Anime – Kyokou Suiri [BD]

Anime Oct 5, 2022


Sometimes a person sits down and thinks they want a good mystery, then believes they find one. Disappointment is one way to put it when it isn’t as expected. Lets start with everything is a lie, like really, everything is just a lie.

~~Monogatari has a lot of dialog and mystery, its big lets capitalize… *In/Spectre enters chat late to the party*~~

From the start, In/Spectre has a really good premise and world they build. The characters and their interactions however are where it falls short. Couple small arcs to go over. First being an intro where we learn about the 2 couple, wait not that couple kek. The couple that shouldn’t be one but is one couple. Eh hard to follow until an ep or so in and definitely by the end will be understandable.

Second is showing how Iwanaga is a Goddess, however is not a traditional goddess. She is there to assist in *solving* these distress calls from the local youkai. Youkai are the spirits of the world, like the kappas, gods, unexplained entities ect ect. When one is in distress, the investigation begins, Iwanagi sees a little bit about it and knows everything as she is the goddess of wisdom. Wisdom comes in many forms though. Iwanagis wisdom comes in the forms of lies, lies and more lies on lies with lies.

Whenever a youkai is distressed, she will tell them lies that could make sense on a surface level most of the time and sometimes on a deeper level. It’s a lie to quell these youkais worries. Its like a kid that shit in the sink and now is trying to explain themselves to their parents about why there may be shit in there but the worries and stress they feel is unwarranted. Yet somehow the kid convinces them to not worry and its alright… really is something else.

Our other main cast, Kurou, he is something else. Literally, something else which is why his ex Saki said no more, we done. Even after being ready for marriage. Wont spoil that though. Second arc is revolving around him and a mysterious Steel Lady Nanase.

Steel Lady Nanase being an anomaly that cant exist yet somehow does. Rest of story deals with it and comes back to lies on lies until problem is solved by convincing even the viewer that these lies are true just because there is some semblance of truth scattered amongst the lies.

The mystery portion is not traditional, it has potential to be good if it took a different path due to how great the world is that was built.


Visuals are decent. Nothing special about them, with the characters being drawn good. Nothing special animation wise to stand out, not even a leg, *sigh* sorry ill look away for that one. Really not much to say, its average across the board in animation.

Music is the same story, opening and ending songs are pretty good but the rest isn’t too noteworthy. Not a bad thing though as it shows it is doing the job as intended when needed. None feel out of place or wrong.

Final Thoughts:

Would not recommend this anime to many types of people. It is watchable but after a certain point its tedious. Once the tedious portion kicks in, its nearing the last couple eps so might as well finish. They gear it up for a potential second season… id honestly give it a shot if it happened. The potential to be good is there.

So much talking, talking this much would make viewer think its important… yet at the same time it means nothing. Things are said but it feels like filler. Could have had the show condensed down into probably 5 episodes possibly 6.

Feels like it tries to be monogatari, it just isn’t though. Quality comparison is leagues different in writing and execution.

Somehow the same storywriter for this is the same one that did Zetsuen no Tempest. Which is a phenomenal anime, where there became a disconnect… guess we will never know.

Twisted love exists, congrats it has been found.

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 2/5

Enjoyment – 2/5

Visuals – 3/5

Music – 3/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 2/5 Raw: 53%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.