Anime – Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken

Anime Nov 22, 2019


There are 23 eps in total with the 24th being a story from one of the characters past that appears to be background info for what season 2 is probably going to be about. The show itself is another death in real world and brought to another fantasy setting. In this instance the main character is reincarnated as a slime as the shows title suggests.

Starts out with him realizing he is now a slime and post realization slowly builds up a town of followers due to the amount of power he possesses. The way the show goes about granting him strong power is that he himself is not OP but the hax he possesses in the form of unique skills does make him OP. There are still characters stronger which is nice to see, and he even points them out saying `X person is X amount stronger than I am`.

Another point is that the show does not solely focus on the slime, often it is seen that the comrades and followers do most of the fighting with the slime coming in for the finishing act, sort of. They are able to balance the characters out decent which is a nice touch.

First arc Is more about developing the town and connections with events happening as it progresses. Second is fulfilling the request of a person that he promised to complete the wish of.


The visuals have a range from alright to pretty good. Nothing was stunning about them, but they did mix some interesting affects in here and there that were unique. Similarly, the ost throughout was nothing special. The ost was average and did its job good enough so no complaints from either side.

The openings and endings however are for me the best parts of this show. The second opening I enjoy quite a bit due to the opening piano. Both openings and endings were nice to listen to. Only skipped them once maybe twice throughout which doesn’t happen often.

Final Thoughts:

Throughout the entire show it simply feels too light hearted. There is no sense of tension due to the main characters hax abilities. If he needs, nearly any foe can be defeated due to them. Even in the fight that he states he is outpowered… it ends in a way that while gives a slight chuckle at best makes you come to the realization there wont ever be any real challenges ahead of the mc.

Without a challenge or sense of tension it feels meh and predictable, there wasn’t a point that had me wanting to see more or having a sense of `this is unexpected.`.

Main problem I have is the forced feelings they try to get the viewers to feel. There are several characters they try to get a emotional attachment with but there is never a reason to feel attached to. It felt similar to Destiny Cayde 6, where you only care for these characters since they are cool and sometimes witty or funny. If they died, it’s a `oh no, that’s sad` moment rather than an emotional one. There is blood and death shown but it’s shown in a way that conveys no sense of meaning. Everything just feels severely toned down, but I guess that’s the audience they were going for which is fine.

It is a decent show, id recommend it to people if they need to pass the time, not wanting an engaging or complex story, or just want something that is lighthearted with a dash of `oh look there’s some blood`. It does what it set out to do so can’t really take it that serious as it is a reincarnation as a slime after all lol.

Characters (main) – 2/5
Characters (sub) – 3/5
Enjoyment – 3/5
Visuals – 3/5
Music – 3/5
Story – 2/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 53%



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