Anime – Kami no Tou [TV]

Anime Jul 2, 2020


Kami no Tou ends near as fast as it began. The pacing throughout was steady and covers exams of being able to ascend the tower itself… sort of. There is a bit of a twist nearing the end, one that I think benefits and lays a fair amount of setup for what’s to come. Simply put for the plot though, Bam wants to chase some head or is it a handy, anyways mission success by end [?] heh, debatable.

The tower is something that hasn’t been described too in depth yet, was given an overview for what will happen if a person reaches the top but that’s about it. Some extra details and hints throughout regarding the tower but for the most part is all still a mystery.

Characters throughout were enjoyable and worked well together. They felt different and the interactions and twists that were thrown in throughout had their own merits. Bam has a severe innocence to him which is something that can’t see lasting for too much longer. Even him, there isn’t much said, or background given, lot of mystery which is probably why it was as enjoyable as it was, there is always something more to look forward to as more comes out.


The visuals used a more unique style and I was really enjoying it. The fights and affects with attacks were great, it’s a strange mix of simplistic with detail where it counts. Has more of a cartoonish vibe but heavy emphasis on anime as well. Origin media is manhwa so makes sense that it won’t be a Japanese as content originating from Japan. Also, with Masashi Kudou… doing the character designs, you know it was going to be great. Masashi did the bleach character designs as well and it just hold a special place. Really like the style and direction this man has to say the least lol. There’s a certain standard that he upholds when in action and doesn’t fall short one bit here.

Music was great, there are a wide variety of tracks and are made use of accordingly. The style of the tracks is very good. It could be better in some parts but eh, it’s nearing the point of diminishing returns id say. What is more important is the tracks are used properly and placed accordingly to immerse the viewer more, which was exactly what was done. Silence and OST’s both melded well and worked great. Even the opening and ending, they may not start out as anything special but by the end, they both hold up well and are enjoyable to listen through. All was rounded and pretty solid. Honestly though, when osts are produced by Kevin Penkin, who composed for Made in Abyss, would be hard for them to be bad.

Final Thoughts:

This show has a lot of potential, with what was shown so far it seems to only be the beginning of whats to come. Some shows have the beginning the high point and fizzle down to nothing later on but the opposite is hopefully true here. The ending with the reasoning and setups that had happened seem to be :perfect: . Hell they even had some dnb in there which is a bit of a soft spot I have to say. Hit all the marks and still was sittin there waiting to flex a bit lol.

For those unsure what to watch and want something that will be enjoyable throughout then Kami no Tou is a good choice as it definitely hits the marks but now the wait begins for a hopefully season 2.

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 4/5

Visuals – 4/5

Music – 5/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 73%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.