Anime – Rokka no Yuusha - Braves of the Six Flowers [BD]

Anime Mar 10, 2023


Being raised by child abuse and the loss of your entire village is quite something. The main Hero, or should it be said `The Strongest Man In The World`… Adlet who is The strongest man in the world, self-proclaimed at least. For those who know he is the strongest man in the world, *sigh* alright now we are just veering on how much it is said in the anime lol. Adlet was at a young age when he witnessed the brainwashing of his entire village. He was barely able to escape through the will and perseverance from his best friend and sister. They sacrificed themselves for him to escape the events that had unfolded. He however, does not hold anything against the villagers as they were merely trying to survive and adapt to the fear of changing times.  Adlet does however push the blame on the one who convinced and pushed this action upon the villagers. As the demand to show they were true to commitment was to kill, rip the hearts out of those who resist or oppose the *deal*, by a villager not having the will to do so, would show they are not committed and thus those who are would kill them. It is a sick mental game that was played, while at the same time clever since it would abolish any thoughts left behind about opposing this change. Adlet, after breaking free by the sacrifices by the ones he held dear, searches and finds a old warrior that he is trains under. This is where he learned his skills of battle and to smile in the midst of adversity, never to waver in his actions.

The world is one where a land of demons expands and an eventual demon god is born. When the demon god is born there are 6 heroes, or braves that are chosen by the goddesses blessing. These braves are the ones that are to travel and kill said demon god. Each brave being marked by a crest that is blessed onto their body. Each crest in the shape of a flower with 6 petals. Representing the goddesses power blessed to them. In the first instance of heroes being born, it was the goddess who split her powers into 6 equal pieces. Represents the name of the show and like the strongest man in the world is referenced and talked about to the point one would assume it will appear on a test.

Of course Adlet is chosen to be one of these six braves. After being chosen, he and one of the other braves makes their way to the rendezvous point of legend that all the others will meet up at so they can travel together and take down the demon god. Another six is met very shortly in travels to this rendezvous point, one that was not intending to meet up and rather take the demons realm on solo. Adlet couldn’t let that happen and wants to protecc. Some time passes and they are then met with a dilemma of a ruin, a forest, a false Brave and a bad lineup of events. Which is where over 2/3’s the season takes place. In these events, they are sealed in an area and quickly shifts from adventure anime to mystery. The mystery aspect being that there are 7 braves somehow. While that should be impossible as there are only allowed to be six and a max of six as far as anybody knows. Adlet gets a bit framed as being the false hero and is needing to clear his name while rooting out the real culprit that is hiding among the other 6 who claim to be chosen by the goddess as well.

There is a good setup and mystery throttled on with waves of curiosity that ramp up and down. Went in without realizing it would flip in this direction and it was for the best, gave a more enjoyable experience. By the end of the mystery forest arc ~~not the real arcs name~~, the false hero is exposed, yet immediately after, we are shown that was not the end and only the beginning. Since there is yet another brave six that show up? So I guess its brave 8 now but minus 1 as they were confirmed and exposed as false… yet there is still one more false profit spreading lies to the group. Season however ends right with that revelation as they enter into the demon realm.


Given the time that this anime released the visuals are better than most would expect. If anything it even tops modern tv releases still. It is not the best and the most prominent flaw is the CGI… but that is not unexpected, CGI doesn’t look good even in todays anime yet. Age always further shows how bad CGI is mixed with regular animation. It does not take away from much, it is used but not bad by any means. Simply put not as good as one would hope, while being about what one would expect from the age and time of its release.

Music is something else though, it is very well done and if anything overshadows the shows story and animation. It is on par with movie standards of OST’s which was very very surprising. Every moment one of the OST starts playing, it truly keeps the viewer on edge and fully immersed regardless of whats going on. While the OST is very well done, it does feel at times to be a bit too much for the show though. At times having thoughts of it not matching as well with times as it should. The OST’s do feel like they could have been better utilized in another media. Honestly not sure if that is a bad or good thing. Could be viewed either way.

Final Thoughts:

For those wanting a action that shifts into a mystery holmes who did it pink panther type of anime with magic… easy recommendation. It is by no means anything groundbreaking, it does not need to be though. IT conveys a good story with well thought out characters. Adlet and his backstory are well done from what was shown so far and hopefully if another season happens, further expansion of the others with more character development could easily happen. There is a lot of potential sitting on the table for this one, and if the OST is anything to go by can turn into a great anime by its finished conception.

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 3/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 5/5

Story – 4/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 73%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.