Anime – One Punch Man 2nd Season

Anime Nov 22, 2019


With the studio change for OPM it has undergone a tone shift as well. For better or worse is quite subjective since in some respects could be considered better than the first but overall id say it is not as good.

The arc for this season covers Saitama wanting to experience a real fight to get a feeling of satisfaction due to how strong he is in comparison to the enemies currently being fought. Strongest so far is still the main villain from the last season when he had to use a serious punch. No serious punches thrown or even normal. When it comes to Saitama being shown is dull and gets the same vibe as he is feeling with no excitement or enjoyment out of what he is currently doing. Saitama is lost lol

Garou is the enemy that is what the other half of the season is focused on. With him being the focus, he is directly linked to the monsters whether he wants that to be the case or not… but what does one expect when they call themselves a monster. It is expanded upon and shown why he would rather be a monster than hero and his reasoning make sense.

With only 12 episodes the entire season ended when it started to get interesting. Should have been an extra 12 episodes and then the rest of the arc or at least enough to hopefully show its conclusion would have been possible.


Several complaints about the animation style have been thrown around but I feel they are not that correct. The main problem I have been seeing is not the style but the textures they used for metal objects/things. Take Genos for example, he looked very good but the arms and any metal parts on his body are what looks *bad*. Same goes for other things that used those textures. They could have been done a lot better or if they insist on continuing forward with that style, changes to the other textures they are suing need to be made to make it blend into the rest of the scene better.

The music was alright and did what it was supposed to. No complaints, they had decent OST selection per scene. Main complaint with the opening. The opening that was given seemed to try too hard at trying to capture the same feel as the first one. I believe they should have taken the route of making something new and not trying to imitate what made the first successful. It is a decent song but would go as far to call it a good one.

Final Thoughts:

OPM S2 is made by a different company than the first and due to that there is a drastic shift in tone and animation. I feel it is still goo though, although having it cut off mid arc was a poor choice. There should have been more episodes to finish it out. Hopefully there will be another season.
I would still recommend to people but not a strong recommendation, more of a, if you have the time and want to watch some action… then go for it. Otherwise not much is being missed out on.

Characters (main) – 3/5
Characters (sub) – 3/5
Enjoyment – 3/5
Visuals – 3.5/5
Music – 3/5
Story – 2/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 58%



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