Anime – Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou [TV]

Anime Nov 22, 2019


Arifureta goes all over the place. Starts out with post transportation and then has the opening sequence that is supposed to showcase the events prior… because that was clearly the best way to start it off and gain a care or sense of feelings for the characters involved. Simply put was terrible into and sadly it doesn’t stop there but does get better as the show gets going a few eps in if that means much at this point.

The main character lost his arm after being betrayed and thrown into the abyss of the unknown down to a very deep level on the labyrinth they are in. Originally it was going to showcase the gruesome inner fear of being stuck in a situation that a person couldn’t escape from that would mentally strain him to the point of breaking. To top off the mental anguish and terror that the mc was going through he happened to stumble upon a artifact that would prevent him from dying, however not preventing the pain that he experiences. He needs to eat to survive so consumes the monsters flesh but in doing so the flesh devours his body. The artifact keeps him alive and he grows stronger due to this… but how amazing this sounds of a person struggling on the verge of mental breaking all while consuming flesh of monsters that devour his body all in order to gain strength and keep himself alive we get a very watered down version. AND THIS WOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN THE FIRST STRUGGLE :pepehands: … why this world so cruel.

Briefing over the rest he finds loli, he like loli, loli and him like each other. Adventure begins, lets go through dungeon, you like dungeon, yes I like dungeon, lets go deeper, oh we finish dungeon… hey look a silly bunny and silly bunny has silly family. Help silly bunny silly family in silly fashion since she silly but now she join mc. mc finds new labyrinth, bunny make a funny labyrinth over, dragon purdy imma take dragon, dragon mine after giving rod… hey a town lets take another loli, and to top it off lets go back to first labyrinth and take one more grill. Harem made and I also want to escape world so everabody ded if they disagree, is edgelord afterall, story complete. Oh that doesn’t make much sense? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

tldr; horny for some puss so wants to get back to his crib for some baby makin, story over.


Visuals are a strange thing. They are terrible when it comes to the monsters and cgi. Character models at times look good but for the most part are… meh, a lot of the times they are too bright in comparison to the rest of the scene showing they were more than likely input last minute. Nothing seems refined. Best part of the animation is the backgrounds and detail in the environment. The environment is up there and makes you know that whitefox was involved in some way. This is easily topping akame ga kill, they set the bar real low and for them to surpass this it’d be a thought-out challenge.

Music is decent, but unlike the rest of the show it is forgettable but in a good way. Can’t forget the show due to how bad it was from start to finish. Music was used appropriately and kept the viewer as immersed as they could get. Opening ` Void_Chords feat. LIO – FLARE`was :blush: was so good, the feeling it had matched what the show was.

Final Thoughts:

There honestly isn’t much to say at this point. The anime started off terrible… continued and got slightly better but never once tried to establish a connection between the characters and the viewer. Story progresses and things happen but there is no emotion in sight. Its just blank, void, nothing ☹. Can’t throw dark topics and situations at a person without first giving them a reason to care otherwise it ends up dull and meaningless as it accomplishes nothing except a `hey that was pretty neat` moment… instead of an impactful one that gets the viewer thinking about the scene and feeling for the people involved. News channels have more story than this did, hell even those dog SPCA guilt trip commercials have more emotional connection to the viewer than this.

Characters (main) – 1/5
Characters (sub) – 2/5
Enjoyment – 1/5
Visuals – 2.5/5
Music – 3/5
Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 1/5 Raw: 41%



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