Anime – Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu[BD]

Anime Mar 12, 2023


An isekai that has a more traditional style. Our MC, now dubbed under the name, Rudeus is a neet that was bullied to an extremely harsh extent. One of the tamer examples being that his classmates strung him onto a chain link fence, wrists tied into an upright position. While numerous classmates stood around ridiculing him with insults that boil down to his looks. Furthering this, they would persist and hang outside his house shouting insults at any moment he would attempt to look or peer outside.

Due to this type of past, he grew a strong fear of never wanting to venture or push himself into the outside world. All for fear that the abuse he received would only further continue. This fear forced his mental state to be one of a neet. Sitting in a dirty room, computer lit lighting with the smell of semen and pockey. By the time he was 34, he was pushed to be forced out onto the streets, without a place to sleep *comfortably* as he was before. The night this happened, it was cloudy, rainy and suited the mood of his mental state. He however, was not a bad person, moreso the situations surrounding his life made him a product of it. On this night of being shoved out, he witnessed an argument. As he was looking away thinking nothing of it, he saw a truck starting to veer course due to the rainy wet roads. He decided that he might as well do something since there was no possible way things could be worse and he knew it would be the right thing to do, again he was not a bad person that would be selfish. In the midst of this act of valor, he was killed by the truck.

As he was lying on the stretcher in the hospital, it was clear his life was officially over. In the middle of these thoughts, a strange happening occurred. Voices unfamiliar and not matching the situation occurred and as his final heart beat fell silent, the birth into a new world was happening. At first he hadn’t realized the situation at hand. Only the thoughts of pure wonder about how these faces he is seeing are able to maneuver around his body effortlessly. He was a 220 pounder after all. Lewd thoughts had flooded his mind as he saw his new mother, yet he comments no sexual desires or arousal thoughts were there. It was a lewdness in its purest form if that makes sense lol.

As some time went on and he grew accustomed to this new life of being a newborn baby, he fell and hit his head, only for his mother to cast a healing spell. This is when everything clicked in his mind. This was a magical world that he had only dreamed of, read about in books. His fascination was peaked, and due to being a 34 year old in a toddlers body, he was looking around and stumbled upon a book. A book that would teach him magic, reading became a problem though. Not for long as he was able to be taught quickly. Even commenting about how his child body was able to pick things up exceptionally quick. Once able to read he persisted with learning the contents of the book he had found. Shortly after his parents found out that he had a knack for magic at a young age they sent a request out to hire a trainer for him.

His teacher and master, Roxy took this role and job. As the episodes rolled by, Roxy finished her role, and left. With her own views and position pushed further by the actions of Rudeus. She compared herself to him and used him as encouragement to strive for a greater height of magic that she otherwise would not have been motivated to achieve. At least from what was shown this newfound motivation stemmed from Rudeus. Rudeus feeling the same and complimentgin eachothers wants for achieve more knowledge and power. Power not necessarily in the strength aspect though. It was more of a stereotypical wizards knowledge expansion type of power.

Rudeus meets with a girl his age after Roxy leaves, grows attached to her and has an understanding of her, er, him nah her. When Rudeus first met this person, he immediately felt attached due to how she was being treated by others and instantly wanted to protect and befriend. She was however, not from as wealthy of a family and when it came time to Rudeus wanting to persue a notable magic school, he wanted to bring her with him. Rudeus family of course would not be able to afford such costs though. With his father, Paul, stating and explaining how that cant be possible. Rudeus pushes that it is his want and is willing to work and save money over the course of a few years to try and make it happen. Paul sees this as a problem of reliance but at the same time understands that it is his sons wish to do this. He helps him in finding a job that is tutoring, in the same way that Roxy was to Rudeus but for another family.

Rudeus gets to this new family and is greeted his a hot spirited young girl with an urge to not listen and is spoiled down to the core. For reasons that are indirectly explained a bit further on. Tldr, being that the brothers of this girl have all been taken away. Due to them being taken away, she, Eris, is now the only one there that the family is allowed to keep. As such they spoil her. Political reasons of succession and family ties are at the core of the why.

After Rudeus is able to persuade Eris into allowing him to being her teacher, they follow a similar track up until the final exam of graduation. This is where things shift fast, Rudeus, Eris and the guard that was with them, Ghislaine, are teleported to a far away land. Ghislaine’s location or status being unknown. Due to her strength and power, unlikely to be deceased though, simply missing in action for now we assume.

Soon after awaking in an unknown location, Rudeus and Eris are met with a Sperd. The people that bring fear to the very core of every soul. History of them being twisted in favor of the victors as usual. The Sperd, Ruijerd, not being anything like the stories, simply wants the reputation of his people to be improved by the end of his life. With the misconceptions known to be false and cleared up. His justice and pride heavily follows the protection of children in any way possible while ending evil. Evil in his eyes being a traditional villainous sense of ones that want or are doing bad. Bad in the form of harm to others regardless of the reason. Ruijerd is very black and white traditionalist. Ruijerd is making it his goal to no matter what ensure that Eris and Rudeus are taken back to their home safely.

In the last couple episodes are greeted with the introduction of adventurers guild and more of the showcasing of how feared the sight of a Sperd are. This is only part 1 of this 2 coure season and it ends here as the adventure truly starts. The first part mainly being the prologue.


The visuals are very well done with the styling. There is a more simplistic take with less apartment CGI at every turn and is quite a refreshing sight in comparison to the majority of other shows being shoved out in recent times. The coloring matches with a darker tone rather than the bright and vivid isekai that plague every nine out of ten shows. It doesn’t push as far as goblin slayer tier, however it is very similar in terms of animation quality. Fights and magic shown is detailed when it needs to be and more simplistic other times when it is to better emphasize a certain aspect of the scene.

As for the music, this would be something that is lackluster. Not in a bad way though. It is overshadowed by the rest of the show and simply doesn’t keep up with the rest. It would easily be the best place for it to improve. There are no real openings and is quite different. There is an opening song. The opening song plays over scenes of the episode. This method allows for more content to be granted to the viewer. Having done it this way is better than a traditional minute thirty second opening that cuts into the show. There is a more immersive viewing experience when it is start to finish no cuts.

Final Thoughts:

Highly recommend to watch for those looking to have something more fresh and enlightening when comparing to most of other shows being aired at the time of its release. There is a fun, in depth world with no real downsides. It is not perfect, yet does not need to be for it to be a very enjoyable and immersive experience.

At first the story was lacking and good but no clear direction. Pretty sure in the next coure that will be very different as there is a clear goal of `get home safely`. It was more focused on world building and character expansion rather than a point A to point B story. From a world building aspect, this did extremely well in getting to know the world and some of the limitations based on the skill, races ect.

Roxy and Ghislaine being easily the top choice. Roxy being a bit higher up hehe.~~especially the showing of how she is not afraid to light a bitch up, even if it’s a nobles song lol~~

Characters (main) – 4/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 5/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 76%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.