Anime – Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3 [TV]

Anime Jul 2, 2024


The return of the great not so great party. Where everything can and does go wrong while somehow playing out just as intended. Except this time, its more of a focus on the Divorcedness, er, Darkness. Learning more about her family and happenings of some behind the scenes situations that had accumulated from the past arcs.

With another studio at the helm, it was a bit skeptical of what would happen. However, they knew just what to do. Animation, on point, story, on point, ludicrous scenes… on point hehe. Taking the first episode to demonstrate why its still peak.

In the first episode the main plot was to show the divine items. Like how Aqua is the item Kazuma brought into the world… well there are many others that have been sent to this world as well. With each having their own choice of item they are allowed to bring into it. Finding the hammer of fortune, or whatever it is truly called lol. Shake shake = gold gold. A sad encounter with a lost soul who Kazuma ruthlessly has no sympathy for, bringing forth his inner Rance as his green outfit compliments. To no surprise the hammer was not able to last long and poofs before they can really make use of it with comedy acts and emotions of the party swelling around it in an entertaining manor. Followed at the same time with a letter of invitation to Darknesses family din din time for Kazuma, and maybe his friends. Yknow to show the appreciation of their actions of defeating Demon Generals.

With the invitation of Princess Iris and Kazuma’s thoughts swelling of a younger sister fantasy swelling, the time to go was upon them. Not without the usual shenanigans of the party at such a formal dinner they were invited to attend. Ending on a surprise swoosh from Iris taking Kazuma back home :mrclean:. The others in the palace are not entertained by such actions she had done but are forced to accept it without complaints as it is her wish for her to have him there.

With Kazuma and Iris adventure beginning, it is a swell time of him teaching and showing her the *best* stories and tales, along with the neet  life coming full circle. Kazuma couldn’t ask for a better life in his mind. The end goal of Iris having him there to keep her company does not last long, but the entire time before the rest of the gang arrive is filled with great moments one would expect and hope Kazuma to bring into the palace. Situations along the lines of convincing Iris to call him Onii-san and his morning routine of summoning Sebasti---Haidel and the maid Mary to dress him coming after. Wouldn’t have expected any less from our boy.

The crew arrives and puts an end to all this though lol. Before leaving though the thief must be caught, who creeps around the capital. Only really putting themselves in this position so they could stay just a bit longer in the capital. They get to stay at fatasses ~~Alderp~~ place while they attempt to catch the thief. In the midst of this the Demon Kings army attacks the Capital and Kazuma and others take up arms… sort of hehe. They do take part and Eris is not so happy to be seen again, must have been all the lil guys who were part of the demon armies attack force.

Shortly after the wave of defense is fended off, Iris, Kazuma and Megumin are able to talk and before they know it… Bodies be swapping and nefarious acts are once again upon the great hero who caves to temptation. Only to be cut short by a time limit, shot back into the wrong time wrong place due to the generous words of *encouragement* that Megumin is able to speak at that exact time. However, with another Thief attack that night, and a failed capture, one thing leads to another and the gang is sort of voluntarily asked to take a long leave from returning. Iris keeping secret and knowing the secret of the Thief of the night exposed in a inner monologue.

With the return home Darkness starts to act a bit off, basically demanding they fight and take down a dragon for unknown reasons. The party accepts and questions why the seemingly forced need to do so. Instantly upon completion Darkness leaves a letter and poofs, making her demands all the more understandable…ish. Kazuma and others go to her home and demand a explanation which they are instead chased away for harassing the gates. Kazima does sneak in and on the way out after seeing Darkness for an explanation catches a quicky with the dad… hmm, probably not the best of word choice. Anyways, the dad is completely in Kazumas court to say the least.

A revelation that was unexpected befalls the party though and that is Darkness now has a set date for marriage with Fatass. The reason exposed being related to the destroyer and the damages caused by the disaster of the time totaling up over 2 bil. With Darknesses family inheriting the cost ect ect, bad things happen and more details are given. Core point is Fatass is to marry that masochist. Kazuma aint having it though and will gladly sell all his ideas and scrap up everything he is able to, to repay and buy Darkness out/back from fatass during the wedding ceremony.

Finally the great escape with Darkess in hand and a explosion to match, all while the adventurers of the starting town are around occurs. Shortly after Fatass not able to detain or catch the gang. But also the end  without them needing to leave town either due to… certain circumstances allowing them to live their peacefully hectic life for a while longer.


The visuals are great and only improve on what was set as foundation of the past seasons. The flow of characters from the foreground to the background is simply on point. Vividness of colors popping matching with the entire feeling of the show while being able to compliment the parody story it is known for. Not a lot to say and even less complaints, especially for this being a TV release. It should only be more polished and worth entertaining on the BD release where things are looked over to be even better.

Music and ost’s, hmm, have to say this is the only opening that is sort of a miss, not that it is bad. Just not one that I wanted to listen through every week like the previous openings. However the ending, oh thats another story. Quite literally another story as well since it includes a subplot story of finding a tadpole and bringing it back to the toads lol. It features the cast singing as the story is told of meeting after a long time away. I listened through it fully and sometimes multiple times each week. Easily puts a smile on as it plays and the visual story is told.

Ost wise, its good, they are placed accordingly but with nothing too stand out. Not a bad thing and with the way they are used keeps the viewer immersed. Most of the eps are paced and done well enough that the person sits there and questions with `it is already over :sadness:` and that is perfect.

Final Thoughts:

How to simply put it.. we back lol. Great anime and for those who have enjoyed the adventure so far, there is no reason to put off continuing. It’s a pleasure to watch through each episode and witness the interactions and background snippets of the characters and what they are doing.

For those who have not started konosuba yet.. well well, why wait :D

Characters (main) – 5/5

Characters (sub) – 4/5

Enjoyment – 5/5

Visuals – 5/5

Music – 4/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 4/5 Raw: 86%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.