Anime – Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2

Anime Nov 22, 2019


Finally, a season that only brought answers and sadness… the good kind. Without spoilers, we finally learned and saw what the basement was, the finishing fight between, beast, colossus and armored titan, wall reclaim, history of the titans, history of the walls, the outside world, survivors, Eren’s fathers past and more. So many answers given with a flood of emotions every ep. No matter whose side that was being rooted for… as in if you want to see the humans die or not, the satisfaction is there, and it hits hard.

Every episode released is one that from beginning to end couldn’t have been long enough. The past 2 seasons were all setup for this part. Nearly all questions have been answered in exchange for what the plan from here on out is going to be. Having season 3 split into 2 parts is a decision that the company thought would be for the best and it was the right choice. The years of waiting to finally get the answers everybody was asking since day one are all laid out in front of the people.


All visuals are movie quality with everything except maybe the colossus seeming right in place. The colossus titan still has that jank feeling to it due to the way it was animated but comparatively to everything else that isn’t even a complaint and more of a pet peeve. The backgrounds to the foregrounds all have outstanding amount of detail put into them where even if a person has read the manga or has had everything spoiled for them, watching it purely for the visuals only and there is still no disappointment in any way.

When it comes to the music, might as well start with the opening and endings. The openings for season 3 part 1 was one, red swan, was one that grew on me and has become my favorite of all the current op’s. With s3-2 the opening is still far down the list but the vibe it gives off is perfect for how the season feels. There is not down or slow part throughout it and the opening encapsulates that with the song never having a slow feeling or break, it keeps up the fast and intense beat throughout its entirety. Purely from that point of view, the opening would be hard to make better. As for the ending song, it also works very well with the feeling of the show and has more of a sad vibe throughout and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

With the openings and endings out of the way ill make the regular OST overview brief… it’s a Hiroyuki Sawano work, and damn does he know how to make OST’s that can really bring out sadness, happiness and well anything that captures what the moment needs, all the more props to the studio to using his work to the fullest. His OST’s ever since the first season I have downloaded and listened to several times over with after years of listening to still don’t get old.

Final Thoughts:

The answers to basically everything are finally given, the fights are full of emotion and even by the ending scene where a dream has finally been reached… the feelings of short term happiness as reality sets in and the ending plays are :ok_hand: .

Can’t really say much else as the show speaks and explains everything itself very well Grisha’s past ep, highly recommended watching 2 times if it was not fully understood as there is so much info in there it can be hard to keep up. With the way the visuals are though, re-watching it even immediately after still feels like a treat. In that ep though, if you watch it a second time, look also at the background as there are quite a few call backs and teasers sprinkled throughout.

This is honestly one of my favorite seasons of anime I have seen, if not my favorite due to the emotions and execution being as good as it was. The story got quite a lot deeper than `kill titans, titans bad`. There is a lot of blood and death but every death, unlike `Akame ga Kill` is not just for shock, they have their meaning, all going back to showing just how cruel the world they live in is where wanting happiness is not something that can be obtained without severe loss.

By the end its hard to say what side is best to root for, do we root for our main cast or not, the alternative reasons not to are quite compelling and can’t wait to see where the series is going to go from here.

Was debating if giving all 5’s across the board was the right thing to do, but when it comes to visuals, characters, story and enjoyment, taking solely this season and I do not feel much could have been done better. At times they even were taking straight manga panels and panning from them basement reveal ep. If it was to include the first half of season 3 then wouldn’t have been 100% raw score… it is considered a separate season so feel this is completely warranted.

Anybody who has yet to jump into SnK, could not recommend it enough, first season is great, second is good, then comes the third part one is where it starts an incline and when you think it reached its climax… out comes third season part 2… get the lube ready because by the end you’ll be still not have enough.


Characters (main) – 5/5
Characters (sub) – 5/5
Enjoyment – 5/5
Visuals – 5/5
Music – 5/5
Story – 5/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 5/5 Raw:  100%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.