Anime – Kokkoku

Anime Nov 22, 2019


Something that is easily missed is the beginning minute of the anime is linked directly with the end. The ending might seem a odd until it is linked back. The entire anime only spans a single moment in time due to an ability called stasis. When in stasis everything is frozen, as they describe it `It is like being in a single frame of a movie but being able to walk around inside and explore it.`.

It is an interesting show that deals with time but not time travel. Like most villains, the boss has a goal he wants to reach and is willing to do what it takes. He is no necessarily evil, just depends on perspective. His goal is something that could have been went about completely different, but it works this way. It is just strange. There is however, an episode dedicated to his past.

Nearly all questions throughout are answered by the end. It does feel a bit of a wash by the end without the characters growing a lot or changing. There are realizations that some make which is about what one would expect by the end. Nothing too intense or too in depth, everything is pretty straightforward.


The visuals, given its time are relatively basic. They look good most of the time and only a few times that make you go `what were they doing`.  The animation doesn’t blow anything away or stun the viewers, but it is solid.

The music overall is average and accomplishes its job to keep the viewer immersed as they are watching. As for the opening, it’s a great song and for me was probably the highest point of the show. The visuals and song itself for the opening I liked a fair amount.

Sometimes with the sounds, most notably the vending machine scene, have sounds that shouldn’t happen. This doesn’t happen often. What I mean by this is the world is shown to be frozen, yet when the dad put 2 coins in the first one had the sound of dropping through the machine… which wouldn’t be possible. Very minor nitpicking at that point. It isn’t an issue but funny to see to say the least.

Final Thoughts:

Kokkoku is a solid show with a clear beginning and an end. It doesn’t ever try to strive for more than it is wanting to accomplish which I like. As its being watched, exactly what is expected is given and there isn’t much more one could want.

There is a decent amount of violence throughout so for people not wanting to see death or blood, avoid. Most people I think would enjoy watching it.

Characters (main) – 3/5
Characters (sub) – 3/5
Enjoyment – 3.5/5
Visuals – 3/5
Music – 3.5/5
Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 63%



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