Anime – Tokyo Ghoul;re 2nd Season

Anime Nov 22, 2019


How to even go over what the final seasons story was about? Nothing made sense due to massive amounts of cut content from the manga. Sure, there is a general gist of, this place gets raided and people die. Then big bad guys show themselves and now we fight them, but did I tell you venom from Spiderman was going to make a cameo is the arcs cleanup act? Oh, I didn’t… well he does for a little bit but then like everything else dies a quick death with emotional music in the background without proper context or backstory to make the viewer have any care or knowledge about who the hell he even is. From what little information is conveyed throughout you can slightly understand the overarching situations. But as said before, you don’t feel anything for any situation happening as they don’t give you a reason to care.


Visuals, they were decent but average which isn’t a bad thing. They look nice and hold up well to others released around the same time. Not much to say about them except `Studio Pierrot` has done better in the past. The final arcs of bleach were either on par or better in some scenes. That was ended/put on potentially perm hiatus 6 ½ years tg;re 2 ended. Darker color palate does fit the theme so got to give credit where credit is due.

Music wise, its very good from the opening, ending to the OST. Nothing bad to say about it, it’s the best part of the show.

Final Thoughts:

Bravo… you did it, was not thinking id give a 1/5 rating but here it is, you get the honor of being the first and hopefully last, but we know it won’t be the last lol. Just give it some time and another one will pop up to help curve down the average 3/5 ratings. Generic borderline ecchi tease with no nudity has more of a story than this.

To put the entire series in perspective its basically this, you start getting a lil chub from first season. Then by the time the second, third and fourth come around you are asleep with it in your hand and you wake up at the end thinking wtf am I doing with my life. Could some enjoy this series? There’s always those who thrive off watching something burn and having its ashes pissed on.

Okay but on a serious note, the fights… eh, they were okay but subpar at best in both animation and execution. There is no emotional conveying as most of the times you barely if at all know the people dying.

Overall Rating: 1/5



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.