no more lewds for them. Every other cast member though, oh its about to get raunchy to say the least. They got multiple tag teams, and some demon/devil play on the horizon.

Waking up to the angels threatening, we get a look at Forzaslein, who is a faithful follower of Arkparis God, she is not liking what is going on. To not spoil those details, lets just say she is here to cause a ruckus. A ruckus that does not last long due to Eld and Zelgain putting a stop to it, where Forzaslein joins with as a cooperator with Eld like many others have up until this point. Eld just has that way with words and the ladies alongside the men it seems.

With all the angel business out of the way, they take leave almost as quickly as they got there. However with them gone, the Guiding Dawn have not forgotten their plans. They are at it again and attack the Galinis Forest seal followed by the Angels seal.

This is the time that best girl Riwo can be spotted and seen. Not recruited quite yet though, she is a bit of a hook line and wait to sink type. Eld will get her in due time.

Gu-Landio takes his leave and likely knows what the outcome will be but at least he says he went down trying. He departs, gets negged and then a bit later decided it is okay to just be second class to Eld from here on out.

With Gu-Landio story finally put to rest, the last of the Successor Candidates are put to a head to head test. First against Shardio, the one who believes in leading from the darkness and the light is something he cannot be seen in. Our Shining light of Eld and others shows him that there is better way than simply darkness background character. Shardio was asking to be shadowed and got exactly what he wanted, put back in the darkness. Then we get golden poster boi Zelgain who is the epitome of what one would have thought the winner and main mc could have been. The one many would have bet on without a second thought. Just like Shardio, Zelgian is the complete opposite and Eld is just the odd one out. Zelgain takes the L, sits down and submits that Eld is the one to take that crown of Divine Enforcer successor.

A decent plot twist that relates to one of our main cast is shown and things get thrown into chaos. Blood is spilled, people are mad and things just went up from a mid to a slightly above mid story at this point. It’s the final rush and meet bog ole biddie neesama once again to finally get that special alone time together that was promised near the beginning of the game. With the fulfillment of some eggs with a side of fertilizer, Braharokka gets knocked, Guiding Dawns leader General Pauze has his last script and Ferma, the bae of Guiding Dawn gets the shaft. ~~It’ll all make sense in the moment~~.

With that the final boss is finally here, and in typical JRPG fashion, the god must fall, no long staircase to compliment such a achievement though. Realize how no secondary heroine route is included here… well that’s because with or without them there is no simply no difference. They hardly even play a part, they have their moments but that’s about it. They could be replaced by secondary characters to achieve the same end goal.

With the god dead, either having recruited 1 optional, get Eld without his girl ending, recruit 2, get eld with his girl ending, and recruit 3 and now we got the happy ending no bad only positives and eld on his journey post Divine Enforcer inheritance. The good ending feels more like a cop out than anything imo, I would say the * bad* end suits more. ||at least he stays and becomes the Divine Enforcer for the new land after the death of those involved in the final chapters events.||

New game+ & Append Content –

Not a whole lot of stuff gets added here. Sadly this is a very weak post game situation. Eushully chan and her side story are added and she brings along Black Eushully this round. Sadly no other special guests.

With their events, the player has to find Eushully’s broom and vacuum cleaner and black eushully needs her tea pot of concrete and cup noodles. Only a couple map missions to do but don’t slouch on them as the enemies are hard on second playthrough.

Spiri shows up with information about one of the Solomon devils. This storyline spans the entire game and has snippets and story to go along with it up until the final boss where we met and fight this Solomon devil.

A spa that grants soft everlasting smooth skin ect ect. This is an append of needing to see dem neked grills. With a cameo appearance of Karian from Battle Goddess Verita. It is a fun append that spans multiple chapters like Spiri content. Every stage they fight in and whenever they enter the trials they must be naked adding to the humor. It’s a fun mix of a lot of characters that is not taken too serious for obvious reasons.

Last but not least is the bug bug content. Like other Eushully titles, bug bug is some of the most annoying content. Beating it on second playthrough is possible but going to be a bit tricky and need planning. I did it second playthrough but was only able to after the first couple chapters. Overall difficulty is harder than most of the rest of the game but honestly that is not saying much due to the balancing of game being quite wonky.

Noelia also has a bit of extra scene content during this bug bug content. It is separate from the main game and accessed from eushully room extra content main tab.

Gameplay/Quests –

Gameplay is a hexagon based movement system that allows the player to move in 6 different directions. Move stat allows for the player to move X amount of tiles if they are visible. Jump allows for traversal of different elevation tiles. For instance if a player has 2 jump and the tile next to them is 2 tiles higher than they are able to move there, if the tile is 3 tiles higher, than they are unable. Search or sight is the distance that the character can see from their position. Search will uncover more of the map and allow for move stat to be more effective. Movement is also determined by the tiles affinity to certain aspects. Aspects being snow, water ect. Certain god medals or characters have passive abilities that will allow them to cross such terrains. There are many different obstacles that can and will be in the way for the player. There will also be breakable stuff on the map. Trees, rocks and other physical things on the map can optionally be broken by using a specific skill that matches. Same goes for chests, they will appear and require specific keys to be use on them to unlock.

Attack and magic are the generic stats for damaging the opponent. The opponent can fluctuate the total damage taken depending on their abilities or elemental resistances. Elemental resistances are listed per character and usually are not really important. Brute force is the one true way to win. There are four difference elements in this game, earth, fire, water, wind. Every character will have a shown affinity towards one of those. Just because they are that affinity towards the element does not mean they will have that passively on their basic attack however. Accuracy is here but honestly I have no clue what is does, it does not seem to affect anything. At no point was I needing more or less, it just was whatever it was and things moved on as if it didn’t matter. Capacity is the characters bonus in play mana reserve [up to a max total]. Then there is cost, which determines how much the character will cost in mana to summon onto the field.

Mana is something that us earned by collecting the gems on field by walking over or standing on them or from how many control summon deployment points the player has in their control per turn, these circles also heal a character if they stand on them and enter the next turn with it still under players control. Say there are 3 in players control, turn passes and on start of next turn there are still 3 in control, 3 mana is granted. Mana is also for some unknown reason used to use magic attacks… and that does mean as many would have feared, there is a choice of using magic attacks or summoning a new unit. Hard choice I know. It was a poor decision to say the least and leads to very few if any magic attacks and spells to be casted. Its all brute force attack that matters.

When attacking the damage that is taken or dealt is tacked against the characters hp stat, very self explanatory. There us ways to diverge this damage though and one being evasion stat, this will allow a certain amount of select damage to be evaded and not hit main hp. It is a hit one or the other pool so if attacked and a bit of escape left, than escape will deplete to 0 and then the next turn or attack they can receive damage if no more evade is available still.

Leading into god medals or skills. A hefty variety here with them. Some will recharge evasion, some granting armor and others granting skills that can be used in combat or for breaking/opening things. Shields is another stat that can block damage and is similar to evasion. The god medal will explain about how and in what way the shield will work. Some shields only reduce damage from the front, while others will reduce all damage received. Shields will have a counter to deplete and once they are gone, they are gone for that map until the next one. God medals each have a cost and the cost is something that can be as little as 0 to over 10 per one equipped. To gain more cost points to equip more god medals, the player is going to have to upgrade their Score of Inheritance.

With the Score of Inheritance, each character will have many books they unlock throughout the story. Doing certain quests on a certain map will allow for unlocking more of the book nodes. There are bronze silver and gold keys that need to be obtained to fully unlock certain books. Each of the books will have nodes that require runes to be used. There are four different types of runes available. Each obtained the same way on maps or certain enemies that drop them. Before discussing the maps further, the Score of Inheritance is the only place a player can gain levels and is the primary place the character will learn skills. Skills will be obtained in the form of god medals to equip. There are line bonuses that once completed will grant an extra bonus. A bonus being a skill or level. Basically only focus on levels until no more can be had as that is going to be the best and most optimal option. Runes are limited and not focusing on levels will severely raise the difficulty of the game. Completing all the base game books will grant a special god medal for the character that will be in the center. This special Ex version grants a different zoc and well keeps the same base attack.

Zoc is zone of control and is the exerted control zone that appears from a character. The areas in control will allow for allies to pass through the area freely and if the enemies zoc is in place, than the character will now be able to freely move through it. They will need a skill that ignores or simply move one square through it at a time. There are a lot of ways to change the gameplay of zoc though. Some will have zoc in front, all around or even behind them. Each offers its own advantages and disadvantages. From behind makes it harder to deal bonus behind damage to enemy, same goes with side zoc. But again this can be changed depending on the god medal and skill the character has equipped where some god medals will disallow behind attacks entirely and immediately face enemy attacker.

On the main map, there are a plentiful amount of locations to choose from and most can be revisited after completion. The locations are unlocked through story or other side events that grant access to a specified location. Once the location on the world map is selected, the player can choose what sub location and map to play. Each of these has their own challenges or quests to do. Quests can be a excessively tedious `cut all grass in X turns` all the way to `Kill all enemies of a certain type` and even `collect treasure`. There are a lot of variety when it comes to quests on the maps. Some very annoying and others enjoyable to complete. On the maps themselves there will also be tressure gold piles on the map or even hidden god medals in the breakable landscape. Some collection of these things will trigger a quest completion. Upon completing the quests a green square on the world map will be displayed for each successfully completed quest. Each quest will award something. That something could be a node key or a god medal. Either way it will be useful in some way at some point… probably lol.

On the main map is where the player can access the Shrine of the End, the central hub of everything. It is sort of a secondary interactive main menu so to speak.  This is where access to Score of Inheritance, weapon strengthening, equipping god medals and clearing house is.

Weapons strengthening compliments the map quests and map locations. As when one completes all the map quests for a given location/zone, they will be given 5 upgrade points. These points are able to be spent on one of three stats for every character. The 5 points are granted to every character, whether they are there or not ion the party. So, it can help boost a new members stats a tad to get them in line with the fighting capabilities they need. The three stats, health, attack and magic can be upgraded via these upgrade points. The total amount allowed to dump into each is determined by how far and complete the Inheritance books are. More completed the higher and more points a player can put into these bonus stats.

Clearing house is the shop of this town. There is a day and night shop. Both stocking different items as they are run by different characters. Night shop harder to access until last chapter when day and night cycle can be manually swapped between. In these shops youll find different god medals. Some only being able to be found in the shop, for those wanting to do a full 100% info run.

A bit of an odd one is there are certain units that take up not one square but requires an extra 1 hex out of space to be placed and used. Enemies have these units as well. They are harder to place and have limited movement on certain maps. These units are generally worse for quick progression than just a standard 1 hex unit. They are regular units with strings attached and not any real benefit for using them over a regular unit.

Inside the Shrine of the end is also where a majority of the event and optional character dialog will take place. Click and select the dialog floating bubbled character to engage in the event with them. Some are only there for a short period of time. Be sure to check both day and night cycles, night cycle events will appear by visiting a stage and leaving, itll be night in the Shrine. If no night events available, than visiting and leaving a stage will leave the Shrine during day time.

Sound and Visuals –

Music is pretty good throughout with the OST’s kicking in at opportune times. However, they don’t kick in as much as one would like for certain ost’s. It does feel a bit lacking in that department. This is a common theme throughout. Where a lot of polishment needed to be done yet appears to have been cut out or neglected for some reason.

Sound effects and such are all on point matching what one would come to expect from a eushully game. Some of the more epic ots’s seem to be far between when they should have been turned on at certain story events. Other than that, its fine. Not necessarily memorable to say the least.

The regular statis music that the player will be hearing for potentially days of time is adequate, itll play, doesn’t get stale or old and fits with the theme of the game.

Visuals are something that eushully shines with. There are tons of variety in characters and even the event scenes. Different strokes for different folks while all being under the same umbrella. Not off base and expected at this point though. Visuals are all solid.

Overall and Final Thoughts –

Good game, not great game. I would recommend to a fair few type of people but definitely not everybody as there is too much that would need to be changed to allow for a great game.

The scaling is something else until learning to just focus on level nodes for every character. Having mana split between summoning new units and magic attacks is a very odd choice. There is no strategy at that point when another character on the field is 99% of the time going to be better than just using a spell.

The movement system is unique and fun to play around with. Difficulty spikes hard at first but then once the inheritance lvl focus kicks in, things become way easier and shortly become trivial. There were a couple hard portions but overall its not hard at all. I had a hard time at first for the first couple hours while learning the system but once learned it was it for the enemies.

It does seem like there is a large cut content portion of the game. The endings don’t quite have a complete feeling to them. The story itself sort of feels rushed to end now as well. Some characters get shown but then that’s it, they are gone and not expanded on, like with Ralgreya. Interesting character but that’s where it ended. Shown and gone. Could have and should have had more story and missions related to her zone or person.

Tsumugi appears to have been cut content. In that she gets built up in a way that appears to be her own 3rd route of the game, and then gets told nope. The total time of completion truly shows how much less is packed into this game than other titles. It truly shows what I believe to be a rushed titles. The last couple chapters are too quickly done from what it seemed. I think this could have been solved via 2 more chapters. The main heroines not playing a huge roll is also a disappointment.

The gameplay is still good and solid though. There is a lot of good things about the game but then just as many good things there are annoyances or bad to say. Its in a bit of a rock and a hard place. Append could have saved it potentially but that also never happened.

On a final note, the musical focus of having music and instruments was well underwhelming. There is a core emphasis on it yet there is no full execution of it. Music is there but it is in no way the focus as the games title would suggest. There is a large fizzle instead of bang that it could have been avoided.

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment - 4/5

Gameplay – 4/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 4/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 71%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.

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