Game – Evenicle 2

Games Aug 2, 2022

NOTICE: EV2 is a lewd SRPG game. If not of age, do not play.

Time to 100%: Unknown [No in game time tracker, estimated about 100 hours]

The Main Game –

NOTE: Going to be a bit different than usual with his main game overview. There will be spoilers as its read through so forewarned. Also, it may seem at times to go a bit all over the place, this is due to lack of notes to provide clarity for direction of story as it progressed. Too late to do it now though lol. It’ll still be a broad skim without too much detail but there is still a massive amount of story that went on and to go over… even if it may not be 100% continuity flow from event to event.

Alex is born in a small town called Raisin. His goal is to get his medical license and is needing to reach Red Cross city. A simple and straightforward goal. So it seemed at least. Shortly after starting out on his quest, he meets a strange and oddly familiar ranger. Unsure how she is familiar for now though. After this strangely familiar ranger encounter, he meets with our first party member Yuragi. Yuragi is suffering from the Hero Syndrome. Hero Syndrome is something that affects any and all skill users of this world. The longer a person uses skills, inevitably they are fated to catch a disease. A disease that may seem like a common one that can be caught by normal day to day means. When Hero Syndrome kicks in and a disease if *gifted* though, no matter how many times it is cured, a relapse will happen. With the relapses becoming more and more often until the inevitable death of said skill user. Oddly enough Alex, our main MC is gifted with the power to cure this uncurable disease as this is one of his skills. Even if a skill user is cured by Alex, they are subject to being infected by another and must be cured again.

After some short dialog, the continent that Alex is living on becomes infected by a pandemic. The pandemic shuts down everything, so he is not going to be able to use the docks or ships that are required to reach Red Cross, where he needs to go to obtain his medical license.

During the shrooms pandemic, a skill user chorus who is friends with Yuragi is captured and must be saved. This is also around the same time that Hameln is introduced. ~~ende also makes an appearance and travels with Hameln… for reasons, and Alex of course encountered her with a happy ending in the forest while doing what was supposed to be a simple task/job lol~~ A person that will have a greater impact later on. As the drama ensues and the adventure continues, a character named Vorm is up to no good and is in direct contact with a background organization. Vorm is related to Kano, the second member that joins Alex. She is the leader of this continent of Left Hand. Vorm is her uncle and is envious of not being in Kanos position of power. As such he had kidnapped who he thought was Kano. Only to realize quickly that the one he had captured was not Kano but rather Hiragi, Kanos assistant and standin while Kano is away. With a realization that things will not end well, let alone go the way Vorm had anticipated, Vorm goes through with taking a strange serum that was given to him by none other than Hameln who is taking his leave from the place.

Shortly after everything starts to settle down and Left hands shroom problem is under control, the pandemic restrictions continue to persist. Alex goal is halted a bit due to this and with his 2 companions has the idea to travel south by unconventional means in hopes to progress.

Going south lands them in one of the 3 main Duchy’s. The Duchy of Heinline. In Heinline, we are quick to find and greet the leader Rona. Rona is chilling on a beach relaxing away in hopes to show her people that things are alright and it is safe to continue everyday life. As with Left hand, Heinline is facing its own share of problems. Not quite shrooms though. The problem here is a greening disease. Sadly, our girl Kano is quick to receive it lol. This of course means due to Hero Syndrome that it is a must to cure completely otherwise death will follow in a short matter of time.

In Heinline, there is another species that usually is not able to get the same types of diseases as humans. This Kalar species is also only females and prey off the male humans… which has an entire history and story gifted around them. They are a changed man, er women now for the most part though. They are not the savage sex fiends of the past lol. Ende and Hameln are quick to make another appearance with probably cause to be the ones behind it. Anyways there is a small girl that was first spotted on Alex’s arrival but quickly was undiscovered for what it is worth. As the journey continues, we encounter this young girl once again. A girl that was discovered by Ronas brother Yana. Yana is very similar to Vorm in that he is deceitful towards Rona for being the one in power and believes himself to be better in every way and as such believes he is the one true ruler instead of her. Each has their own selfish goals and reasons for wanting to be in power of the land. Both different from eachother and distinct, but with a common cause.

This young girl, named Platina is going to be our third member, but before this happens… Yana has quite a problem with her and is trying to kill her as a cover up for his actions that he has done. In his mind its finishing an unfinished job one could say… among other reasons. As we are catching up to Platina though, an old acquaintance of Yuragi and Kano appears. Charlotte is here for personal reasons and decides to tail along with the party, but quickly leaves, shortly after catching up but is a great help.

The king of all lands, fuckboi, flunked playboy… ugh, John is his name [?]. Well John does what john wants and sort of is visiting during the outbreak of the greening disease. Absolutely a pure coincidence. He is safe though since he is John afterall and his main man Pylos is with him to protecc. Pylos is a ominously strong appearing knight. Not much besides some peeking is happening alongside the quest to find Platina.

As we catch up to Platina, Yana is still here and he has brought a friend, Heat… that poor bastard. Ende makes another appearance and well simply can’t stand Platnina, poor loli, loli hate is real it seems. With this problem and quest taken care of, Platina is more inclined to join and a bit further down the trail, one of the gangs purposes for being here is found. Greening disease is almost a thing of the past but there is more to happen since everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Platina’s mom, who is a dragon is in some shenanigans. Not immediately though and as she is found and we are to come back in a bit… Hameln and Ende decide to show up and make problems for everybody like they had in Left Hand. Immediately we are to save Zero before moving onwards as not doing so would lead to a highly plausible destruction of Heinline.

Shortly after the crew officially has Platina never to leave us again since protecc the loli and the gain of a milfer, oh, due to the milfers reactions this allows for easier travel to the east over into Duchy of Asimoff. You know with the pandemic lockdown still in affect, so no ships are to leave. Luckily from Asimoff up there is a future where Red Cross might be achievable right?

Asimoff is the place of the most advanced due to their mana pipeline and other species called Poppins. Poppins being similar to the Kalar from Heinline where they are not usually susceptible to human diseases. Of course with Hamelns ingenuity, makes the impossible possible once again. An entire new problem pandemic has arrised. But it goes much further than that as the neighboring Duchy of Klark to the north is on the verge of war with Asimoff. Political drama is spreading that the problems being faced are derived from them.

A businessman by the name Bronte is taking part in wanting to gain financially from this war. So it is in his best interests to push forward with these ideas. Its sick yet understandable and comparable to the real world where profits from war are exponentially greater than no war. This businessmans daughter is noneother than Charlotte. This is where Charlottes motives are given and how everything she is doing is for her sisters sake. Her sister Emilia, she a straight up neet to say the least hehe, and one of the faves, Kano still queen though.

Among the political stress and turmoil going on, a poppins named Brownie, who is the queen poppins [?]. well she is too good for every other poppins, like literally they believe that so no fucc for her, no matter how strong the want is. Her help becomes necessary to finding a cure for the disease that has been spreading through the poppins like mad. Alex has a strict no Brownie policy and that is where Brownie’s assistant Geppeto steps in to take the fucc that Brownie would otherwise get. All in the name of helping with no other motive heh.

With a bit of back and forth and attempts to cure everything, the pipeline of course is going to have some problems now. Heading down south to the origin of Charlotte is a must. Shortly after some events down south a need arises to enter a forbidden pyramid that has been sealed off by the flames of the Holy Knight of the past. After finding and accessing the place, here comes pipeline troubles. Hameln once again says whats good followed by a leave of action.

As if the pandemic, high chance of war and Charlottes family issues were not enough, Patriots sister had been captured. These terrorists are a immediate need to be stopped. Ixtab is made known with some of the members exposed. They are to be known to be behind all of the incidents regarding the problems of Asimoff.

Within the pyramid an ancient mech Monaiser makes a return. The terrorists show themselves to never give up once again for another round of beating. Ixtabs plans once again fail though since Alex won’t let them achieve their goals. This leaves White Castle, the place where Patriot lives in, under problems now too. To finish off this continents content, Alex must go and face it. Ende goes quite a bit rogue with loli and family derived hatred with some phylisophical conflicting views that leads to her inevitable downfall. While this happens in the catle Patriot is helpful in using her power but in doing so will cause more harm in the future. Something that Alex and her were trying to prevent. Closure to The Brontes family follows before pushing onward.

As they head into the contested land between Asimoff and Klark, a hidden village of de ninja, found by a secret secret path must be walked. This stripper leader happens to be connected with Heat, a kyuu one from earlier in a humorous way. This streaker will be key to accessing Klark though. As Alex cant be strolling up from Asimoff in a very stressed time of war that could break out any minute now. As they find their way into Klark to stop the war… of course they have their own problems here too. Problems that are uncovered midway through chapter.

Once inside Klark they visit the leader, Spartan. Spartan would like to stop the war, similar to Patriot but is unable to do so. Even being ruler, her power is not grand enough to stop it at the point is has reached. An appeasement attempt is to travel to the 3 regions and meet with certain people there to gain a signature and approval for stopping the war.

Once all 3 locations are visited and have their problems solved, a betrayal happens where it was all just a setup. The war will ensue shortly without fail. After this betrayal, a very familiar poppins is met once again. Brownie comes in pretty clutch and allows for a secret hidden path to be found.

We are to head back to another pyramid in a very familiar land. Left Hands pyramid is now in question for having something needed. After completion, Kano and Hiragi face their views and come to a final conclusion and understanding for eachother with how their actions have been. Hiragi just had to make sure that Kano was understanding of her position of power that she has and what her neglect is doing. It is a necessary clarity and realization for both parties involved.

War is now here and a plan to solve it is hopefully found. As heading back to stop what is happening, the war must start for it to end. Alex’s plan is powerful in showcasing the wrongs and greed of those in charge while fixing the ones who feel the need for war. It is a burden that is carried but a necessary one. Once everybody involved, both people of power and literal fodder on the battlefield feel the pain of war, it is quickly stopped.

Pylos the mastermind behind the war propaganda itself. Well he is a good character. Pylos’s views boil down to wanting to purge all monsters from the world. But not rely solely on skill users as that does not benefit humanity. Pylos wants humanity to evolve further and be helpful to themselves with less greed in order to achieve the likeminded goal both skill and non skill users have. Monsters are created from the sins of man afterall. With monsters deriving from the prayers that exhaust the negative emotions. These emotions turning into the monsters they face. It is a cycle of hatred and prayer that creates them. There is a more in depth philosophical meaning behind his words and views that goes deeper. It is thought provoking. Pylos is about eliminating monsters and desire.

Well after all Klark and Asimoff is finally behind us and all the intricasies that followed are finally stopped, along with Ixtab’s first member taken down, its onto Red Cross finally. Almost immediately after arriving in Red Cross… well it was simply too good to be true is all. Some action is done here but not until the shrooms are dealt with once and for all. So off to the Holy Continent.

Holy continent is where the church main lies. Main being the saints that have been sprinkled and up to now only been side quested. Now they are a must. Once on the Holy Continent, the threat and showcase of how bad these evolved shrooms are, is real. Ixtab of course is behind it again. Moving from the city to city and dealing with the hannies bs leads us to the first instance of the sealed dungeon. A place where many questions are answered. Answers to questions such as what Ixtab really is, The Horus and the Hero Syndrome itself.

The origin of these shrooms becomes more clear after the dungeon and QD is visited. QD’s help is requested upon due to the grandness of scale that is quickly escalating to. The holy continent is washed clean in one fell swoop heh. Again the hannies shove their glasses loving self in before reaching Hameln’s next sequence.

On the way to Hameln, Alex himself is shown to not be immune to everything. Shortly after solving this problem Hameln is faced and meets an end like Pylos, one of the other members of Ixtab. Hamelns brief views vary heavily from Pylos. Ixtab may be a single but the remainders have their own goals they want to achieve. Hamelns wants to purge all of humans and desire by corrupting every living thing by his shroom. Therein becoming a single unified entity thus bringing about peace instead of chaos. Although his means of obtaining peace inherently bring about chaos.

With Holy Continent solved, time for Red Cross again? Well sort of, heading back there this time to try and confront John about Ixtab once again. This way with a plan of Rona marrying John so they can put an end to the last member of Ixtab, Epide. Epide is swiftly dealt with before she could enact a great anomaly to the world? Well also not true, her ability that was uncovered in Ixtabs lab pokes its head out once again. Epides goal to be that she is the only one every man in the world can be with. By the use of the Animus Reactor, her goal had nearly become a reality. This wish of hers made every unmarried girl faint and be in a unending coma till their demise. Alex is sent the holy continent and finally gets to explore the final lands. Still without his license though, Soon™. Once finally done with all the cities and ritual :mrclean:, finally entering into Johns home is possible. After peeping is shown to be the way, boss time. Followed by no fucc for you :sadness:. There is a twist and turn of events though. A realization that some of what was known is not true and is rather a false narrative to further the mastermind behind the scenes. Sort of a Madara moment, or less suited, an Aizen moment.

Now with the greatest threat, Ixtabs mastermind is in place to bring about the end of the world. It is a quick bit of here and there with expanding the story before breaching into where it will all finally conclude. Like how EV1 ended, its similar yet opposite ending with a satisfactory conclusion with a somewhat to be continued happening in the expanded verse that is shown by QD.

Gameplay & Quests –

Similar to original evenicle there is an open world map. Main man Alex goes place to place as you point and click, hold down mouse or use controller to guide him where the story progresses. Outside on world map is where all battles will occur. There is a gauge that fills in top left. Once the gauge fills a encounter will happen. Leaves the uncertainty out of when the next battle will be. Along with a encounter gauge, there are several spike balls scattered around. When player touches one, it will reset your encounter counter, engaging a battle with 150% xp bonus. These battles are the same as random encounters enemy wise except with a higher amount of xp granted upon winning. Purple clouds that pulsate on the world map are dangerous encounters that have a special enemy for the area to fight in them. They are generally a higher challenge compared to the regular battles one will do. At times, taking these fights on immediately for the area will result in a loss, so be careful with them or save prior to touching it. If the player loses a battle, they will be greeted with a defeat screen. Upon losing it will prompt to load a save file instead of trying again. There are special occasions where the prompt will not only be a load save file though. These instances are certain story related event battles or mega monsters. Mega monsters, there are 17 in total. They are very difficult come the end of the game… even with max level characters. Each mega monster will have their own short dialof to go along with them. Helps to further build the world out and give meaning to each monster there which is a nice touch. Mega monster 16 in particular, will have cg 118 and is probably going to be the last cg obtained. The last few mega monsters are hell and need quite a bit of luck to beat. Having a good strat and skills is a must, evenicle 1’s last mega monsters do not compare. Those back then were a cakewalk in comparison. Related to mega monster cg, special monsters called `gal monsters` are regionally located throughout the world. They require weakening them down to 25% or less and using a capture skill that is exclusive to Yuragi. It is a one time capture per battle, if there are more than one gal monster in a battle, its impossible to capture more than 1 per battle.

Outside of battles, small circular points of interest are all over the world map, each continent and out into the ocean areas. 103 of them to be exact, because 100 is nowhere near enough and we needed to have more than 100, cuz 100 isnt enough… will make more sense upon completion of them all lol. Each point of interest gives more information about the world itself and has quite a few funny `wtf, sure, that’s how it is I guess`. Never know what evenicle will pull out on us next and just roll with it. Think of it like one piece but taken even further with how out there some of the things they implemented are. It is great and adds to the charm that evenicle is. Makes playing all the more joyous. Alongside having hearts on the map which trigger flirting events for a select wife.

On the first island of left hand, where our home is, each wife that is collected [?] will have their own events to view and collect. Curing diseases will grant points that allow for unlocking new wife events. Certain tiers of wife events are locked behind chapters. Where progress of one characters events can only go so far before it is not possible to progress them until later on. Each disease is derived from the hero syndrome that the game is focused around. After battling a certain number of times, the gauge in the top right will fill up to 100%. Once it reaches 100% a random disease will be granted to a team member. Given that all accessible diseases are not cured at whatever chapter the player is in. Each disease will have a short dialog to go along with it and need the player to go back to hospice to diagnose it. After diagnoses, the required item will be shown where it must be seeked out. Finding the item and bringing it back allows for curing it. Once cured that disease cannot be had again. Some diseases are helpful with the effects they cause a character while other effects they do are harmful.

As your characters level up through battles, Machina is there to redeem xp. At certain tiers, she gives some special rewards for the *hard* effort hehe. These scenes are scattered conservatively to last the entire game with a tasteful amount without feeling overwhelmed or having the feeling that one scene she gave didn’t last long enough.

Each town has a gather info option where there are several text dialogs that are from people of the town. They have random tidbits of information or various statements that help immersion and attachment to the world.

Back to the world map, spots that show a icon on the ground are in various places. These places require a special item to use. These spots are sometimes directly related to the story and other times just there for exploration reasons.

In dungeons, its very similar to world map except there are none of those special squares or dangerous monsters that lurk in their purple clouds. Dungeons are pretty self-explanatory where they have numerous rooms, nooks and crannies. Chests are found in there like how they are on the world map. Touching them allows for collection. Difference being that there are also floating items that will restore mana which allows Alex to use healing abilities. Alex healing abilities require this special pool, where more is unlocked by being a higher level. Maxing out at 10. It may not seem like a lot but it will work out just fine 99% of the time… the last couple mega bosses and initial fight with final boss digress though.

Once teleporting is unlocked, it isn’t the usual type of teleport where any town is accessible. Only certain places per continent are available. Reason being shown later in the game through a few lines of text. They really don’t leave much unturned.

Weapons and armor are available in almost every town visited. No real need to upgrade every time new equipment is available but it does help. Taking game at a leisurely pace and its easily accessible to purchase upon entering said new towns. At a normal pace, would probably be more likely to be able to purchase every other town or so. There really isn’t a wrong way to do it.

Stats for health attack and def do not scale linearly. There is a background formula that is used. So an increase of 5 could be way more than just 5 points. There are items that allow for specifically this. Found from chests, world map, mega bosses and very late game when the final weapons are unlocked in last chapter. These items have a maximum number of usages per character and due to how the point increases do not scale linearly, its fine to use whenever since the formula behind the scenes takes care of the rest. No benefit to holding onto them for later. Use them on the characters seen fit for the extra boost. Each of these special items has their own max number of times they can be used on a character. When the max number has been reached, the character becomes greyed out indicated they will not be able to accept another… sir.

Battle drops are not predetermined but are predetermined based off of number of battles. So say every X battles, a piece of equipment will be dropped, or after every X battles, a single skill will be dropped ect. It’s a good concept but very frustrating at times when trying to unlock skills as it can take ages to get them even though they are accessible at the current point of the story. Weapons and armor drops have a chance to be upgraded when they are dropped in battle, or they might be the same level. Armor and weapons max out at lvl 10. Its very time consuming and hard to push them that high. Not worth doing until final equipment is unlocked and purchased. It is rng as to what piece will drop and if it will be the same stats or a higher level piece. What is not rng about it is the drop will only be what the characters have equipped. If the weapon is accessible or not purchased, it wont matter. Only the currently equipped pieces will drop and when the higher piece drops it must be equipped for the further chance to push it to a higher level. A bit tedious, yes, annoying, also yes. But it’s the system we got, it works but is very time consuming.

The gal monsters that are caught, they can be equipped. They are a secondary accessory so to speak. Once caught a player can either decide to sell them or equip them. Only one gal monster can be equipped at a time. Each with their own unique stats and bonuses when equipped. There are no set bonuses.

Treasures, weapons armor, gal monsters ect. They are all items that can be sold. Gal monsters in particular are a required thing to sell for a certain item. That item being yulang outfit. Yulang outfit is a alt apparel that requires all 4 pieces of the set to be found. Once found an event takes place where the select yulang outfit is crafted and equip able thereinafter. A short dialog about them is given.

There are a couple misc items that can be purchased and used. One is to allow for leveling outside of the level shop. Which is a strategy for dungeons. Since when a character levels their hp is fully restored. Keeping a couple of these items and holding a character’s level for an opportune time is the best course of action. Then there is a bp recharge item that recharges a single characters bp upon usage. Nice to have a few of these for when entering a dungeon and just before fighting the boss. If bp isn’t charged fully, pop a few to prep for the upcoming battle.

Bp itself is needed for using skills of any kind. Each skill that can be used in battle and isn’t a passive demands X amount of bp usage. BP is simple to gain, just having the characters turn start grants 1 bp. Couple other abilities in the game allow to grant more, easily noted when they are seen. These abilities are a great help when utilized properly in bosses or hard battles.

As for quests, there are usually a couple available throughout each chapter with I believe only one of them being missable so it doesn’t matter too much when completing or initiating them. Most do not grant any reward but there are a few that give something back for the effort put in besides dialog. Quests range from finding items to defeating a certain monster, usual type of quest things and nothing too special about them or new found.

Last couple pieces of misc info is, if stuck, stand still for a bit and the characters will pop dialog bubbles to direct what the next thing to go do is. There are 7 chapters in all, each content is a sort of soft lock on characters so it’s a pseudo-open world, like most others in this genre though. Itll be fully open by the end. Inns of course heal the entire party and mp gauge, along with every inn sometimes having multiple scenes. And the church is there, some good girls you could say work em hehe. When in vn sections, click menu to hotkey a couple options to the top of dialog box and when outside of vn dialog, click menu again to hotkey a couple options to bottom right. They are independent of eachother.

Sound and Visuals –

Sounds throughout are pretty simplistic but match perfect with the design of the game. There is some dialog that gets tossed in with attacks at times from both enemy and player attacks. Nothing too out of ordinary or special. Luckily no talking mid battles, in battle is straight fights. As for background osts, they are pleasant to listen to… and especially the world map ones will be listened to for hours lol. All good and never feeling annoying or out of place for both osts or sound effects.

Voice actors do a great job throughout. But honestly it is harder to find bad voice acting compared to good when it comes to the japs. From the horrid scenes, not from a quality standpoint, all the way to the wholesome scenes, voice acting holds up. The characters feel alive and full while keeping to their personalities in each situation they are brought into.

Visuals are a hit or miss for some. It’s a very archaic game engine but for what its worth, there really isn’t a need to design a new one. It melds fine with the visual novel aspect. The sprites are unique and well done, things just work and not much more one could ask for. This older style visuals have their own charm and appeal. VN aspect plays and has a nice UI to it with intuitive controls like the rest of VNs out there. Miss some dialog or a scene, use the mouse to scroll back up or select backscene to view it again.

All of the cg is well done and oh there are some spicy ones in there. Alongside wholesome ones too, there is a good amount of variety for any kink or quirk. Not a huge amount but enough to be satisfied with. CG doesn’t hit as dark as first game for better or worse. There are some dark ones but notably thinking of a certain one that pops up mid to late game for ev1, no such tier is hit. These devs aren’t scared to do so though as ranse enters chat lol.

Overall and Final Thoughts –

EV2 really does hit that niche and hits it well. It’s a game that may look very soft from the outside but once the journey is taken up, things change fast. There is a lot of deeper thought provoking themes and scenes. It’s a great game, great story and not a lot to be said outside of I highly recommend it to people. Playing the first game is not a need. There are some scenes tossed in with the first games characters but they are put in, in a way that doesn’t require the player to know who they are. The characters from this game play along with them and would be as oblivious as to who they are as a person who hasn’t played the first. But for those that have played the first game, it’s a nod and thanks to them, paying homage and continues onward with the grander story that was set up at the end of original Evenicle. While the ending is surprising, it isn’t unexpected and if another EV game is made, will be nice to see how they play off from here. Looking at QD as I type this lol.

Sad that steam blocked EV2 from releasing so close to the official launch but it is what it is. At least GoG is out here repping them for some more exposure. Makes no sense why steam blocked as they have the trial version on there but some steam employee must have come across it and had been in a mood that day.

Oh, yes there are a lot of details neglected and missing from overview/main game section. Review is longest yet already and could easily double by going into complete detail for each characters views and motives. Also, might be a bit hard to follow unlike most other reviews. This is still a fresh write with most being helpful to remember and discuss it with others should that time arise though. Worded in a way that helps jog memory of events lol. Honestly should have taken notes like usual with various parts to help convey for here. Intentionally left last 2 chapters details out more than the others since that’s where the real meat and taters come in that is really the cherry on top for it all. Even if it was not that unpredictable, it doesn’t make it any less grand or enjoyable. And is best to let the ending experience be made when playing rather than read :D. Hope to all that play have as fun of a time as I did.

Very long game, very in-depth story, engaging characters and very enjoyable experience bundled together.

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment - 5/5

Gameplay – 5/5

Visuals – 5/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 4/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 85%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.