Anime – Space☆Dandy

Anime Nov 22, 2019


Where to begin, there is an overall background plot, but does it advance, or does anything really happen throughout the entire show? Eh, not really. Each episode is basically, A day in the life of Dandy and the 2 other crew members if you can call them that. Its more about the comedy and interactions with this cast and the situations they somehow find themselves in each time. In all honesty its hard to tell if any time has passed from the beginning to the end except for probably a week or so. Some eps did show extended periods of time and months pass by but the way its shown from one episode to the next, one could say no time actually went by.

The main plot revolved around Dandy who is a Space Rare Alien Hunter who goes around trying to find rare aliens to register. The rarer they are, the higher pay he gets. With the background plot being he is being hunted by one of the factions that is warring for control over the galaxy.


The visuals are a bit different than a normal anime and the style they went for looks very good imo. The way the animation feels for its flow works perfect with the style and type of show it is. There are no downsides to it especially in its bd format.

The background music is placed accordingly and suits the situations and doesn’t feel out of place, not very good but good enough. Onto the opening and ending, both songs were great and had an old school type of feel to them matching with dandy’s character quite well. The ending though, it’s very addicting, I skipped it the first ep but left it playing as the second ep ended as I was doing something else. Knew immediately I wasn’t going to skip it for the remainder of the show. The singer, Etsuko Yakushimaru, has a soft voice as she is singing it. It reminds me a lot of Daoko (for reference she did the vocals for  me!me!me! -Teddyloid). Both artists I find very good and have listened to hours of Daoko over the past year or 2. The softness of their voice that they can sing with just keeps you coming back for more lol.

Final Thoughts:

There are 7 different episode directors in just a single season. That is pretty insane to me. Basically, every episode was just another director flexing a bit to put it simply and each did a good job I think. I do not know if they all worked simultaneously at the same time, possibly on the eps together or not but id highly doubt it. I find it more likely they worked separately on their own ep with one or so of the directors getting 2 or more eps. This is speculation on my part but makes the most sense to me. I’m not sure where id look for background information regarding what each episode director played what role and in what episodes to confirm or not though.

The only way I would be able to explain the series is that every ep is an alternate dimension, hence the reasoning behind every ep feeling like nothing has happened or that marginal to no time has passed since the first ep where we are introduced the 3rdcrew member. Its fun to watch nonetheless and for anybody looking to watch a more comedy based with plot on the low end of the scale check this out as I do not think it will disappoint. The later episodes I found better than the beginning ones but that could mainly be due to only watching it once, growing more attached to the characters and understanding their personalities better.

If a person likes or liked Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo, you’ll like this one as one of the directors oversaw the script on those 2. Then we also have the director directly involved in both of those plus FMA:Brotherhood and some other big named show. There are some big names involved in this.

Overall Rating: 3/5



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.