Anime – Summertime Render [TV]

Anime Oct 3, 2022


Disney doing anime? An anime that is relatively dark in content too? Hmm, they really are in everything. Not the first big company, Universal also does a bit of a dabble.

Anyways, Summeritme Render is about time travel. Not a traditional sense of time travel, one that is loops, sort of like a VN but not. It is more similar to Re;Zero and Steins;Gate mixed together. The type of time travel covered is a finite amount of loops that can be done with each progressively getting closer to the end. Avoiding death delays the inevitable further and the amount of time that shifts is not 100% certain, there is still a bit of uncertainty to how far forward. More details uncovered about this power as story progresses.

Each loop is further progression right? Heh, well one could say that. As the ending is a conclusion afterall. With the journey to get there quite something with several ups and downs, twists and turns. Not all being shock value, mind blowing twists. There are a few that will make the viewer sit back in awe, while other times sitting there going `mah man`.

The journey to uncover all that’s happening to this island he grew up on while seeking what he believes to be a perfect future is a good way of putting it.


Visuals are something else, by far they are done to a very high standard 95% of the time. Especially come the end, there was no slacking and full throttle. Very surprising considering the studio is OLM, the one that does Pokemon… ya who knew they would go from child friendly to, keep the kids away, daddys turn on the TV. From character design, movements and vibrancy when needed is all there. With details to match each scenes foreground and background. Its all there and no complaints, waiting for a blueray release to see the touchups is going to be quite something. Making great even better.

Music, well they really didn’t hold back a budget. Silence is used accordingly with a mix of sound effects only to really be impactful. Then when osts are needed for intense scenes, there it is. Followed by the more emotional scenes having tracks that meld perfect with what is happening. Was no point where it felt out of place, too intense or even wrong.

Final Thoughts:

Very highly recommended to others looking for a complete and quick story. A good comparison of quality would be Parasyte. Both are about on par with how good they are. There is action, death and a nice conclusion that has a lil cherry on top ending dialog that draws forth content.

Due to being on Disney Japan, will hinder the broader audience it can reach internationally and even locally in Japan. Sad Disney didn’t choose to do the same they are doing with bleach where its Disney internationally with a bonus broadcast on hulu in US. Should be hulu internationally as well but who knows what goes through big corporations heads.

Spoiler for ending to clarify something that was shown but may not have been understood is a paradox. At a glance it may seem that the paradox was created by going back in time to place the eye, however that isn’t the paradox. The paradox is the shadows themselves. As the ending shows, without shadows a perfect world is reached and obtained. Them going back and eliminating the shadows from existing and warping the timeline allows for proper flow of time. Shadows had the ability to change a timeline by the works of the 2 eyes. With the power gone and shadows erased the paradox that originally split the timeline is fixed. Some I saw saying the paradox is them going back and fixing that problem with Haine and the whale which would make it impossible thus a paradox. Looking at it as the shadows existence itself is a paradox explains how thinking that way is misleading and untrue since the shadows shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

Final note, Haine best girl, easily best girl hehe. :mrclean:

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 5/5

Music – 5/5

Story – 5/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 90%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.