Anime – Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi [TV - AT-X]

Anime Apr 4, 2021


Our man is an alternative and more *family friendly* Rance. From the green to sword and even the hair, quite similar. Both get what they want one way or another, but each has their own lil quirks. Not to delve into Rance, Keyaru is driven by the simple fact that he is wanting to obtain the feeling of peace that comes from the taste of revenge brought upon those who deserve it the most. Due to the horrors, belittling, abuse, torture, depravity, and well a whole lot more… he has devoted to ensuring those who has treated him in this wrong way are to be given back in full for what they have done. Not in the original world but one that has been rewound and brought back to the beginning, hence the name Redo of Healer.

Each person has their own arc that chuggs along with who is next on the block to get back at. There is quite a clear message of `striving for revenge will leave you in a state of dismay that never fully can heal`. The message shows that getting revenge while satisfying isn’t the full answer nor the solution. Honestly though, given what they have done, fuck em lol. Sure some scenes were brutal ~~cannibalization :eyes:~~ … but they quite deserve a bit of what they handed out to others. Sadly, this is not the same people per se that he has the problem with due to the redo of the world, so the hatred is slightly misplaced. These people have not technically done all these sins to him. Arguments for both sides where he is definitely in the wrong but at the same time is it really wrong given the things that said people have done to him. It’s a question the viewer is left to answer and at times Keyaru questions himself and the motive coming to this realization… but then quickly quenches these thoughts as their personalities haven’t changed and left unchecked without change in this world everything would have been the same.

Its honestly fun and enjoyable to see just how a revenge story unfolds. Most shows would be too scared to truly follow through and go through with it but Redo Healer follows through and that’s what makes the show worthwhile. Gets a bit repetitive but eh, still fun, especially if watching with others.

Most of the main people’s revenge was satisfied this season with one of the main last ones left out to hang on the next season. The last person being one that is simply put going to be a funny one. His persona is quite… unique lol. What was shown for why he needs to be part of Keyarus judgement was something that, along with the others will not be forgiven.


Visuals are pretty decent throughout. It is better than the generic A1 animation they pump out. It isn’t anything special and there are several moments that make a person look and go `wtf how did those frames pass qc`. Doesn’t have that light and fluff color pallet. Has a darker tone that I believe will age better than the generic style has and is. Looking back on ones that take a similar animation style still look good enough years later when comparing. Lot of memeable content… most notably demon lord face end scene :mrclean:. That one has me dyin a bit for a while and immediately snipped the frame due to its perfection of how to showcase the immense and girthy power of whats to come kek.

Music is something left to be desired. Opening is quite generic for this genre but the ending is quite the bop. Listened through it for majority of eps ngl. Osts are the main part that is left to be desired, there is nothing noteworthy but at the same time nothing that is bad or misplaced either. They matched the tone and mood so cant truly ask for much more given the type of show it is.

Final Thoughts:

Honestly, I would recommend this to more people than probably should but it’s a fun watch. Politically correct? Nah, not one bit. If a person gets easily offended then hard pass this as this is a very good capture of what cancel culture would like to get its hands on :yuck: . Lighthearted dark anime with a `revenge is not the answer but damn satisfying without reflecting why` preached throughout.

There is several rape type scenes that can be hard for a decent amount of people along with situations that are simply fucked up. For some godforsaken reason some are trying to compare this show to goblin slayer with its pushing the boundaries… its disgusting to compare them though, entirely different beasts with messages that they are conveying being worlds apart. Sure, they both push the boundaries but one this show is not to be taken anywhere near as serious and could have been told to the same caliber with a majority of it toned down. Goblin Slayer on the other hand, was already toned down and in doing so has lost a fair bit of the impact and meaning behind the scenes ruining some of the topics its conveying to the viewer which is a shame.

As for the memory wipe and name change, some are misunderstanding that he is not wiping their core persona and crafting them into what he wants. He wipes them to a fresh start if that makes sense. As he stated during the show with his surprise at how drastic her views and actions are. They are not what he expected and finds a lot of hypocrisy in it due to what she says compared to what she was. Best way of explaining would be that said girls are wiped of the kingdoms influence. The views they had where not wrong as they were grown up to believe and asserted that this is just how to act. It’s a different spectrum and skew of mental rights and wrongs. In their original eyes, what they did was acceptable, and they could not comprehend their wrongdoings. Its like how people treat insects. We view them as nothing and never once on par with humans, loosely apply this logic to them, royalty and how they view the common folk of the world. It’s a bit interpretive but gets the concept and idea across, I think. Now with those concepts wiped and clean slated, a *pure* and untouched inner self comes out and this is the person we are shown… for the most part. Afterall a newborn generally will only see the first person they experience as their mother. In a way this is essentially the start of multipersona. Where the core persona branches off and is now 2 but with one locked away due to keyaru and the other left to blossom based on *new* experiences where they decide again right and wrongs. It’s a bit complicated and longwinded to go too in-depth as thatd take explaining a lot about human psychic, morals, and other human mental aspects to properly convey lol. The general very broad overview should suffice as its left more interpretive and thought provoking for each to conclude on their own understanding of what has been done. Not the best explanation but should clear some misconceptions people have tried to preach as fact.

Eve and Norn though, hard to say which one takes best girl. Both have their quirks and moments where they edge eachother out. Freia the average, you’ve won type girl, setsuna is an, eh you’ve made it I guess, then Kureha sitting back with that milf energy of DxD Rossweisse where it’s a bit of an acquired taste like wine. Blade though, nah you choose her and you’ve done goofed, there are no wrong answers but somehow found one type of girl.

Honestly though, just go in for the fun of it and enjoy the ride. A fun watch that goes against the grain and for the time is something that was desperately needed. The deepest thing a person will feel through this is knowing that Keyaru can morph and change any part of his body. Just imagine horse, duck, bumps and tucks all at once, a true jack of all trades with a solid reason right there that it only takes once for them to be encapsulated by him :mrclean:

Characters (main) – 3/5

Characters (sub) – 3/5

Enjoyment – 3.5/5

Visuals – 3/5

Music – 3.5/5

Story – 3/5

Overall Ratings - Rec: 3/5 Raw: 63%



Father Moist preaching the Bible of Moist. Enlightening all through fresh written reviews immediately after watching, expanding on if the content is worth while.