Anime – Umineko no Naku Koro ni [BD]

Anime May 12, 2020


Life is a game so why not set up several games and repeat. constantly warping reality to disprove reality in favor of magic and witches. Everything that does happen is not what it seems in Umineko and any tiny detail is important for all the riddles that are set up throughout each game setting.

It is quite confusing the way they jump from current time, game world, real world, past ect. It’s not the clearest and in anime form definitely could have been done better. There are a lot of questions that are left unanswered but that’s also because this was only half of the entire story adapted.

Even coming up to the ending its very fast paced and *wraps* up within 5 min going end of game, epilogue showing the game isn’t over though. Pacing was getting better as it progressed… at times then just couldn’t hold true, but had its moments.


Visuals throughout are good enough and clear. They have an older feel to them but given the shows age that is to be expected. Considering the shows age though, the visuals hold up well 10 years later. Details are lacking in some areas such as when the people die at times but in reality, id not expect the more graphic parts of an anime to be that detailed. They did a good enough job to get the point across and have done/shown more than near any other anime would have.

The music throughout it is engaging and pleasant. There are some good soundtracks that stand out. Along with the opening and ending matching the feelings of the show. No complaints from it, good soundtrack overall.

Final Thoughts:

Even though what was given was decent, there is a massive amount of room for improvement. The pacing was too fast but the way it felt was decent. Too many details left out that would better help people understand what was going on. With the amount of details lacked or brisked over, it left the main two characters pretty bland in comparison to what they could have been. At times the characters would flip from `its over im done for` to `im back in this` yet there wasn’t really a real feeling as to why they would flip so drastically like that, Felt pretty forced at times which was annoying to see.

Overall I do recommend it to people but there is a lot of gore and killing throughout, nowhere near as much or graphic as Higurashi, but is something to be aware of. It is a good show to pass the time with and id say a good entry into the visual novel that it was based off of. Visual novel is 100+ hours of content and this show adapts half… into about 8 hours which shows how rushed and why most things feel forcefully progressed. As a standalone still worth a watch.

Characters (main) – 2/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 3/5

Visuals – 3/5

Music – 3.5/5

Story – 3/5

```Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 58%```



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.