Anime – Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai [BD]

Anime Dec 29, 2020


Children are some of the types that have the hardest time dealing with a sense of loss. Especially when it comes to death of people that they consider close. As a person ages it doesn’t necessarily become easier but mentally are able to handle the situation better.

The group of friends that this series follows, surrounds a situation where one of their group’s members died several years in the past. Each member of the group with their own regrets and reasons behind wanting to assist in the situation at play. They play it off, making excuses for why its for this person but, they are all thinking about themselves. They know this but refuse to accept that fact.

As the series progresses, we learn more and more about each one’s situation and views. It is only in the last episode that they can properly come to terms with everything and accept what’s gone is done. From the first episode to the last it is predictable in that sense for what will happen. There is a clear end goal and it doesn’t stay too far from it at any point. Every episode got closer and closer to every member vocalizing their points of view instead of masking it off as its all for this person with a heartfelt ending that is satisfying.


A-1 visuals are some that I have never really liked for a lot of their shows due to the styling. In these types of shows though, its where A-1 really shines. Their art styling and direction melds perfect and doesn’t feel out of place. It meets what one would expect from a short and warming type story. A-1’s specialty and where I find they shine the most is the more serious slice of life ones. They pump out a massive amount of anime, over 200 total currently, and due to that most don’t get as close attention as they should to make them standout or worth the time and effort of watching through it. They do a very good job with the backgrounds and not wash out a majority of it and the characters where it just feels low budget and weak. Few scenes here and there where a character is talking in the distance with face towards camera and there will be nothing on them just a blobbed face… luckily that’s a minority though.

Music throughout matches and keeps up with the quality of the animation. They did a good job especially nearing the end of the show where the emotions were at a high in keeping the emotional tension up. No noteworthy or standout osts but they are good enough and used appropriately to compliment everything happening.

Final Thoughts:

Not a lot to say except it’s a worthwhile show for those who have not seen it yet. Has a good coming of age, message about loss and how to come to terms with it in that you can’t stay stuck forever. Time helps but won’t be the crux to solve the issue, you must face it without excuses and let yourself free of the burden.

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 4/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 76%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.