Anime – Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2 [BD]

Anime Mar 14, 2023


Continuing immediately where the first part left off in a coastal city, Rudeus, Eris and Ruijerd are looking for a way to cross over the sea to depart away from the Demon Continent. Once they arrive at the port, the fee for both Eris and Rudeus is cheap, however for Ruijerd it is very expensive. Expensive to the point they are unable to afford it, even if they were to take on missions of high ranks and pay. The cost was simply not possible for them. They were needing to find another way to cross over. In the meantime of finding and thinking of a way to do so, a blind eye agreement is made with Ruijerd. The type of agreement that Ruijerd is willing to look away from the means that Rudeus comes up with for them to be able to continue their journey home. It came to that they would smuggle Ruijerd over with the agreement set up with the other person that our gang would need to rescue some children that are held captive by some smugglers. All the while these plans are being set up best girl Roxy and her companions are in the same town looking for Paul’s family, Rudeus included. Fate however did not align for them to reunite at this time though, no matter how close they got on passing street alleys.

With their plan of smuggling Ruijerd over now in motion, things go smoothly and they succeed with their plan. Except that damn dog had to be saved, children really are ones with a special way with words. Of course going back to save the dog is where things go south for Rudeus and is captured under the false tense that is one of the smugglers responsible for taking the children. Even though he was there to save them lol. These furries are very similar to our girl Ghislaine, but more on that later.

After sitting in a jail cell for an extended few days and shooting the shots with another that joined him, a fire breaks out. The smugglers are at it again, but this time they are taking an even more aggressive approach and targeting their homeland directly. They lit the forest on fire to surprise and knock the furries sense of smell so they had a dwindled chance of retaliation. Well, until Rudeus decided he is for saving them. He brushed aside their false accusations, saving them instead of being petty with pride by leaving them to their demise.

Shortly after things are settled with scenes of sorrow towards Rudeus for having thrown him into jail cell falsely. Eris and Ruijerd make a return together here, having an overall positive balance all things considered. Due to the time of year, they were not able to immediately leave for the next town. As such, they deepened their bonds with the locals, helping out and training a couple of them. Ghislaine’s niece being one of them that is being trained. We learn more about her and how/why she left the village. There was a misunderstanding with Gyes, who is Ghislaines older brother. Due to how Ghislaine left the village and her mentality at the time of departure, Gyes had had a strong sense of misplaced resentment towards her. Eris, being her strong minded self asserts that his notions are unfounded and not justified or remotely accurate to the Ghislaine she knows now.

Once the emotions settled and the rainy seasons three months finally ended, Rudeus and crew said their final goodbyes as they headed to the city of Millis. Upon departure, the man, Geese, that Rudeus met in jail decides he would like to follow suit in their journey to Millis, as that is where he was wanting to go as well. As they arrived, as quickly as Geese joined with, he had left. Millis is a popular town that has a strong guild presence. Knowing this, Rudeus plans out to stay here for a bit and earn enough money to allow an easy journey the rest of the way back to their homeland. With the rest of the day off to rest, Rudeus sees a *kidnapping* happening and contemplates nosing into the debacle or staying clear. Of course he couldn’t let it be so chases after them, finds some pantsu and decides to make himself into a mask wearing fiend… sort of lol. Him finding these inside the crate he was hiding behind had him shout a noise alerting the others he followed and a fight ensues with him thinking it was a good idea to mask his identity with them because that’s the first thing that would come to anybody’s mind when finding pantsu. The boss of the persuers comes out drunk and fighting… however the face of a familiar man is made apparent. Both Rudeus and Paul cross blades and once the realization is made they stop fighting immediately. Followed by what was seemingly going to be a happy reunion. The reunion of father and son was not a pleasant one though. It was anything but, and to not spoil the emotions of the scene should probably skip over the details. Character growth happens, Eris gets big mad, Ruijerd is the only one really knowing whats going on and states an opinion, and the real reunion comes later when both are able to be open minded and accepting of the trials and tribulations that each had gone through to that point get expressed. It is a heartwarming scene and was very well done. Much better to have it second round make up rather than first to add for an emotional validity while expressing the hardships each had to go through to say the least.

The journey does not stop here though. After all is said and done, theirs must go on. With a new end goal now in mind and the assistance of Pauls reknondness the final stretch of the journey is to be a quick…ish one. Ish, since there is a slight detour with new information regarding one of his little sisters and Lilia. They are apparently being held in a familiar town Rudeus believes Roxy to still be in, The Kingdom of Shirone. With the information Rudeus was given, he quickly encountered his younger sister, Aisha. Saving her from the city guard who appear to be up to no good… however when the morning came and his letter was answered, things took a turn. Rudeus realized it was a ruse that Roxy was still there, as he now knows she is gone and one of the reasons for her leaving is the reason for his situation now. Having been imprisoned, Zanobia, the third prince of the kingdom comes down to talk with Rudeus, they hit it off quite well and things get resolved very very fast… followed by the persecution of the 2 princes due to their actions up to this point, politics ect ect. ~~good riddance~~. With the rescue of Lilia and Aisha, they travel to Millis where Paul is and start the family reunion, with the last remaining missing person being the mother.

Officially the journey home is about to come to an end… only one more roadblock that has shoehorned its way in though. A man named Osterd, we glimpsed this badass scaling a mountain as the teleportation cataclysm happened and he stated he should go check it out. Events unfold here that truly put into perspective the strength and tier of our main cast. Eris taking it the hardest mentally. With this just being another sign of what is to come by the end of her journey with Rudeus. It is the clam before the storm one could say.

Once back in Rudeus’s hometown, it is shown to be true, the place is wiped off the wipe in ruins. Ruijerd, upon arrival bids Rudeus and Eris one final farewell with a expression that they no longer need protection and his job has been completed. With memories that flash through Rudeus’s mind happening and the short road ahead to Roa, Eris’s home, they make their way there. Only to see that yet again, the reality of what happened is true, Roa is gone but not forgotten as there is a revival effort. With the efforts head being somebody Eris knows, Alphonse. He is there leading the efforts to bring the place back to its former glory. The night strikes and the most conflicting scene happens… Eris forcing herself onto Rudeus. Rudeus says no but is not able to stop himself against Eris and her assertiveness. It is honestly more fucked up than anything given the mental state that Rudeus is in and the life he has lived up to this point. Eris being not the brightest and not wanting to leave any strings untied forces Rudeus hand by her stating she wants to make a family with him and with those words it happens. In the morning though all that greets Rudeus is an empty bed with Eris’s hair on the ground next to him. This is where the scene makes itself very apparent for any that have knowledge of Japanese context. Eris was feeling she was inadequate to stand by Rudeus, a person she holds to the highest standard. A person she has been trying to catch up to yet is never able to be on par. Her doing this is her way of expressing she is no longer a child while also fulfilling any remaining promises she had with Rudeus before leaving. She does not want to feel as if she is relying on him anymore. Scenes like her being beaten by Rudeus at the beginning of this coure are a callback with other statements along the way that led to this point and the final cut being her failure to provide any protection during the encounter with Orsterd. Her cutting her hair is a showing that she is leaving her old self behind and turning anew, showing that she is not going to be who she is now. It is simply the end of one life and the beginning of another.

This leaves and Rudeus in a state of mental despair. Words will simply not express what visuals were able to do in a brief manor, it is one of the best scenes and character development from despair scenes that have been made. Rudeus stands back on his own two feet conquering his mental state yet again. This time by himself without the help of another, Roxy. He is able to step outside and push forward completely now. The fear of before not gone but coped with. It was honestly a perfect way to end, while complimenting the previous scene in the first season where Roxy was the crux to break him out of leaving to the light. Further proof Roxy is best girl but I digress hehe. Anyways, we are shown the resolve of all the others that Rudeus has met along with their views of him with a short scene that helps better show how much admiration he has gained from others throughout the series so far. For him to not move forward and push on would be opposite of how they all viewed and hold him.

That aint all though, Roxy has a unfortunate, or maybe fortunate encounter with the loli demon herself. Instead of getting a future seeing eye that can be manipulated with manag to see further or less into the future, she is instead granted information about Rudeus and his family. Showing that they are all still alive. Her now knowing Rudeus is safe, Paul, Lilia and his two younger sisters are safe together. The only one not back together being Zenith. This is the same time that Rudeus overcomes his past mental depression and both make way to find Zenith, the new destination marker for the story to follow suit with.


Visuals are the same as the first coure. Very well done and detailed. Action scenes are smooth, clear and enjoyable to watch. Nothing really seems out of place. Backdrops are nice to look at, animation methods of simplistic animation used when needed. while at the same time more detailed models and scenes are shown when needed too. From the magic to the trees off in the distance there are no complaints with all positives of the last coure following suit here.

Music is still a place that could be better and is the most lacking when compared to the rest of the series. Like the last coure, it is not bad by any stretch, while at the same time is not exceptionally good either. It is here, does the job it is supposed to do but that is all. It does not push or excel things to be higher. Not very memorable from an OST standpoint. It is nice that there is no real opening scene again though. Instead the opening sequence is swapped out for more content and showing for the situations that are happening in said episode. Very much is a welcome piece and noteworthy, the minute and a half extra per episode adds up a lot and some of the opening sequences truly convey a lot. Most notable being Pauls scenes from the teleportation incident to now.

Final Thoughts:

Wow, simply wow with everything that was jammed into this season. Of course it is an easy recommendation. Any who have seen the first part, no reason to hold back as the story has a clear and concise point of reference with an expansive world that keeps growing. There are only more emotions and care put in.

Jobless Reincarnation is an anime that keeps getting better as it goes on. Not many downsides and a lot more upsides than anything. Any negative is easily overshadowed by a multitude of positives. Again Roxy is showing to be best girl by far. Need some more showtime of her and hopefully a lil more with Rudeus too hehe. Mentally Rudeus is mid 40’s mentally… guess who happens to be the same phys-… ok maybe she is not physically 46 but that doesn’t matter, they are close enough to a perfect match lol.

There is a second season announced and there is honestly quite a lot for the second season to live up to. If it continues down the path of what was given so far though, it will easily be continuing on an upward path. Hopefully they can manage to strike a deal to get a better score that would hold closer to the quality of the rest of the show though.

Also, Eris is something else, even from her first showing she was no good but now, oh she really no good. Her being dumb and bad with conveying emotions is not an excuse for what transpired. She may not have had ill intent but oh that’s something else. Sure the introduction and explanation for why she is spoiled due to political reasons and parents needing to send off sons is heartbreaking… *sigh* cmon though, this too much even for a dolts.

Oh and there is a OVA, not going to review it, it is a simple showing of Eris adventure in Millis when she said she was going to hunt goblins. She meets a noble that sweeps, nah she doesn’t let him sweep her off her feet and instead says you aint no Rudeus, leaving him low and damp. Ending being her entrance where she is excited to see Rudeus only to see him down, followed by her saying she gon kill that man Paul. Eris, all brawns no brains to put it simple. Ruijerd, lucky you a understanding person, one would only hope after the experiences had, living multiple hundreds of years and carrying around the spear which is his dead son with a hell of a lot of resolve :feelstacoman:. The Ova further shows that what Eris has towards Rudeus is not love but a strong admiration, making her actions sit even more ill with me lol. Hopefully the story doesn’t progress and try to maneuver her into a relational position with our MC when there are leagues better options available ~~Roxy onegai kek~~.

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 5/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 5/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 83%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.