Anime – Nisekoi [BD]

Anime Sep 5, 2020


Ichijou is forced into a relationship with another that starts out as one would expect of any forced relationship. They don’t necessarily hate each other but do not enjoy the situation that both were forced into. As the shows name implies, it’s a false love. They are both required and forced to fake such love due to reasons explained in the first episode.

As the show opens there is a locket and a promise that is glossed over a bit to give a background premise of what is to come. Everything that happens throughout is in one way or another linked back to this promise and the end goal is to figure out who it was with. There are some twists here and there but nothing too out there or unexpected.


Visuals throughout are done by studio Shaft… so in all honesty there isn’t much to be said. They uphold their reputation of doing some of the best out there. Not in terms of detail per say but the uniqueness that they are able to twist into everything. The flow and exaggerations to emphasize certain things is on point and furthers the immersion for the viewer. Shaft never fails to disappoint in a visual aspect and have only gotten better since the release of Nisekoi. There were a couple scenes of characters walking that were a bit shaky in quality but im pretty sure it is the remux that I got that was reencoded to h265, so cant necessarily pin a blame on the studio itself without seeing a direct rip db.

Music is something that could have been better but due to the type of story that is being conveyed… ya there really isn’t a reason to put more effort into it. Put simply, its there, it does its job and that’s about it, nothing noteworthy or special but at the same time nothing bad either. OST’s fit and match the scene as one would expect.

Final Thoughts:

Not a lot to say about Nisekoi other than its enjoyable, characters look good and simple plot that is easy to follow throughout. Due to the core of the show emphasizing love and such there are several relatable moments. Especially the ending that near everybody would have experienced. Without spoiling too much it’s a fight between 2 characters that goes on for extended in show time with one of them making false assumptions about the other, the other is worried so tries to ask about what’s wrong… followed by an immediate piss off you should know moment. Even though this character doesn’t express themselves the way they should to properly convey themselves for the other to fully understand. The other then gets to the point of saying thoughts that they don’t mean only further pushing the person to believe their false assumptions, sinking them further into a depressed state of wanting what once was. They both further separate until a more direct convo expressing themselves and how they feel without the petty bs backing statements. Of course, there was a humorous and wholesome type toppings [?] tossed on lol. It was nice though, in that most shows have it feeling a lot more forced or unnatural. They did a good job showing it. Its something that happens to most people so easily relatable but the way it was executed felt more natural than a lot of others as it is near identical to what has happened to me or friends in the past with the end result may or may not matching the conclusion they had lol.

I would recommend to people wanting to see a good rom com with enjoyable characters and moments.

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 3/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 63%



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